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[00:40] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/D4grAy
[00:40] <Scummette> scummvm/master 8e89d9f VAN-Gluon: I18N: Update translation (Japanese)
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[02:51] <Scummette> [scummvm] spleen1981 pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/u9NjWk
[02:51] <Scummette> scummvm/master b71a980 spleen1981: LIBRETRO: add libretro timer
[02:51] <Scummette> scummvm/master b84bc71 spleen1981: LIBRETRO: rework delayMillis
[02:51] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/vdOjVH
[02:51] <Scummette> scummvm/master bb96f82 : I18N: Update translation files
[02:53] <grogbot> [discord] <Steampunk360> Fell asleep as soon as I got back from docs. Just bought and downloaded the goblins pack from gog and those files produce the same issue. I was hoping I hecked up a file on the virtual machine.
[02:58] <grogbot> [discord] <Steampunk360> I am starting to really think it has to be how the miyoo is handling the scummvm and not how the scummvm is handling the game.
[04:53] <ScummBot> Build [#582](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#builders/159/builds/582) of `daily-master` completed successfully.
[05:26] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/Ay7P60
[05:26] <Scummette> scummvm/master 9dbfee1 : I18N: Update translation (French)
[06:40] <grogbot> [discord] <exmensa> Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Robin Hood's Games of Skill and Chance (cnick-longbow) is typo'd as 'Game of' rather than 'Games of'. I checked the title screen just to be sure, 'Games' is correct
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[07:16] <Scummette> [scummvm] antoniou79 pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/ZADgez
[07:16] <Scummette> scummvm/master b60f967 antoniou79: BLADERUNNER: Don't spare Zuben if he hits McCoy
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[09:07] <grogbot> [discord] <sev> Something tells me, that the problem is with timer
[09:08] <grogbot> [discord] <sev> e.g. it somehow produces shorter lengths. Perhaps, it is 60 Hz vs 50 Hz issue
[09:14] <grogbot> [discord] <Steampunk360> From the device I am seeing it run a pretty stable 57-60 fps. There are midi and global controls I can mess with but I am too potato to know what I am doing. I may watch a tutorial on it. Worst case though I can still play and enjoy the games. Just without a few words
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[09:30] <grogbot> [discord] <sev> @Steampunk360 it has nothing to do with FPS
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[12:07] <Scummette> [scummvm] antoniou79 pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/VxHbx8
[12:07] <Scummette> scummvm/master d0f77bb antoniou79: BLADERUNNER: Fix glitch in CT01 mainloop
[12:10] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/SbJCJ3
[12:10] <Scummette> scummvm/master ffa5218 tag2015: I18N: Update translation (Italian)
[13:12] <Scummette> [scummvm] CrystalBen opened pull request #4979: GOB: Added a new German version of Adi 2 (master...CrystalBen-adi2-german) https://is.gd/iNkujO
[13:26] <Scummette> [scummvm] CrystalBen opened pull request #4980: GOB: added a German version of Gobliins 2 (master...CrystalBen-gob2-german) https://is.gd/DljqNz
[13:32] <Scummette> [scummvm] tag2015 pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/HONmuS
[13:32] <Scummette> scummvm/master 336d486 tag2015: AGS: Add a couple new detection entries
[13:59] <Scummette> [scummvm] elasota pushed 3 new commits to master: https://is.gd/qXj94U
[13:59] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0c1eeab elasota: VCRUISE: Fix compass in Schizm. Fix dragging a click off of an in-game menu button below the menu bar registering as clicking it.
[13:59] <Scummette> scummvm/master 921702e elasota: VCRUISE: Add SpeechTest opcode.
[13:59] <Scummette> scummvm/master 6093531 elasota: VCRUISE: Use Schizm.ini to detect start configs and CD version
[13:59] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/zuAkty
[13:59] <Scummette> scummvm/master f825f29 : I18N: Update translations templates
[14:00] <grogbot> [discord] <sdelamarre> And you still don't see the fade-out animation (squares cutting out the last frame) right?
[14:00] <grogbot> [discord] <sdelamarre> On this topic, the GOB engine has actually a specific mechanism, used in Goblins 3 only.
[14:00] <grogbot> [discord] <sdelamarre> The game script blits 800 squares on the front surface to progressively hide the last frame, which are sent by the engine to the backend in packs of 20 (20 copyRectToScreen calls + 1 updateScreen) x 40.
[14:00] <grogbot> [discord] <sdelamarre> The whole loop is only CPU bounded (no timer), so maybe it happens too fast and get lost between two screens refreshs?
[14:02] <grogbot> [discord] <sdelamarre> I saw also that we have a specific implementation of updateScreen on Miyoo mini only, to workaround a SDL issue according to a comment.
[14:34] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> how can i found out via Ghidra which Engine the game uses that comes from Sierra ? its showing copyright of Sierra and also several files with the name Sierra like: SIERRA.INI SIERRA.PAL and SIERRA.TTF
[14:35] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> how can i found out via Ghidra which Engine the game uses that comes from Sierra ? its showing copyright of Sierra and also several files with the name Sierra like: SIERRA.INI SIERRA.PAL and SIERRA.TTF, i know Sierra had AGI and SCI (edited)
[14:36] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> how can i found out via Ghidra which Engine the game uses that comes from Sierra ? its showing copyright of Sierra and also several files with the name Sierra like: SIERRA.INI SIERRA.PAL and SIERRA.TTF, and also as its showing @process_sierra$qqspvuiuil . i know Sierra had AGI and SCI (edited)
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[15:11] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> What extensions do the files have
[15:13] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> a MID folder the exe RESOURCE.001 and RESOURCE.MAP
[15:14] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> a folder named MID that contains MID files, the exe itself RESOURCE.001 and RESOURCE.MAP
[15:24] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> Then it's probably SCI
[15:25] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> how can i verify that ?
[15:26] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> or is there a common way to find out if its SCI ?
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[16:05] <Scummette> [scummvm] tag2015 pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/uKVUgQ
[16:05] <Scummette> scummvm/master b4a336e tag2015: DIRECTOR: Add detection entries for two titles
[16:06] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/cjqslx
[16:06] <Scummette> scummvm/master f541853 : I18N: Update translation files
[16:13] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> The EXE should have strings mentioning it
[16:17] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> can you give me a example ?
[16:19] <grogbot> [discord] <Losetech> SCIV.EXE in space quest 3 has the string "SCI Version %s" in it
[16:20] <-- TMM_ left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.
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[16:20] <grogbot> [discord] <Losetech> other exes I've checked for other sci games all have some string mentioning SCI in them
[16:21] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> when i search for SCI there is no string that contain SCI
[16:39] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> What game
[16:39] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> Also did you check for any packing on the exe
[16:47] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> its named 3D Ultra Pinball 2 (but i use a demo of the game) its came with Adi 4, if you know the game, it has a Game box, when you complete the excercises of the game you can unlock other games like then 3D Ultra Pinball 2 as a Reward.
[16:47] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> Dynamix then
[16:48] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> its named 3D Ultra Pinball 2 (original name of the game itself, known in Adi 4 as Creep Night) (but i use a demo of the game) its came with Adi 4, if you know the game, it has a Game box, when you complete the excercises of the game you can unlock other games like then 3D Ultra Pinball 2 as a Reward. (edited)
[16:48] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamix>
[16:48] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> i now searched for Dynamix and it found a string
[16:49] <grogbot> [discord] <eientei> They have a shared archive format with their games but used hardcoded logic
[16:50] <grogbot> [discord] <CrystalBen> okay thanks for the answer, okay then 3D Ultra Pinball 2 (Creep Night) has then no Engine its then hardcoded instead
[16:57] <-- BrainChild left irc: Quit: Leaving...
[17:17] <Scummette> [scummvm] digitall pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/uYXd2n
[17:17] <Scummette> scummvm/master 91b8c1b digitall: WII: Fix Build When Debugging Wii Memory Usage
[17:36] <-- SylvainTV left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[17:45] <Scummette> [scummvm] elasota pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/LXZNPh
[17:45] <Scummette> scummvm/master b099ebc elasota: VCRUISE: Save game adjustments to deal with character swaps in Schizm.
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[20:28] <Scummette> [scummvm] digitall pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/8cvohG
[20:28] <Scummette> scummvm/master 201b636 digitall: WATCHMAKER: Further Fixes for GCC Compiler Warnings
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[20:35] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- closed pull request #4968: IOS7: Implement port specific options widget (master...ls_options_dialog) https://is.gd/BkB3FO
[20:35] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 7 new commits to master: https://is.gd/H0JURi
[20:35] <Scummette> scummvm/master 9bc623a larsamannen: IOS7: Implement port-specifc option widget
[20:35] <Scummette> scummvm/master a690552 larsamannen: IOS7: Remove legacy gesture recognizers
[20:35] <Scummette> scummvm/master 7861bca larsamannen: IOS7: Don't disable "touchpad" mode when enabling "click-and-drag"
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[20:35] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/zlB2uu
[20:35] <Scummette> scummvm/master afe0706 : I18N: Update translations templates
[20:52] <-- speachy left irc: Quit: WeeChat 3.6
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[21:08] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/mFnlwD
[21:08] <Scummette> scummvm/master f98b2b6 sdelamarre: GOB: fix a misleadingly named constant
[21:09] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/dnT6ZS
[21:09] <Scummette> scummvm/master e18f0a3 : I18N: Update translation files
[21:09] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/c26uMI
[21:09] <Scummette> scummvm/master e914494 lotharsm: I18N: Update translation (German)
[21:09] <Scummette> scummvm/master f5f7e29 Timpii: I18N: Update translation (Finnish)
[21:10] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre closed pull request #4979: GOB: Added a new German version of Adi 2 (master...CrystalBen-adi2-german) https://is.gd/iNkujO
[21:10] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/YQmWhE
[21:10] <Scummette> scummvm/master 238df35 CrystalBen: GOB: Added a new German version of Adi 2
[21:11] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre closed pull request #4980: GOB: added a German version of Gobliins 2 (master...CrystalBen-gob2-german) https://is.gd/DljqNz
[21:11] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/XZ8c8r
[21:11] <Scummette> scummvm/master eedd670 CrystalBen: GOB: added a German version of Gobliins 2
[21:15] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/I4iwbZ
[21:15] <Scummette> scummvm/master 1bff7d9 sdelamarre: GOB: Mark Adi2 games as unstable
[21:16] <grogbot> [discord] <Greedzilla> Hi Guys!
[21:16] <grogbot> [discord] <Greedzilla> How's it going?
[21:17] <grogbot> [discord] <Greedzilla> just sharing with old friends wild memories of old PC games (Candy Land, E.G) yet to be on SCUMMVM
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[21:31] <Scummette> [scummvm] lephilousophe pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/qsWgGc
[21:31] <Scummette> scummvm/master 40ac45c lephilousophe: AUDIO: Add more symbol exception for Windows needed for mingw
[21:33] <Scummette> [scummvm] CrystalBen opened pull request #4981: GOB: added a German non interactive demo of Adi 2 (master...CrystalBen-non-interactive-demo-adi2-de) https://is.gd/nPDOCd
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[21:39] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre closed pull request #4981: GOB: added a German non interactive demo of Adi 2 (master...CrystalBen-non-interactive-demo-adi2-de) https://is.gd/nPDOCd
[21:39] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/tRgQZ4
[21:39] <Scummette> scummvm/master 4aa0bdd CrystalBen: GOB: added a German non interactive demo of Adi 2
[22:02] <Scummette> [scummvm] sdelamarre pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/1IVvhL
[22:02] <Scummette> scummvm/master b369bea sdelamarre: GOB: adjust Adi2 game parts
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[22:16] <fmlatghor> might work on the cosmology of kyoto port if that's a thing
[22:16] <fmlatghor> it doesn't seem too hard to make available for scummvm
[22:32] <Scummette> [scummvm] PushmePullyu opened pull request #4982: ULTIMA: Add detection entry for French Ultima 6 (master...ultima6-detect-french-version) https://is.gd/ohtVtb
[23:12] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/b6xZ0s
[23:12] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0a7aa99 IlDucci: I18N: Update translation (Spanish)
[23:12] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/MSHoQd
[23:12] <Scummette> scummvm/master dd781b0 xaviu: I18N: Update translation (Catalan)
[23:27] <Scummette> [scummvm] digitall pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/fTz4PA
[23:27] <Scummette> scummvm/master 2629bfa digitall: WATCHMAKER: Fix for Memset on Non-Trivial Structure GCC Warning
[23:38] <-- ccawley2011 left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[00:00] --- Sat May 6 2023