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[00:01] <-- BeefEats left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
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[00:13] <grogbot> <Henke37> so, are the keymaps for escape supposed to work? because right now it's all ignored and the game uses the defaults
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[03:43] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/JT2Z9
[03:43] <Scummette> scummvm/master 46a60d4 : I18N: Update translation (Portuguese (Brazil))
[03:51] #scummvm: mode change '+o Endy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[04:12] --> BeefEats joined #scummvm.
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[06:27] <greyfrontier> Hey all, is this or the Discord more active?
[06:28] <-- ldevulder_ left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds
[06:30] <grogbot> <SupSuper> they're both connected
[07:15] <grogbot> <sev> @Gantonio865 you said that some LucasArts employee is releasing sources. Where is that?
[07:17] <-- greyfrontier left irc: Quit: greyfrontier
[07:17] <grogbot> <SupSuper> probably https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-secrets-of-monkey-island-30th-anniversary-livestream-tickets-124486302883
[07:18] <grogbot> <sev> that's not sources
[07:19] <grogbot> <sev> > I thought this was impossible as some lucasarts employee releasing the source code to all scumm games I'm referring to this
[07:19] <grogbot> <SupSuper> supposedly there will be "the game's original source code!" but no idea if it's being released
[07:19] <grogbot> <SupSuper> oh i think that's meant as a negative, i.e. "some lucasarts employee releasing the source code to all scumm games is impossible"
[07:20] <grogbot> <sev> ah, then I misread that 🙂
[07:32] <grogbot> <antoniou79> Related to the Video Game History Foundation, their Source Code Archiving project is quite new. I am unsure exactly how it will work in practice, but (they claim) the goal that the sources would be available to researchers or for educational purposes someday in the future. Perhaps the Q&A session on that livestream on the 30th would clarify some things about it. We want to preserve as much source as we can, and to normalize its
[07:32] <grogbot> educational use. And to get there, we must identify and solve the issues that are preventing this from happening. To that end, weve begun to establish an advisory committee consisting of people not only from the commercial video game industry, but from academia and other non-profit institutions similar to ours. Were also leading by example, producing content that demonstrates the power of video game source material in an historians hands.
[07:32] <grogbot> Weve deconstructed a 16-bit classic, brought a lost game back from the dead, and demonstrated the hidden history found in an unfinished prototype.
[07:33] <grogbot> <antoniou79> https://gamehistory.org/video-game-source-project/
[07:34] --> ldevulder joined #scummvm.
[08:19] <Endy> "Were also proud to announce an event on October 30, celebrating the 30th anniversary of The Secret of Monkey Island by looking through its source material"
[08:19] <Endy> ... where source material is more likely storyboards, original background art, sketches etc
[08:19] <Endy> versus actual code source :)
[08:23] <grogbot> <sev> indeed, not the code
[08:24] <enthusi> hi
[08:24] <enthusi> can anyone recommend a linux c-decompiler (to recompile with GCC :)
[08:25] <grogbot> <sev> enthusi: Ghidra or HexRays under wine
[08:25] <-- cd left irc: Quit: cd
[08:27] <enthusi> thanks, will try that :)
[08:27] <enthusi> trying to avoid QEMU+WINE for a 200kb win binary on ARM architecture
[08:35] <clort> what arm box enthusi ?
[08:36] <enthusi> pine power book
[08:36] <enthusi> but also the jetson board
[08:37] <clort> on a jetson nano right now
[08:37] <clort> having solid opengl is nice
[08:37] <enthusi> hehe, nice. Got the tk and now the tx is my main desktop
[08:37] <enthusi> did some CUDA even
[08:38] <clort> do you have a mainline kernel for it. nvidia's 4.9.140 has missing modules
[08:38] <enthusi> no, Im not even up to date on the desktop Im afraid
[08:39] <enthusi> hm, how do I even launch Ghidra from wine? :)

[08:39] <clort> i haven't done wine on arm
[08:40] <clort> you need something to emulate x86 cpu
[08:40] <grogbot> <SupSuper> ghidra is a java app so it shouldn't need wine
[08:41] <grogbot> <SupSuper> see https://ghidra-sre.org/InstallationGuide.html#Install
[08:43] <enthusi> oops, got the wrong zip then it seems. checking. Thanks
[08:44] <clort> it can be done with exagear. ptitseb has done great work with box86
[08:44] <clort> it translates the windows opengl calls to native system opengl calls
[08:44] <clort> which is pretty amazing, giving windows games decent performance on arm boxen
[08:45] <enthusi> yes, I used exagear and quite early on (dragonboard) and raspi but I wanted to have something quick for this ONE (well, two) small binary :)
[08:46] <clort> would dosbox work?
[08:48] <enthusi> nope
[08:48] <enthusi> win only
[08:48] <clort> gl
[08:49] <enthusi> thanks
[08:49] <enthusi> the help posted and the tar balls I get dont match up somehow
[08:49] <enthusi> https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra/releases
[08:50] <enthusi> ...nd add the JDK's bin directory to your PATH
[08:50] <enthusi> there is no 'bin' ?
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[08:50] <-- BeefEats left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[08:51] <grogbot> <SupSuper> i think those are the source releases. you probably want these: https://ghidra-sre.org/releaseNotes_9.1.2.html
[08:51] <enthusi> those are mere zip not tar.gz though, but I will try
[08:52] <grogbot> <SupSuper> well i checked and they do have a ghidraRun as per the instructions
[08:54] <enthusi> ah, /ghidra-Ghidra_9.1.2_build/Ghidra/RuntimeScripts/Linux
[08:55] <enthusi> getting errors but thats my issue I guess. Thanks!
[08:59] <clort> if you have a more appropriate channel to talk linux-arm stuff i'd like to join it enthusi
[09:02] <enthusi> I'm afraid not but we can open one up :) Im rather short on time now though ;(
[09:04] <clort> i'll lurk in #linux-arm then
[09:05] <clort> i'd rather be alone than around discord users
[09:20] <enthusi> bails out during start on: Error: Could not find or load main class LaunchSupport
[09:20] <enthusi> which seems to happen to some - will have to follow that one up
[09:57] --> Skeleswant joined #scummvm.
[10:13] <grogbot> <antoniou79> Endy: They do have a broader definition for "source code" in that blog entry. Still I've read somewhere that they are looking to archive full source code for games, even early iterations of it or cancelled games, and that they wanted to establish a channel whereby someone in possession of such resources could share them with the foundation without the fear of legal consequences. This last one sounds a bit iffy, and I am not finding
[10:13] <grogbot> a quote for it in the blog entry, so I must have read it elsewhere or listened to some podcast about it, so take it with a grain of salt.
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[14:36] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/JTaG8
[14:36] <Scummette> scummvm/master 52f182e weblate: I18N: Update translation (Dutch)
[14:38] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/JTaGS
[14:38] <Scummette> scummvm/master 86b84d8 sev-: I18N: Update translation (Dutch)
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[17:45] <grogbot> <sirlemonhead> I see NightDive have done a 180 and said they now have to reverse engineer Blade runner from scratch?
[17:45] <grogbot> <Henke37> i seem to have missed all previous discussion on this topic, care to fill me in?
[17:55] <grogbot> <sirlemonhead> was just reading this https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-10-22-replicating-blade-runner-why-the-adventure-game-classic-is-so-tough-to-remaster
[17:56] <grogbot> <madmoose> It's been happening off the main channel. Stephen Kick/NightDive wanted to license our Blade Runner source code for their Enhanced Edition. He said he would pay for it, wouldn't say how much, and ran when we named an extremely reasonable price. Now he's realized that recreating a game without source code or assets is Hard(tm).
[17:57] <grogbot> <sirlemonhead> I know another developer that he tried to trick with a sneakily worded contract that too also told Kick to take a hike
[17:59] <grogbot> <sirlemonhead> their goal was to re-release a game they didn't have the rights to, but would land 100% of blame on this guy if anyone came after them
[18:08] <grogbot> <madmoose> I will have you know it took me some time to find an appropriate emoji.
[18:10] <grogbot> <antoniou79> They did decide to proceed separately from ScummVM and do their own work, when we could not reach an agreement, early this year. Shortly after they announced the remaster. I think they always had some vague plans about improving the visuals, but I don't think there was significant work or research on how hard that would be on its own (even working with our engine code). What was weird of course was the early statements that they had
[18:10] <grogbot> been "painstakingly reverse engineering" the engine for years. And also that they had found subtitles in the source code. I mean, that last one is just false, but even without that, it seems that there was no "painstaking" anything.
[18:10] <grogbot> <thoth> Well that's demoralizing. I've previously had a lot of respect for Night Dive, but this is sketchy.
[18:11] <grogbot> <antoniou79> We really did try to accommodate them as much as we could, and from early on... like in the course of years.
[18:12] <grogbot> <antoniou79> Eg. at the expense of pushing out the engine for testing earlier
[18:12] <grogbot> <antoniou79> anyway...
[18:12] <grogbot> <thoth> Yeaaah that is not ideal.
[18:13] <grogbot> <antoniou79> I think it's disappointing that they could not get EA to share what they have in their vault. It seemed like there could be something there to remaster.
[18:14] <grogbot> <antoniou79> I am unsure what the remaster will now include. I guess we'll still have to wait until more is shown
[18:14] <grogbot> <thoth> Yeah it sounds like what happened with Atari and Blood, where they tried to get somethimg and couldn't.
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[21:32] <grogbot> <Toozie> If there's ever a remaster that could really use the uncompressed assets, it's Blade Runner!
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[21:51] <grogbot> <IlDucci> So it sounds like they bite more than what they can chew, right?
[21:52] <grogbot> <IlDucci> I've been bothering since the remaster came out and this dripfeed of information that NDS would ever attempt to take some data from this project
[21:53] <grogbot> <IlDucci> Heh, I'm surprised they mention audio recordings in the interview
[21:53] <grogbot> <IlDucci> That's the least damaged data there is
[21:53] <grogbot> <IlDucci> Everything's at 22050 kHz, almost lossless (not music-ready like 44100 Hz, I know)
[21:55] <grogbot> <IlDucci> > Kick confirmed Nightdive originally intended to use the code that was reverse engineered by the ScummVM team, but talks collapsed because the studio is targeting multiple platforms for Blade Runner. This is prohibited by the open source agreement, preventing Nightdive from using ScummVM's code. Really?
[21:56] <grogbot> <IlDucci> Well, I'm glad to see ScummVM's point of view in this interview
[21:57] <grogbot> <Henke37> it's the gpl prohibiting linking with closed source libraries
[22:10] <grogbot> <IlDucci> BTW, speaking of licensed releases
[22:10] <grogbot> <IlDucci> I have a minor nitpick with MYST Masterpiece Edition
[22:10] <grogbot> <IlDucci> I don't know who translated the main menu, but the Spanish texts are wrong
[22:11] <grogbot> <IlDucci> So wrong in fact, they use the "J" character, which gets cut in the right spot
[22:11] <grogbot> <IlDucci> So it looks like an "I"
[22:11] <grogbot> <IlDucci> I guess this should have been in offtopic, sorry
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[22:58] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- closed pull request #2551: PLUMBERS: support for 3DO version (master...3do_part1) https://git.io/JT0Bp
[22:58] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/JTaAY
[22:58] <Scummette> scummvm/master f3f0d02 phcoder: IMAGE: Add decoder for CEL 3DO format
[22:58] <Scummette> scummvm/master ce6eb34 phcoder: VIDEO: uplift 3do movie decoder from sherlock engine
[22:58] <Scummette> scummvm/master 3c97ebd phcoder: VIDEO: support multi-track audios in 3DO videos
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[23:22] <grogbot> <sev> @IlDucci We were involved in 25th anniversary edition. Are you referring to that one?
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[23:55] <Scummette> [scummvm] bluegr pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/JTahH
[23:55] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0be765b wjp: SCI: Add support for RGB rendering
[23:55] <Scummette> scummvm/master fd126fb bluegr: SCI: Add GAMEOPTION for RGB rendering
[23:55] <Scummette> scummvm/master f04c4d0 bluegr: NEWS: Mention the SCI RGB mode feature
[00:00] --- Sat Oct 24 2020