[00:04] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148045782327496866/5e8a0f5c494877d20ff6fb00c386a9e4.png [00:06] [discord] So this is very weird, when extracting all the files (except for those 8 .bbb files) from the 4 CD ISO's I get a total of 9709 files at 1,6 GB. And when using the installation wizard I get 12806 files at 3 GB 🧐 [00:07] [discord] So apprently, it can't be the correct way to just copy the files straight from the ISO's. Because so many files are missing that didn't get extracted. Am I right? So should I just install using the Wizard then and copy the missing .bbb files manually? [00:08] [discord] How big are the files that you excluded [00:10] [discord] Not big [00:10] [discord] Then it's probable that your copy doesn't have the same copy protection [00:11] [discord] 20-60 mb -ish [00:12] [discord] So I should look for very large files then? [00:13] [discord] Chrisis said: [00:13] [discord] "But yeah you may be right for example the files 1002.bbb and 1002_lo_res.bbb on CD 1 (in /global/xarc) which show as over 900mb each (which is of course impossible on a CD) don't get installed by the installer (honestly I have no idea if they are needed/used or simply to check for the CD by the original exe)." [00:13] [discord] So I guess near 1 GB files should be "copy-write-protection-dummies" ?? [00:20] [discord] Hm... the largest file on CD 1 is 1002.bbb coming in at 65 megabytes. How do I know if the Swedish 4 CD version has some kind of protection? @chrisis123 Can you help please? [00:51] [discord] Ok so I made a mistake earlier, I counted the file with the TLJ HD mod files included 🫠 So now it looks like this: [00:51] [discord] ```9562 files, 1,00 GB after using installation wizard [00:51] [discord] 9717 files, 1,77 GB after copying files from the 4 ISO's [00:51] [discord] 125 .bbb files in Global>xarc folder weighing in at 796 MB (in the folder with the manually copied files) [00:51] [discord] Only 4 .bbb files got copied from Global>xarc folder when using wizard weighing in at 12,1 MB [00:51] [discord] To sum it up: The install wizard missed to copy 155 files, of which 121 files were .bbb files (from Global>xarc folder) and the rest were 34 unknown files``` [00:51] [discord] Ok so I made a mistake earlier, I counted the file with the TLJ HD mod files included 🫠 So now it looks like this: [00:51] [discord] ```9562 files, 1,00 GB after using installation wizard [00:51] [discord] 9717 files, 1,77 GB after manually copying files from the 4 ISO's [00:51] [discord] 125 .bbb files in Global>xarc folder weighing in at 796 MB (in the folder with the manually copied files) [00:51] [discord] Only 4 .bbb files got copied from Global>xarc folder when using wizard weighing in at 12,1 MB [00:51] [discord] To sum it up: The install wizard missed to copy 155 files, of which 121 files were .bbb files (from Global>xarc folder) and the rest were 34 unknown files``` (edited) [01:00] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148060019493982259/67e8eac9f2cc7a077a7c08424190d179.png [01:02] [discord] Question to the ScummVM team: Why isn't the .dll and .cab files needed to be copied? Must they not they be copied? What happens if they are anyway? ScummVM will break? @everyone [01:03] [discord] Ok so I made a mistake earlier, I counted the folder with the TLJ HD mod files included 🫠 Corrected now. So now it looks like this: [01:03] [discord] ```9562 files, 1,00 GB after using installation wizard [01:04] [discord] 9717 files, 1,77 GB after manually copying files from the 4 ISO's [01:04] [discord] 125 .bbb files in Global>xarc folder weighing in at 796 MB (in the folder with the manually copied files) [01:04] [discord] Only 4 .bbb files got copied from Global>xarc folder when using wizard weighing in at 12,1 MB [01:04] [discord] To sum it up: The install wizard missed to copy 155 files, of which 121 files were .bbb files (from Global>xarc folder) and the rest were 34 unknown files``` (edited) [01:54] DominusExult (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) joined #scummvm. [01:56] Dominus (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [01:56] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus [02:00] speachy (~speachy@rockbox/developer/speachy) left irc: Quit: WeeChat 4.0.4 [02:00] gsi (~gsi@dynamic-077-015-004-190.77.15.pool.telefonica.de) joined #scummvm. [02:04] gsi_ (~gsi@dynamic-077-179-084-070.77.179.pool.telefonica.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [02:21] logix (logix@shell.franken.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [02:22] logix (logix@shell.franken.de) joined #scummvm. [02:35] [discord] the dll and cab files don't contain actual game data, hence don't need to be copied. scummvm won't mind if they are though [02:36] [discord] Because ScummVM acts as a replacement for the executable. The .cab and .dll files are only needed for installation. [02:37] [discord] ScummVM won't break if they're copied, they just take up extra space [02:41] reset (~reset@user/reset) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [03:09] reset (~reset@user/reset) joined #scummvm. [04:20] Build [#8660](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/94/builds/8660) of `master-dreamcast-debug` failed. [04:35] [discord] if the file is just 65 mb then you should copy it over as it says in the regular instrucitons on the wiki: https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=The_Longest_Journey [04:36] [discord] I have only access to the German 4-CD version of the game (as well as English Steam and GOG versions) so I don't have any information on if the Swedish (or any other version) uses the same copy protection as the German version... [05:01] Build [#705](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/159/builds/705) of `daily-master` failed. [05:02] [discord] if the file is just 65 mb then you should copy it over as it says in the regular instructions on the wiki: https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=The_Longest_Journey (edited) [05:14] [discord] I have now added a clarification to the Wiki that the "Alternative versin" only applies to the German 4-CD version and the regular instructiions should be used in all other cases, as it seems this was somewhart unclear [05:15] [discord] I have now added a clarification to the Wiki that the "Alternative method" only applies to the German 4-CD version and the regular instructiions should be used in all other cases, as it seems this was somewhart unclear (edited) [05:48] [discord] 69 [05:54] [discord] I have now added a clarification to the Wiki that the "Alternative method" only applies to the German 4-CD version and the regular instructiions should be used in all other cases, as it seems this was somewhat unclear (edited) [05:54] [discord] I have now added a clarification to the Wiki that the "Alternative method" only applies to the German 4-CD version and the regular instructions should be used in all other cases, as it seems this was somewhat unclear (edited) [07:20] ldevulder (~ldevulder@2a01:e0a:4f3:5890:ce2d:e0ff:fe68:3ff5) joined #scummvm. [07:32] borosky (~borosky@ joined #scummvm. [07:32] [scummvm] bluegr closed pull request #5310: ACCESS: Fix resource/file handle leak in Amazon:GoE (master...access-amazon-fix-res-leak) https://is.gd/jRfPus [07:32] [scummvm] bluegr pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/RE7GRO [07:32] scummvm/master 94cef88 PushmePullyu: ACCESS: Fix resource/file handle leak in Amazon:GoE [07:48] Build [#8661](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/94/builds/8661) of `master-dreamcast-debug` completed successfully. [08:01] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [08:01] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [08:01] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [08:01] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [08:02] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [08:02] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [08:33] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [08:43] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [08:43] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [08:43] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [08:43] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [09:27] ced117 (~ced117@april/member/ced117) left irc: Ping timeout: 248 seconds [10:44] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [10:51] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [10:51] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [10:51] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [10:51] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [11:34] ced117 (~ced117@april/member/ced117) joined #scummvm. [11:49] ccawley2011_ (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [11:49] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011_' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [11:49] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [12:00] ced117 (~ced117@april/member/ced117) left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [12:12] [discord] Thanks Seri, eientio and chrisis123 for your support! Game is running perfectly now, movies working, it's a marvel to look at and my 10 year old self boy inside of me is jumping of happiness and nostalgia! 😃 [12:13] [discord] Now I just need to figure out how to extract the Swedish FMV's so that I can upscale them with Topaz. And put them back into the game again lol. Any ideas where to start guys? [12:20] [scummvm] doZennn opened pull request #5311: ENGINES: Show splash screens on 3D engines (master...splash-on-3dengines) https://is.gd/EJDCMc [13:30] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [13:33] [scummvm] digitall pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/XuC8H0 [13:33] scummvm/master dcf3bf3 digitall: GRAPHICS: Fix GCC Compiler Warnings on Realloc Usage in Freetype Interface [13:45] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [13:45] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [13:45] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [13:45] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [14:27] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [14:28] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [14:28] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [14:28] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Client Quit [15:23] [discord] By the way, does anyone know how to make Scumm NOT quit after quitting a game? It's annoying to have to relaunch Scumm each time. [15:28] [discord] https://docs.scummvm.org/en/v2.7.0/settings/gui.html#guireturn [15:29] [discord] The description is not great. But from what I remember it should always return to the launcher when quitting a game (whichever method is used to quit the game). [15:37] [discord] That's it, thanks criezy! [15:40] [discord] There's a shitton of different shaders, is there any documentation on them? So I can get an idea of how they affect the graphics? [15:47] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [15:47] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [15:47] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [15:47] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [15:48] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Client Quit [15:49] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [15:49] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [15:49] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [15:49] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [16:03] [discord] We don't have much in the ScummVM documentation currently. But a few weeks ago somebody posted a link to a nice site to compare the shaders: https://discord.com/channels/581224060529148060/581224061091446795/1138122066474840135 [16:03] ny00123 (~ny00123@ joined #scummvm. [16:32] [scummvm] eriktorbjorn opened pull request #5312: SCUMM: Add settings entry for Mac Loom (master...mac-loom-settings-entry) https://is.gd/1zFA0F [16:36] [discord] Hm, the shaders doesn't seem to work in TLJ anyway. Wonder why. [16:37] Smedles (~quassel@218-215-61-148.sta.wbroadband.net.au) left irc: Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere. [16:37] Smedles (~quassel@218-215-61-148.sta.wbroadband.net.au) joined #scummvm. [16:39] [discord] I'm pretty sure none of the 3D-engines support the shaders but I guess any of the developers could better explain the reason why 🙂 (TLJ, while a traditional Point and Click adventure, has 3D-models on 2D-backgrounds similar to Grim Fandango) [16:39] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [16:39] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [16:39] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [16:39] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [16:39] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [16:41] [discord] Thanks for the reply Chrisis, I understand. But what about Reshade then? I guess it's not .glslp so won't work regardless? [16:42] [discord] @pappaslask please, do not violate this server rules, particularly rule #3 [16:42] [discord] Excuse me? [16:42] [discord] read the rule #3 [16:42] [discord] you accepted those on joining [16:43] [discord] Hm, I don't understand. Who did I insult? [16:43] [discord] I believe i came across as being friendly over here [16:43] [discord] you used bad language when referring to abundance of sharders [16:43] [discord] you used bad language when referring to abundance of shaders (edited) [16:44] [discord] Oh, that [16:44] [discord] yes, I am sure, it is not difficult to follow [16:44] [discord] and in general, welcome! [16:45] [discord] I didn't mean to offend anyone, it just came out naturally to me. I will be more careful about my language over here in the future sir [16:45] [discord] thank you! [16:45] [discord] enjoy your stay [17:03] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [17:05] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [17:05] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [17:05] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [17:05] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [17:08] ccawley2011_ (~ccawley20@ left irc: Ping timeout: 255 seconds [17:17] ccawley2011_ (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [17:17] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011_' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [17:33] ccawley2011_ (~ccawley20@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [17:47] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [17:50] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [17:50] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [17:50] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [17:50] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [18:18] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [18:19] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [18:19] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [18:19] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [18:19] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [18:53] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148329969932570704/Xarc.png [18:53] [discord] Can someone please help me understand how to extract .xarc files using XARCExt tools? [18:55] [discord] I don't know what to do with the tools or the files 🫤 [18:55] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1148330594024038440/c1153f6e7edeb697d22413852a2e810b.png [18:57] [discord] Thanks! And, I didn't mean to offend anyone, it just came out naturally to me. I will be more careful about my language over here in the future sir (edited) [19:13] [discord] @pappaslask it is not somethng we wrote, so no, we have no idea [19:16] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [19:18] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [19:18] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [19:18] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [19:18] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [19:20] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Client Quit [19:29] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [19:29] _sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [19:29] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [19:29] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [19:36] [scummvm] sev- closed pull request #5311: ENGINES: Show splash screens on 3D engines (master...splash-on-3dengines) https://is.gd/EJDCMc [19:36] [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/x2qyDf [19:36] scummvm/master 33e6dfb doZennn: ENGINES: Show splash screen on 3D engines [19:36] [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/HG3ySN [19:36] scummvm/master 42c85c0 : I18N: Update translations templates [19:56] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [20:06] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [20:06] _sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-9487-d103-faa7-d3a7.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [20:06] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [20:06] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [20:08] borosky (~borosky@ left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [20:11] Harekiet_ (harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) joined #scummvm. [20:12] CompanionCube (samis@sortix/rw-citizenship/CompanionCube) joined #scummvm. [20:12] niska (~niska@static. left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [20:12] bgKb (~arch@scummvm/bgK) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [20:12] Riviera (~Riviera@user/riviera) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [20:12] samis (samis@sortix/rw-citizenship/CompanionCube) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [20:12] Harekiet (harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [20:13] bgKb (~arch@scummvm/bgK) joined #scummvm. [20:13] #scummvm: mode change '+o bgKb' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [20:14] niska (~niska@static. joined #scummvm. [20:25] Riviera (~Riviera@user/riviera) joined #scummvm. [20:32] ced117 (~ced117@april/member/ced117) joined #scummvm. [20:33] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [20:33] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [21:14] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [21:25] TMM_ (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere. [21:25] TMM_ (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) joined #scummvm. [21:44] Deledrius__ (~Deledrius@user/deledrius) joined #scummvm. [21:45] tsoliman (~tsoliman@user/tsoliman) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [21:45] tsoliman (~tsoliman@user/tsoliman) joined #scummvm. [21:46] niska (~niska@static. left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [21:47] ScummBot (~ScummBot@al.scummvm.net) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [21:47] ScummBot (~ScummBot@al.scummvm.net) joined #scummvm. [21:47] CAT_S (apic@brezn3.muc.ccc.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [21:47] Deledrius_ (~Deledrius@user/deledrius) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [21:49] niska (~niska@static. joined #scummvm. [21:52] [discord] I didn't only ask you, I asked everyone. If you don't know then don't say anything. Surely there must be knowledgeable people here, and I took a chance and asked. No need to speak for everyone mister. [21:53] [discord] @pappaslask I am happened to be the project lead if you did not ntotice [21:54] [discord] so, please do not ask me to shut up [21:59] [discord] Does it give you to right to be rude though? I just asked for help. And you tried to silence me by taking the liberty of speaking for everyone. I don't understand why you're being hostile, is it because I slipped on profanity earlier? [22:00] [discord] I was not rude, you misread me. I just happened to hang around here for freaking 19 years, and I do know a thing or two [22:00] [discord] you feel super entitled [22:01] [discord] and indeed, you violated rules of this server on your second or third sentense here, just after accepting them. Though, you just reminded me, I do not remember those stupid things [22:01] CAT_S (apic@brezn3.muc.ccc.de) joined #scummvm. [22:02] [discord] and I was not rude but explanatory. you asked me to shut up [22:02] [discord] don't you agree? [22:02] ny00123 (~ny00123@ left irc: Quit: Leaving [22:03] [discord] @pappaslask? [22:09] [discord] I know people like you, and I also know there's no point trying to have a discussion like this. So I'm choosing a different approach. Good luck with your future projects 👍 [22:18] balrog (znc@user/balrog) left irc: Quit: Bye [22:22] balrog (znc@user/balrog) joined #scummvm. [23:26] ced117 (~ced117@april/member/ced117) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [23:43] ced117 (~ced117@april/member/ced117) joined #scummvm. [00:00] --- Tue Sep 5 2023