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[00:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Hi, awesome to see that the Miyoo Mini is natively supported 👍🏻
[00:46] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Ive builded a version with a maximim of engines for testing, Monkey Island 4 is working so well compared to the libretro scummvm that I built before !
[00:47] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Full Throttle is perfect too.
[00:47] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> But I have a display problem with Borken Sword 2.5
[00:47] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1114717126029226064/IMG_2399.jpg
[00:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> May something about the resolution, refresh rate or colors ? Any idea ?
[01:00] <-- gsi_ left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds
[01:01] --> gsi joined #scummvm.
[01:08] <-- BrainChild left irc: Quit: Leaving...
[01:11] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Ive builded a version with a maximim of engines for testing, Monkey Island 4 is working so well compared to the libretro scummvm that I built before (no sound stuttering at all on the Miyoo Mini) ! (edited)
[01:53] <-- Dominus left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds
[01:53] --> Dominus joined #scummvm.
[05:21] <grogbot_> [discord] <rootfather> If I remember correctly, SWORD2.5 uses a resolution of 800x600. You could check with a WINTERMUTE game or other High-res games.
[05:22] <grogbot_> [discord] <rootfather> I dont think it is the refresh rate, most likely it is either not capable of properly setting the resolution or some other issue in the backend
[05:37] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 3 new commits to master: https://is.gd/qYDyGu
[05:37] <Scummette> scummvm/master c80f166 dreammaster: MM: MM1: Fixes for original Recharge Item view
[05:37] <Scummette> scummvm/master 30f4adf dreammaster: MM: MM1: Added Recharge Item views
[05:37] <Scummette> scummvm/master e548fd5 dreammaster: MM: MM1: Finished teleport spell views
[05:54] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/0D5WIA
[05:54] <Scummette> scummvm/master 442707a dreammaster: MM: MM1: Added missing files from last commit
[06:19] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> yeah it looks like a problem with the resolution or bitdepth, since the pixel rows are going across diagonally
[06:50] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> The Miyoo Mini apparently has a resolution of 640x480 so it'd make sense that you couldn't play an 800x600 game on it
[07:16] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> it should at least resize it
[07:18] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> anyone here use lutris
[07:19] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> Does it keep its scummvm core up to date and maintained or should i install it separately
[07:24] --> borosky joined #scummvm.
[08:27] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Yes it could be that indeed. @eientei indeed 640x480 on the Miyoo Mini.
[08:27] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> But the Retroarch core is able to run it correctly 🤔
[08:28] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> There is no way to force the resolution for Sword2,5
[08:33] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Monkey island 4 is not high resolution ?
[08:36] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> MI4 is 3D?
[08:36] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> if so, the resize is done in 3D graphics manager
[08:37] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> 3D games don't really have a "resolution"
[08:37] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> and it probably ran on 640x480
[08:41] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> I confirm 640x480 per code
[08:41] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> but @SupSuper 3D games do have a resolution
[08:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> there is a viewport with a resolution
[08:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> and in ScummVM the viewport is set by the game engine
[08:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> some engines support arbitrary resolutions (for example the longest journey), but some others don't like Grim/MI4.
[08:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> It could be nice to be able to downsize the resolution (as we are able to upcale 😄)
[08:46] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> in this case, the image is rendered on a framebuffer, and drawn on the backbuffer which has screen resolution
[08:46] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> yeah i meant it's more of a viewport not a pixel resolution
[08:46] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> like 2D
[08:46] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> about downsizing, the current approach on ScummVM is to disable high res games on lowres handhelds
[08:47] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> I wonder why miyoomini has highres support enabled. Maybe @phcoder can tell us
[08:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> some backends just resize though it may look like a mess
[09:06] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Upscale 2x on the miyoo mini (with monkey island 4) gives a similar result when I set scale 2x, so it seems indeed to be a resolution problem.
[09:06] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1114842678648119346/IMG_2406.jpg
[09:07] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> May be because we dont use the default build, we have build it by ourself
[09:08] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Because the comoiled version available doesnt have GrimE engine which is a shame because it runs very well.
[09:09] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Because the compiled version available doesnt have GrimE engine which is a shame because it runs very well. (edited)
[09:14] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> the configure script explicitly says that highres is supported, so if this is not the case, it should be disabled
[09:15] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> but as I am not sure if it's not supported or only buggy, I prefer to not touch it myself
[09:54] <-- TMM_ left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.
[09:55] --> TMM_ joined #scummvm.
[10:04] <-- Dominus left irc: Ping timeout: 256 seconds
[10:13] --> Dominus joined #scummvm.
[10:15] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> isn't highres for 640x480? i don't think we have a flag for 800x600
[10:16] <grogbot_> [discord] <SupSuper> the engine would have to query the backend and fail instead
[10:38] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> ah yes!
[10:38] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> you are right 😦
[12:56] <Scummette> [scummvm] neuromancer pushed 5 new commits to master: https://is.gd/Pvrw0L
[12:56] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0f2b44f neuromancer: FREESCAPE: better detection of driller releases for atari
[12:56] <Scummette> scummvm/master 4ed75d9 neuromancer: FREESCAPE: more precise timing of some fcl instructions
[12:56] <Scummette> scummvm/master c9f9e89 neuromancer: FREESCAPE: better code to transition between areas
[13:02] <ScummBot> Build [#8236](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/23/builds/8236) of `master-android-arm64` failed.
[13:03] <ScummBot> Build [#8234](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/54/builds/8234) of `master-android-arm` failed.
[13:03] <ScummBot> Build [#835](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/181/builds/835) of `master-appletv` failed.
[13:04] <ScummBot> Build [#8226](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/80/builds/8226) of `master-android-x86` failed.
[13:04] <ScummBot> Build [#8223](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/24/builds/8223) of `master-android-x86-64` failed.
[13:08] <ScummBot> Build [#7640](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/108/builds/7640) of `master-ios7-arm64` failed.
[13:18] <ScummBot> Build [#7377](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/34/builds/7377) of `fetch-master` failed.
[13:33] <Scummette> [scummvm] athrxx pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/2z6pNV
[13:33] <Scummette> scummvm/master 846afef athrxx: KYRA: (EOB II/ZH) - fix final sequence
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> yup it's trying to draw at 800x600
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ```/mnt/SDCARD # cat /mnt/SDCARD/App/scummvm/scummvm.log
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ./launch.sh
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> vtpath = /dev/vc/2, fd = -1
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> vtpath = /dev/tty2, fd = 6
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Current VT: 2
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> 1685886074880.000000 FB_VideoInit shadow_fb is 0
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Trying format 0x8010
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Requesting 2 fragments of size 1024
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> fragments = 2
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> fragstotal = 2
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> fragsize = 1024
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> bytes = 2048
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_GetVideoMode 320x240 32 -> 320x240 32
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_SetVideoMode publicsurface 0x5b72570, shadowsurface (nil), videosurface 0x5b72570
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Double buf enabled 0, use SDL_UpdateRect when flip
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> MI_SYS_Init cost -6072.000000ms
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> 1685886074880.000000 driver_name (nil)
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> 1685886074880.000000 FB_CreateDevice GFX_Open return 0
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> init audio 20
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> init audio 200
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Checking /dev/input/event0
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> init audio 10
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_AudioInit(null)
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> default pipe size: 65536
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> new pipe size: 4096
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> open /dev/dsp return 8
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> audio driver dsp availale
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_OpenAudio freq 44100, format 32784, channels 2, samples 1024
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> default pipe size: 65536
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> new pipe size: 4096
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> yup it's trying to draw at 800x600
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ```/mnt/SDCARD # cat /mnt/SDCARD/App/scummvm/scummvm.log
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> [InitKeyShm]: create shm fail : File exists, size 3280
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> _gfx_alloc_surface 0x5c50988, 0xb53ec000, idx 0
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> FB_AllocHWSurface1 0x5c50e80, 0x5c50988, 0xb53ec000, flags 10001, 320x240, idx 0
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Virtual keyboard pack 'vkeybd_default' loaded successfully
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> WARNING: initWithU32String: Fribidi not available, will use input strings as fallback.!
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SStar_CheckHWBlit
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> User picked target 'sword25' (engine ID 'sword25', game ID 'sword25')...
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Looking for a plugin supporting this target... Broken Sword 2.5
[13:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Running Broken Sword 2.5: The Return of the Templars (Latest version)
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> data.b25c: 880a8a67faf4a4e7ab62cf114b771428, 827397764 bytes.
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> WARNING: SearchSet::add: archive 'engine-data' already present!
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_GetVideoMode 800x600 32 -> 800x600 32
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_SetVideoMode publicsurface 0x5b72570, shadowsurface (nil), videosurface 0x5b72570
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> Double buf enabled 0, use SDL_UpdateRect when flip
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> SDL_CalculateBlitN blitfun idx is 2, bytesperpixel 4, blitfun is 0xb6eeba14, BlitN2N is 0xb6eeba14
[13:45] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ``` (edited)
[13:46] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> i've had a go at changing some stuff in the engine source and recompiling - seems to be same issue (height/weidth etc). is there any way to force 640/480?
[13:48] <Scummette> [scummvm] lephilousophe pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/aF5ors
[13:48] <Scummette> scummvm/master c2fe446 lephilousophe: FREESCAPE: Fix typo
[13:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> the backend has to scale down image
[13:53] <grogbot_> [discord] <sev> ...or reject running the game
[13:56] <ScummBot> Build [#8238](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/23/builds/8238) of `master-android-arm64` completed successfully.
[13:56] <ScummBot> Build [#837](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/181/builds/837) of `master-appletv` completed successfully.
[13:58] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ah ok ty!
[13:58] <ScummBot> Build [#8236](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/54/builds/8236) of `master-android-arm` completed successfully.
[14:00] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ah ok ty!
[14:01] <ScummBot> Build [#8228](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/80/builds/8228) of `master-android-x86` completed successfully.
[14:01] <grogbot_> [discord] <XK> ah ok ty!
[14:03] <ScummBot> Build [#8225](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/24/builds/8225) of `master-android-x86-64` completed successfully.
[14:04] <ScummBot> Build [#7642](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/108/builds/7642) of `master-ios7-arm64` completed successfully.
[14:08] <-- Dominus left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[14:09] --> Dominus joined #scummvm.
[14:10] <ScummBot> Build [#7379](https://buildbot.scummvm.org/#/builders/34/builds/7379) of `fetch-master` completed successfully.
[14:17] --> ccawley2011 joined #scummvm.
[14:17] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[14:20] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> Discord's having a fun time if you didn't guess
[14:20] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> https://discordstatus.com/
[14:20] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1114921493202219048/unknown.png
[14:20] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1114921496960303216/unknown-1.png
[14:48] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> It would be a shame to have a better compatibility with libretro core (especially that sword2.5 will run perfectly smoothly on standalone unlike on libretro core). A downscale would be hard to implement ? (As the upscale is already supported).
[14:48] <Scummette> [scummvm] neuromancer pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/SBFhug
[14:48] <Scummette> scummvm/master a53cc4b neuromancer: FREESCAPE: enable on screen controls in driller for all the scummvm platforms
[15:11] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> there is already a new port of ScummVM to libretro. This time with way better support
[15:11] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> about the downscale, I don't know
[15:24] <-- balrog left irc: Quit: Bye
[15:25] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> oh
[15:25] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> i thought it was just cloudflare being down again or something
[15:25] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> didnt know its an issue with the program itself
[15:25] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> though it seems to be fixed atm
[15:27] --> balrog joined #scummvm.
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[16:21] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[16:23] <Scummette> [scummvm] lephilousophe closed pull request #5068: BACKENDS: OPENGL: Clear screen using opaque black instead of transparent (master...fix-opengl-bg) https://is.gd/f4z4Q0
[16:23] <Scummette> [scummvm] lephilousophe pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/LS5qPd
[16:23] <Scummette> scummvm/master a95f423 lephilousophe: BACKENDS: OPENGL: Clear screen using opaque black instead of transparent
[16:23] <Scummette> scummvm/master 6ee040e lephilousophe: ANDROID: Fix glClearColor call
[16:24] <Scummette> [scummvm] lephilousophe closed pull request #5058: SURFACESDL: Apply the key color in the cursor margins (master...fix-advmame) https://is.gd/nUreRd
[16:24] <Scummette> [scummvm] lephilousophe pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/COYH9v
[16:24] <Scummette> scummvm/master 906a957 lephilousophe: SURFACESDL: Apply the key color in the cursor margins
[16:24] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/bTDoBY
[16:24] <Scummette> scummvm/master c77e9f8 : I18N: Update translations templates
[17:44] <-- TMM_ left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.
[17:44] --> TMM_ joined #scummvm.
[18:05] --> Riviera joined #scummvm.
[20:23] <-- ccawley2011 left irc: Remote host closed the connection
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[20:24] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[20:31] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> Yes, it was an issue for 3h 18m
[20:43] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> As I had many questions about the new port, I have posted my questions here : https://discord.com/channels/581224060529148060/821735730165579788/1115017693825871963 😉
[20:44] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> As I had many questions about the new ScummVM libretro port, I have posted my questions here : https://discord.com/channels/581224060529148060/821735730165579788/1115017693825871963 😉 (edited)
[20:51] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> But I have a display problem with Broken Sword 2.5 (edited)
[20:51] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1114717126029226064/IMG_2399.jpg
[20:53] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> you know whats weird though
[20:53] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> for the time it happened with discord it wasnt just discord, it was a lot of other programs as well, steam randomly dced for me, and in the co-op game i was in everyone including me and my team dced exactly at the same time etc
[20:54] <grogbot_> [discord] <Big Beef> which was why i thought it was a cloudflare issue, since most corps depend on their servers
[21:01] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/MBDnRt
[21:01] <Scummette> scummvm/master 9c05226 dreammaster: MM: MM1: Better glyph for Recharge Item Charge button
[21:01] <Scummette> scummvm/master cf798c2 dreammaster: MM: MM1: Finished Duplication spell views
[21:01] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/C4zylV
[21:01] <Scummette> scummvm/master b03b033 : I18N: Update translation files
[21:07] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> Indeed similar problem with WINTERMUTE game : I have tested "Chivalry is NOT Dead" with a similar result. So it really confirm the resolution problem for Broken Sword 2.5.
[21:07] <grogbot_> [discord] <Schmurtz> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1115024082635870208/IMG_2421.jpg
[21:17] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/AtPnuS
[21:17] <Scummette> scummvm/master c03811f dreammaster: MM: MM1: Fix text entry
[21:21] <-- ccawley2011 left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[21:39] <-- ny00123 left irc: Quit: Leaving
[22:12] <-- borosky left irc: Ping timeout: 248 seconds
[00:00] --- Mon Jun 5 2023