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[01:04] <-- sev left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep
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[01:54] --> DominusExult joined #scummvm.
[01:57] <-- Dominus left irc: Ping timeout: 256 seconds
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[05:00] <ScummBot> Build [#925](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/159/builds/925) of `daily-master` completed successfully.
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[10:17] <-- AtleoS left irc: Quit: AtleoS
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[14:53] <Scummette> [scummvm] sluicebox pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/tYb3Bu
[14:53] <Scummette> scummvm/master 27e339c sluicebox: SCI32: Remove unused SCI3 big endian handling
[15:38] --> ny00123 joined #scummvm.
[17:21] <-- ccawley2011 left irc: Ping timeout: 256 seconds
[17:23] <grogbot> [discord] <WindowsTV> Alright friends big question, Apple has made retro game emulators allowed on their App Store. Would we ever see a ScummVM application downloadable from the iOS App Store?
[17:24] <grogbot> [discord] <purplemoustache> https://apps.apple.com/us/app/scummvm/id6446184412
[17:24] <grogbot> [discord] <purplemoustache> Since February
[17:24] <grogbot> [discord] <WindowsTV> Oh
[17:24] <grogbot> [discord] <WindowsTV> :SamDislike: Well now I feel silly
[17:25] <grogbot> [discord] <WindowsTV> :SamDislike: Well now I feel silly 😅 (edited)
[17:29] <grogbot> [discord] <purplemoustache> Runs like a dream on my M2 12.9 4:3 iPad Pro
[17:29] <grogbot> [discord] <purplemoustache> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1228034257902108813/image0.jpg?ex=662a9306&is=66181e06&hm=ba12f617cee576870d02dd3647afb096ddc062d0d6e9cd1e8a9f50808bd4a126&
[17:32] <grogbot> [discord] <WindowsTV> Oh that is a beautiful sight :LutherToHappy:
[17:42] --> ccawley2011 joined #scummvm.
[17:42] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[18:11] <grogbot> [discord] <criezy> I am not sure the change to the Apple App Store guidelines would apply to ScummVM as it explicitly indicates "retro game **console** emulator apps". While we do support some games that were released on consoles, most of the games we support were primarily for computers.
[18:11] <grogbot> [discord] <criezy> But fortunately ScummVM is not an emulator 😉 As it is a port of the game engines to modern (and not so modern) platforms, replacing the original game executable, that means the executable code is fully included in the app, and we do not download or run external executable code, which is what the guidelines seem to forbid (with a few exceptions, such as educational apps).
[18:11] <-- sev left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep
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[18:35] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[19:07] <grogbot> [discord] <plantedwave5190> I know that the Wii port of ScummVM supports USB keyboards, and I noticed that even the officially licensed Logitech keyboard made for the Wii is supported!
[19:37] <-- L555BAT left irc: Quit: ZNC - https://znc.in
[20:08] --> L555BAT joined #scummvm.
[20:19] <Scummette> [scummvm] scemino pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/3AMN0Z
[20:19] <Scummette> scummvm/master 5af5765 scemino: TWP: Fix Copy-paste error in clipper.
[20:36] <-- Dominus left irc: Quit: Oh no... znc died
[21:06] <-- borosky left irc:
[21:31] --> AtleoS joined #scummvm.
[21:37] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> Hm is there a reason why Rex Nebular does not play sound via MT-32 in ScummVM?
[21:37] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> It is supported in the installer and munt also plays it with dosbox
[21:37] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1228096620651089941/grafik.png?ex=662acd1b&is=6618581b&hm=5e2c30cd80fcf732910f730efeb0abecb43eb30f0ab3ec577908209de1c69383&
[21:37] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1228096620944556124/grafik.png?ex=662acd1b&is=6618581b&hm=1b365c021f50dafbb0f35bb695a725dfd3c84c1f10bcfb6ae11ed7995160bb4d&
[21:46] <grogbot> [discord] <dreammaster> Complexity and lack of interest. The MADS engine went through several iterations before it was finally implemented, and it's sound manager is particularly complicated because it uses a custom format. I think it was a miracle I was even able to get basic Adlib playback implemented. See here for just some of the code that was needed:
[21:46] <grogbot> [discord] <dreammaster> https://github.com/scummvm/scummvm/blob/master/engines/mads/nebular/sound_nebular.cpp
[21:47] <grogbot> [discord] <dreammaster> Of course, as with the recent addition of MT32 support for the Might & Magic Xeen games by an interested developer, it's always possible someone might eventually be interested in tackling it.
[21:48] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> Holy moly that is crazy
[21:48] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> must have been a nightmare to reverse engineer it
[21:51] <grogbot> [discord] <dreammaster> It was. As I said, the current MADS engine is actually the result of the third? time the engine was worked on, the first being about 20 years ago at this point. The first two attempts didn't get very far and were abandoned. Including the fact that all the game logic was hardcoded. It took some dogged persistance to see it finally get implemented.
[21:51] <grogbot> [discord] <codengine_de> Got it. Thanks for the clarification (could have been a bug, you know 🙂
[21:53] <grogbot> [discord] <dreammaster> No problem. It doesn't hurt to be sure.
[22:07] --> Dominus joined #scummvm.
[22:41] <grogbot> [discord] <dreammaster> "Dogged persistance" sounds so much better than "sheer bloody-mindedness". 😄
[22:54] <-- ccawley2011 left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[23:12] <-- L555BAT left irc: Quit: bye
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[23:42] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/JvgHT4
[23:42] <Scummette> scummvm/master 56fdb8d Timpii: I18N: Update translation (Finnish)
[00:00] --- Fri Apr 12 2024