[01:42] gsi_ (~gsi@dynamic-077-179-074-135.77.179.pool.telefonica.de) joined #scummvm. [01:45] gsi (~gsi@dynamic-077-181-141-092.77.181.pool.telefonica.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [01:51] speachy (~speachy@hurricane.shaftnet.org) joined #scummvm. [01:51] speachy (~speachy@hurricane.shaftnet.org) left irc: Changing host [01:51] speachy (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) joined #scummvm. [01:55] DominusExult (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) joined #scummvm. [01:57] Dominus (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [01:57] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus [05:39] cYmen_ (~simon@squint.a-oben.org) left irc: Quit: bye [05:40] cYmen_ (~simon@squint.a-oben.org) joined #scummvm. [06:02] [discord] IIRC it works only in 3D. I didn't see this flag checked in OpenGL backend for example, only OpenGL 3D [06:16] bgKb (~arch@scummvm/bgK) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [06:16] bgK (~arch@scummvm/bgK) joined #scummvm. [06:16] #scummvm: mode change '+o bgK' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [06:18] [scummvm] neuromancer pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/wocdJT [06:18] scummvm/master 4b80bb6 neuromancer: FREESCAPE: correctly handle transition to and from the light side pole in dark [06:24] [discord] Resolution aside, there are a few config parameters that you can add/change (in the scummvm.ini entry for the game) for the GLK engine, but those are not documented as far as I know, at least on our wiki. I remember being able to change background and foreground colors, and text color, font and size, but it was not apparent, especially for font parameters which key corresponded to which font or if it was used at all by a game. Zork [06:25] [discord] That was (based on my current scummvm.ini) adding: `tfont_8=monor` [06:27] [discord] `monob` value would use a bold variant of the font. And there's the `monospace` key (eg. `monosize=18`) that can set the size for that font [06:28] [discord] But these would not affect the text descriptions. [06:40] ldevulder (~ldevulder@2a01:e0a:4f3:5890:ce2d:e0ff:fe68:3ff5) joined #scummvm. [06:46] sev (~sev@static-91-225-132-66.devs.futuro.pl) joined #scummvm. [06:46] sev (~sev@static-91-225-132-66.devs.futuro.pl) left irc: Changing host [06:46] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [06:46] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [06:56] borosky (~borosky@ joined #scummvm. [07:42] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [07:50] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [07:50] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [07:52] sev (~sev@static-91-225-132-66.devs.futuro.pl) joined #scummvm. [07:52] sev (~sev@static-91-225-132-66.devs.futuro.pl) left irc: Changing host [07:52] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [07:52] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [07:56] dreammaster - Maybe not just mathematicians. We were taught about imaginary numbers in both Middle School and High School here. Of course, I'm sure most students ignored those lessons at least as much as the ones they ignored in all of their other classes. ;) [07:57] Deledrius (~Deledrius@user/deledrius) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [08:01] Deledrius (~Deledrius@user/deledrius) joined #scummvm. [08:39] [scummvm] grisenti pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/pngAxl [08:39] scummvm/master 05a7097 grisenti: DEVTOOLS: Add license and usage to gdb pretty printers [09:20] [scummvm] AndywinXp opened pull request #5332: SWORD1: Rewrite main menu code (master...sword1menu) https://is.gd/6bAMII [09:28] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [09:49] [discord] `monob` value would use a bold variant of the font. And there's the `monosize` key (eg. `monosize=18`) that can set the size for that font (edited) [12:15] reset (~reset@user/reset) left irc: Quit: reset [12:20] reset (~reset@user/reset) joined #scummvm. [12:21] Smedles (~quassel@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [12:22] Smedles (~quassel@218-215-61-148.sta.wbroadband.net.au) joined #scummvm. [12:24] donek (~donek@ left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [12:26] donek (~donek@2a00:f41:1cab:c1d7:f4bf:af29:9641:ff5) joined #scummvm. [12:48] speachy (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) left irc: Quit: WeeChat 4.0.4 [13:09] speachy (~speachy@hurricane.shaftnet.org) joined #scummvm. [13:09] speachy (~speachy@hurricane.shaftnet.org) left irc: Changing host [13:09] speachy (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) joined #scummvm. [13:18] reset (~reset@user/reset) left irc: Quit: reset [13:47] JamminUnit (~JU@user/JamminUnit) left irc: Quit: leaving [13:49] JamminUnit (~JU@user/JamminUnit) joined #scummvm. [13:55] reset (~reset@user/reset) joined #scummvm. [14:05] donek (~donek@2a00:f41:1cab:c1d7:f4bf:af29:9641:ff5) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [14:06] donek (~donek@ joined #scummvm. [15:39] [discord] A video from mysterium about the new Riven. [16:03] [discord] It gets interesting from the 38th minute mark. [16:23] ny00123 (~ny00123@2a0d:6fc2:5ac1:4900:e0e9:ffc7:f85:4e0e) joined #scummvm. [17:59] sev (~sev@static-91-225-132-66.devs.futuro.pl) joined #scummvm. [17:59] sev (~sev@static-91-225-132-66.devs.futuro.pl) left irc: Changing host [17:59] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [17:59] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [19:43] phyber (phyber@user/phyber) left irc: Server closed connection [19:44] phyber (phyber@user/phyber) joined #scummvm. [20:02] [scummvm] AndywinXp closed pull request #5327: SCUMM: Make subtitle color change optional (master...freddi4_opt) https://is.gd/10JkYO [20:02] [scummvm] AndywinXp pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/bZ6I8B [20:02] scummvm/master db03ce2 BLooperZ: SCUMM: Make subtitle color change optional [20:20] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [20:35] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [20:37] [scummvm] AndywinXp pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/lJqssT [20:37] scummvm/master f0094e7 AndywinXp: SCUMM: Attempt at fixing #14616 [20:50] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [20:50] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [20:55] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [21:33] ny00123 (~ny00123@2a0d:6fc2:5ac1:4900:e0e9:ffc7:f85:4e0e) left irc: Quit: Leaving [21:51] balrog (znc@user/balrog) left irc: Quit: Bye [21:52] gsi_ (~gsi@dynamic-077-179-074-135.77.179.pool.telefonica.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [21:54] gsi (~gsi@dynamic-077-179-112-082.77.179.pool.telefonica.de) joined #scummvm. [21:55] balrog (znc@user/balrog) joined #scummvm. [22:25] borosky (~borosky@ left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds [22:39] [scummvm] OMGPizzaGuy pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/5OGHWb [22:39] scummvm/master 31172f1 OMGPizzaGuy: ULTIMA8: Merge shape paint blending functions. [23:16] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [23:16] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [00:00] --- Thu Sep 14 2023