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[00:22] <-- SylvainTV left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[00:24] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/fjlia
[00:24] <Scummette> scummvm/master 120ea78 dreammaster: GLK: HUGO: Fix handling of parse errors
[00:28] <dreammaster> What of kind of sick, twisted individual uses true/false exclusively for a C char field, except in one place where they cast what turns out to be a non-boolean value into the field. :P
[01:06] <SupSuper> dreammaster: sounds like a programmer :P
[01:08] <dreammaster> Heh. On calmer reflection, I realized the original programmer likely started off with it as a boolean, but had to add a third state "end of parsing" of 2. And didn't feel the need to change the existing true/falses. Which wasn't a problem since C didn't have a proper bool type anyway.
[01:39] --> DominusExult joined #scummvm.
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[01:42] <-- Dominus left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds
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[01:43] <-- phyber left irc: Quit: .
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[01:52] <SupSuper> is this what it's like when the abyss stares back at you: https://i.imgur.com/zjdLzAG.png
[01:53] <SupSuper> i just wanna find out what makes animations tick and in the process have identified 30 different variables for them. starting to run out of names
[01:54] <dreammaster> I've always been a big fan of "wibbly". How about "roomAnimWibbly"? ;)
[02:01] <SupSuper> just for you i added some wibbly's: https://i.imgur.com/BKb4ijc.png
[02:02] <dreammaster> Bonza mate! :)
[02:28] <-- peterkohaut left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[02:34] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fjlPh
[02:34] <Scummette> scummvm/master 84bd8c6 dreammaster: GLK: HUGO: Move savegame code
[02:34] <Scummette> scummvm/master 68ef5eb dreammaster: GLK: HUGO: Fix reading savegame serial
[02:58] <-- Deledrius left irc: Quit: App.Exit
[03:06] --> Deledrius joined #scummvm.
[03:12] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/fjlXt
[03:12] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0325c93 dreammaster: GLK: HUGO: Support loading savegames from launcher
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[03:19] <SupSuper> are there any good examples on writing a script interpreter for an engine?
[03:37] --> Littleboy joined #scummvm.
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[05:41] <-- SupSuper left irc: Quit: Rip
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[07:08] <Praetorian|str> good morning!
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[07:26] <Scummette> [scummvm] lotharsm closed pull request #1626: GUI: Add dark mouse cursor based on the "Adwaita" theme from GNOME.org (master...adwaita-cursor) https://git.io/fjWma
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[12:29] <Praetorian|str> mataniko, are you here?
[12:30] <Praetorian|str> or if anyone else knows, what is the process of adding a modal dialogue message to the weblate for a particular engine?
[12:31] <mataniko> Praetorian|str: I'm around, what do you need exactly?
[12:31] <mataniko> you just want to add a translation string?
[12:32] <mataniko> Weblate pulls from a repo and can handle a whole wide of formats
[12:32] <mataniko> it's overkill for just 1 message tho
[12:33] <Praetorian|str> It's 3 messages that are in English, and currently are just strings without any formatters
[12:33] <Praetorian|str> But they are in ScummVM's modal MessageDialog
[12:34] <Praetorian|str> and if not localized they will always appear in English
[12:34] <Praetorian|str> This is for the Bladerunner engine by the way
[12:35] <Praetorian|str> So, it's not super-high priority, but it'd be good to know how and if we handle this kind of cases
[12:37] <mataniko> Oh if it's in ScummVM then it should be in the PO files
[12:37] <mataniko> and weblate will update automatically with the new strings
[12:37] <mataniko> we use gettext for translation
[12:39] <mataniko> look at this for example: https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blob/0325c9315cdeb30d2124fbb9dcc3c36687d34da8/gui/unknown-game-dialog.cpp#L49
[12:39] <mataniko> _("string")
[12:40] <mataniko> and msgid "Cancel"
[12:40] <mataniko> https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blob/0325c9315cdeb30d2124fbb9dcc3c36687d34da8/po/scummvm.pot#L74
[12:40] <mataniko> sorry https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blob/0325c9315cdeb30d2124fbb9dcc3c36687d34da8/po/scummvm.pot#L534
[12:41] <mataniko> for _("Close")
[12:41] <mataniko> if you surround your strings with _() and run gettext it should update the pot file
[12:41] <mataniko> and then picked up by weblate
[12:42] <Praetorian|str> Hm, that seems to be exactly what I was looking for
[12:43] <Praetorian|str> Thank you
[12:45] <mataniko> and you can update it with "make updatepot" i believe
[12:45] <mataniko> or make update-translations
[12:45] <mataniko> https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=HOWTO-Translate_ScummVM_GUI
[12:45] <mataniko> unclear from the wiki
[13:02] <criezy|Work> Praetorian|str: the wiki page you are looking for is actually this one: https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=Supporting_GUI_Translation
[13:02] <criezy|Work> The other one is for translators.
[13:02] <criezy|Work> There are basically two things you need to do:
[13:02] <criezy|Work> 1. As mataniko wrote you need to use a marker such as _() to mark the string as one that should be translated (see link above).
[13:03] <criezy|Work> 2. You need to make sure that the file is listed in the POTFILES file.
[13:04] <criezy|Work> For engines there is one POTFILES at the root of each engine that contains string to translates.
[13:04] <criezy|Work> For other code it is in po/POTFILES
[13:05] <Praetorian|str> hm I think I'll have to create one for bladerunner. We don't have one yet
[13:05] <Praetorian|str> But the process seems easy enough
[13:05] <Praetorian|str> thank you too
[13:05] <criezy|Work> Yes, if you don't have one already just create a new one and it should be picked up automatically.
[13:09] <criezy|Work> And by the way you don't need to run gettext.
[13:09] <criezy|Work> If you wanted to update the pot file you would run 'make updatepot', but weblate should do it automatically.
[13:10] <Praetorian|str> ok, I'll give it a shot
[13:31] <Scummette> [scummvm] antoniou79 pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/fjlQ1
[13:46] <Scummette> scummvm/master db352ff antoniou79: BLADERUNNER: Add POTFILES and encapsulate message strings
[13:46] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/fjl7L
[13:46] <Scummette> scummvm/master e2ca33f SupSuper: I18N: Update translation (Portuguese (Portugal))
[14:27] <criezy|Work> mataniko: do you have any idea why the weblate addon that is supposed to update the pot file often doesn't work (but sometimes does)?
[14:28] <criezy|Work> I remember I tried to look at the log file on the server a while back but could not find anything relevant.
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[15:09] <Scummette> [scummvm] athrxx pushed 1 new commits to master: https://git.io/fjldI
[15:09] <Scummette> scummvm/master 1e412ec athrxx: KYRA: update potfiles
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[17:08] <madmoose> Hallo
[17:10] --> m_kiewitz joined #scummvm.
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[17:11] <m_kiewitz> Humble Bundle: giving away Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition
[17:11] <m_kiewitz> https://www.humblebundle.com/store/guacamelee-super-turbo-championship-edition
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[17:50] <CTxCB> m_kiewitz: Did you get my previous memo? Also, there's a public server available now.
[17:50] <m_kiewitz> haven't read it yet, will hopefully do this weekend.
[17:50] <m_kiewitz> great about that public server.
[17:51] <m_kiewitz> I looked into the interpreter, it's definitely based on SCI, but quite a lot isn't where it should be.
[17:51] <CTxCB> Deledrius: You were asking for a link... http://innbarn.com/
[17:51] <m_kiewitz> and there has been some change to the resource file format.
[17:54] <CTxCB> I do need to pop off again now. But if either of you want to try out the sever, the details are on that website for how to.
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[19:50] <Deledrius> Oh, that's the same MS Word-exported webpage from Facebook I saw. Not a lot of info. :/
[19:50] <Deledrius> Just some mysterious files.
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[21:21] <m_kiewitz> Stories Untold - FREE on Epic Games Store
[21:21] <m_kiewitz> https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/stories-untold/home
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[23:31] <mataniko> also guacamelle on humble bundle
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[00:00] --- Fri May 17 2019