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[00:03] <-- _sev left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep
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[05:03] <ScummBot> Build [#706](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/159/builds/706) of `daily-master` completed successfully.
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[08:31] <Scummette> [scummvm] mduggan pushed 3 new commits to master: https://is.gd/rmkxuh
[08:31] <Scummette> scummvm/master 78762a2 mduggan: TETRAEDGE: Improve deletion order of game sounds
[08:31] <Scummette> scummvm/master e01f0a1 mduggan: TETRAEDGE: Clean right side of textures if they are non-power-2 size
[08:31] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0a42f63 mduggan: TETRAEDGE: Disable workaround for texture edges
[08:31] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/I7DB4J
[08:31] <Scummette> scummvm/master 7040d30 : I18N: Update translation files
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[11:40] <grogbot_> [discord] <aeryl> 🤔 GOG already had the MacOS versions of Syberia and Syberia II. is there anything special about the Zoom releases other than that they come pre-bundled with ScummVM?
[11:42] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> I habe syberia 1&2 from gog. But I couldnt find the mac download. Can you give me a hint where is the gog mac dl button ? 👍
[11:43] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> I have syberia 1&2 from gog. But I couldnt find the mac download. Can you give me a hint where is the gog mac dl button ? 👍 (edited)
[11:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <aeryl> there's a dropdown in the Galaxy client. should be one on the website, too
[11:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <aeryl> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148584636151234632/image.png
[11:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <aeryl> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148585589424271371/image.png
[11:54] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Thx 👍👍
[11:55] <grogbot_> [discord] <gu3> I think Zoom provides support to that version using scummvm, while in GOG, you need to use the original one.
[12:06] <grogbot_> [discord] <criezy> The version on GOG indeed comes with the original executable, but you can use it with ScummVM (and need to if you are on any recent macOS version, or on a different system). I don't have the version on ZOOM, but I am guessing it is the same one, just a little bit more convenient as it comes with ScummVM already.
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[13:35] --> ced117 joined #scummvm.
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[15:30] <-- Deledrius__ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
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[16:12] <Scummette> [scummvm] Deledrius opened pull request #5313: TETRAEDGE: Fix missing scene object textures. (master...syberia_texture_fix) https://is.gd/Tab3gs
[16:14] <Deledrius> I'm guessing that the entire path-searching code is in need of a refactor, based on some of the comments, but this is at least a minor change that fixes the existing issue.
[16:17] <Deledrius> The Path object isn't parsing the separators correctly (at least on Windows) without being given an explicit hint, but FSNode navigates it fine, so deferring to it seemed the simplest way to fix it without unraveling more code.
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[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Syberia:
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> - when I quit the game (full screen) then my screen stays black. Another ESC quits scummvm?
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> - Is there any scaling implemented? Used dgVoodooCpl some time ago on the pc version.
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Win1064 / scummvm 2.8.0 / 03.09.2023
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Syberia:
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> - when I quit the game (full screen) then my screen stays black. Another ESC quits scummvm?
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> - Is there any scaling implemented? Used dgVoodooCpl some time ago on the pc version.
[17:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Win10x64 / scummvm 2.8.0 / 03.09.2023 (edited)
[17:13] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> no there is a scaling - I'm looking into it (what prevens a scaling)
[17:16] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Don't know if this is intended - left = no scaling / right = scaling
[17:16] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148667898810859631/image.png
[17:17] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> no there is a scaling - I'm looking into it (what prevents a scaling) (edited)
[17:23] <grogbot_> [discord] <sev____> Scaling is not working for 3d games
[17:24] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> ^^ sad - maybe we could disable the scaling options for this games ?
[17:24] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> thx
[17:27] <grogbot_> [discord] <ccawley2011> It is possible to use most of the standard scaling options with TinyGL, just not with either of the OpenGL renderers.
[17:29] <grogbot_> [discord] <ccawley2011> Stretch modes should be quite easy to support with OpenGL though (and might already work for Grim Fandango since that doesn't support arbitrary resolutions) - it'll just be necessary to expose the actual position of the game screen to the engine so it can be used for determining the viewport.
[17:31] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> that sounds n1 :-). With the current version you will have either a small game screen with large black borders (left version) or an unscaled full screen game 🙂 (right version).
[17:31] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> BTW can anyone confirm the black screen after leaving the full screen syberia?
[17:48] <-- ccawley2011 left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[18:08] <-- reset left irc: Quit: reset
[18:14] <grogbot_> [discord] <antoniou79> Is this for the first Syberia? I cannot confirm, testing on Windows with latest ScummVM from master (development version)
[18:17] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> yes syberia 1 - full screen after exit my screen stays black
[18:17] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> I will try the latest daily
[18:19] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Yes git-03.09 -> black window
[18:19] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> git 05.09 -> works fine 😦
[18:19] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> sry
[18:22] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Yes git-03.09 -> black window
[18:22] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> git 05.09 -> works fine sometimes (trying tind when and when not) (edited)
[18:22] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> Yes git-03.09 -> black window
[18:22] <grogbot_> [discord] <gandalfth3wh1t3> git 05.09 -> works fine sometimes (trying to find out when and when not) (edited)
[18:35] <Scummette> [scummvm] eriktorbjorn pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/e3XlCs
[18:35] <Scummette> scummvm/master c4b4dcf : SCUMM: Fix crash when loading Mac Loom savegames
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[00:00] --- Wed Sep 6 2023