[00:07] cihancan (~cian@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [00:30] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [01:01] [scummvm] sluicebox pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/EV7Ayg [01:01] scummvm/master 046356c sluicebox: SCI: Convert LSL1 polygon workaround to script patch [01:14] digitall (~digitall@scummvm/digitall) joined #scummvm. [01:14] #scummvm: mode change '+o digitall' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [01:15] sluicebox: Are you around? I have a regression bug / issue with SCI, specifically "Jones in the Fast Lane" with the latest master [01:16] It looks like a bug where the preview pictures on each of the game board locations just cycle round all the items, rather than show the item which the mouse is over. [01:16] I think this was introduced a while back... bisecting at the moment, but it is tricky. [01:17] 30fad94e9a768d67287906c15386ae212af8fbac removed the warnings of invalid temp accesses, but I think that and removal of some of the speed limiting code made this very visible recently. [01:18] Will open a bug when I manage to pin down the regression point.. but thought I should give you a headsup if you want to look at the script code to see if you can see why. [01:18] ttfn. Very late here. [01:18] digitall (digitall@scummvm/digitall) left #scummvm (Leaving). [02:38] gsi (~gsi@dynamic-077-180-119-042.77.180.pool.telefonica.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [02:39] gsi (~gsi@dynamic-077-190-177-172.77.190.pool.telefonica.de) joined #scummvm. [02:55] DominusExult (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) joined #scummvm. [02:57] Dominus (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [02:57] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus [03:40] [scummvm] OMGPizzaGuy pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/8UD5Fc [03:40] scummvm/master 2851bd0 OMGPizzaGuy: ULTIMA8: Cleanup use of random number generation [05:16] [discord] @sev Reviewed the three demos. Both Clouds and Dark SIde demos are slide-shows only, no actual gameplay. So they can't be supported in ScummVM unless someone implements the slideshow logic of each. As for the WOX demo, I couldn't get that to run at all in DosBox, since it complains there's no CD/mscdex.exe present. But the filesize of the .cc file seems indicative that it's likely a slideshow as well. [05:17] [discord] Plus WOX is basically the combination of the two games .cc files, so with only the one .cc file, it also lends credence that it's a simple slideshow demo [05:48] reset (~reset@user/reset) left irc: Quit: reset [05:55] [discord] For what it's worth, the WOX demo complained about not having the demo disc in the drive even with a CD mounted, so much for it being shareware... [06:37] cihancan (~cian@ joined #scummvm. [07:09] cihancan (~cian@ left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [07:11] cihancan (~cian@ joined #scummvm. [07:42] TMM_ (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere. [07:42] TMM_ (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) joined #scummvm. [08:23] Sylvain (~SylvainTV@2a01cb0c00cc1d00fac565b7522d3512.ipv6.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [09:06] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [09:06] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [09:08] Dominus (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [09:08] Dominus (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) joined #scummvm. [09:30] sev (~sev@dhcp-089-099-212-125.chello.nl) joined #scummvm. [09:30] sev (~sev@dhcp-089-099-212-125.chello.nl) left irc: Changing host [09:30] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [09:30] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [09:50] ldevulder (~ldevulder@2a01:e0a:4f3:5890:ce2d:e0ff:fe68:3ff5) left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [10:07] ldevulder (~ldevulder@ joined #scummvm. [10:14] [discord] @gu3 New Wetlands demo, from Might and Magic Trilogy [10:48] [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/pth6wY [10:48] scummvm/master 5b9860f IlDucci: I18N: Update translation (Spanish) [10:49] [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/jYMCQy [10:49] scummvm/master 611efe9 IlDucci: I18N: Update translation (Spanish) [10:59] [discord] Awesome!, do you have a date to document this demo in the detection table? (e.g. December 1995) [11:02] [discord] The CD appears to have a final date of 16th November 1995 [11:05] [discord] @sluicebox HLing you about digitall question on IRC side [12:58] ccawley2011_ (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [12:58] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011_' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [13:02] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [13:11] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [13:15] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [13:15] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [13:17] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Client Quit [13:17] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [13:17] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [13:20] [discord] I think this is the most complete demo version so far. It says "Demo 2.0" and includes a few more videos than the other ones. I restored the available content to allow users to play it from the demo files (e.g. missing videos, menus, extended levels, etc) [13:40] ccawley2011_ (~ccawley20@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [13:57] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [13:58] sev (~sev@dhcp-089-099-212-125.chello.nl) joined #scummvm. [13:58] sev (~sev@dhcp-089-099-212-125.chello.nl) left irc: Changing host [13:58] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [13:58] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [14:01] borosky (~borosky@ left irc: [15:57] borosky (~borosky@ joined #scummvm. [16:25] digitall (~digitall@scummvm/digitall) joined #scummvm. [16:25] #scummvm: mode change '+o digitall' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [16:27] @sluicebox: ping? [16:41] digitall (digitall@scummvm/digitall) left #scummvm (Leaving). [16:56] ny00123 (~ny00123@2a0d:6fc2:6620:2700:bc14:3a4b:cb0d:8aa5) joined #scummvm. [17:20] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [17:21] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [17:21] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [17:24] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Client Quit [17:24] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [17:24] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [17:32] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [17:38] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [17:38] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [17:42] [scummvm] sev- pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/4bAlFI [17:42] scummvm/master 39b7925 sluicebox: AD: Allow engines to prefer fallback detection [17:42] scummvm/master 4e4c184 sluicebox: SCI: Prefer fallback detection for unknown variants [17:42] [scummvm] sev- closed pull request #4604: AD: Allow engines to prefer fallback detection (master...fallback) https://is.gd/dEGi7J [17:57] [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/wmurGR [17:57] scummvm/master d3f9ddc sev-: AD: Move canPlayUnknownVariants() override to a flag. [17:58] [discord] @sluicebox pinging you for digitall [18:44] TMM_ (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere. [18:44] TMM_ (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) joined #scummvm. [20:09] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [20:09] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [20:42] chraist (~chraist@user/chraist) joined #scummvm. [20:52] chraist (~chraist@user/chraist) left irc: Quit: Leaving [20:58] [scummvm] grisenti pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/ZgWRQ1 [20:58] scummvm/master bf099a6 grisenti: HPL1: replace logging for script engine [21:01] cihancan (~cian@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [21:02] cihancan (~cian@ joined #scummvm. [21:06] cihancan (~cian@ left irc: Client Quit [21:07] cihancan (~cian@ joined #scummvm. [21:16] [scummvm] einstein95 opened pull request #4606: DEVTOOLS: dumper-companion.py: better handle removing null bytes from partition type (master...dumper_companion) https://is.gd/qV6OKy [21:30] [scummvm] lotharsm pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/2ZufCT [21:30] scummvm/master 09800b7 lotharsm: HPL1: Update credits [21:30] scummvm/master fe0ec0f lotharsm: CREDITS: Add the seal [21:47] cihancan (~cian@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [21:50] [scummvm] grisenti pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/XGHL80 [21:50] scummvm/master 873d283 grisenti: HPL1: fix removal of player collide scripts [21:51] palasso (~palasso@user/palasso) joined #scummvm. [22:41] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [22:54] palasso (~palasso@user/palasso) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [23:20] ny00123 (~ny00123@2a0d:6fc2:6620:2700:bc14:3a4b:cb0d:8aa5) left irc: Quit: Leaving [23:29] [scummvm] OMGPizzaGuy pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/QpoKva [23:29] scummvm/master 1b05f7e OMGPizzaGuy: ULTIMA8: Fix check for item animation on type 4 [00:00] --- Tue Jan 10 2023