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[00:01] <-- sev left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep
[01:32] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Whats the most insanely off the wall difficult Scumm game? I happened to see Legend of Kyrandia in a worst game of x year list because of it being like that.
[01:32] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Difficult in a bad way, I mean, with nonsensical puzzle solutions
[01:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> Since Kyrandia isn't a Scumm (Sierra) engine game, I assume you meant "games that run in ScummVM" in general. If so, my vote would probably go to some of the Sierra games. Not only for obtuse puzzles, but how easy it was to get the game into an unwinnable state. Like Space Quest 1, where you only find out at the end of the game you missed plans from the very start of the game. 😛
[01:57] <Scummette> [scummvm] OMGPizzaGuy pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/uMXtEJ
[01:57] <Scummette> scummvm/master f467892 OMGPizzaGuy: ULTIMA8: Add grid and mirror options to the shape viewer.
[02:01] <grogbot_> [discord] <mduggan> Side trivia about the Syberia ports, the PS3 and Xbox360 versions, and all versions of Syberia 3 used yet another engine called Antiryad http://www.arkhamdev.net/wiki.htm?id=screenshots .. if anyone wants a challenge that one should be easier to reverse than virtools as at least the documentation is easy to get, and there's a few other interesting titles on the list there where that engine was used in Windows games.
[02:09] <-- gsi left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds
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[02:59] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Oh wow, I have that in my archive but haven't played yet. I got really confused somewhere with Scumm, thinking LucasArts created the engine, but was never really sure because there's a 100+gb archive of Scumm online
[03:12] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> That's piracy, and as per the Discord rules, no warez discussion, please.
[03:17] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Sorry about that. I wasn't gonna link, I was just saying for reference.
[03:20] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Is there a place where people share homemade Scumm games they made themselves? There was a place but the server got fried somehow. I've heard there is a homebrew community
[03:21] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Without copyright things, I mean. Like free itch.io games but for ScummVM
[03:21] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> No worries, we just have to err on the side of caution. To answer your original question, "ScumMVM" is the overall software, which consists of reimplementations of various game engines used by various companies. One of them is the "scumm" engine used for running the Lucasarts games like Monkey Island, Full Throttle, etc. This engine was the very first one implemented, way back in the beginning
[03:22] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Sierra games easily confuse me, lol. Like the VGA Quest for Glory I didn't realize required type commands until recently.
[03:23] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> Sure. We support several engines that have had many fan games written for them. AGS is probably the most prolific, with 1000s of free games available. Followed by other engines like sierra's AGI/SCI engines, as well as Wintermute, which each have their own fan communities. I feel like I'm missing one or two others.. but those are the biggest ones off the top of my head
[03:24] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> Heh. Just my folder of free AGS games comes in at over 110Gb.
[03:27] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> I have a few fanmade games in my game list.
[03:27] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Holy crap! I love it when communities gather around a thing. Theres a Mario Kart Wii mod that adds custom characters and 700+ tracks including from all other MK games. I think PSP and Xbox 1 (the real one, not the Xbox 3) still have regularly updated homebrew.
[03:27] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> I need to learn more of the type commands because the fanmades seem to especially use them.
[03:30] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> You should play the Infocom text adventure "Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head or Tail of It"
[03:36] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> Or Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Hard game, but loved the humour, particularly at one point where you get into an argument with the game itself, and have to insist to get it to do what you want 😄
[03:38] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> sounds like LLMs
[03:38] <grogbot_> [discord] <eientei> sounds like LLMs (aka what people call "AI") (edited)
[03:42] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Lol, that title for Nord and Bert is great. They made Hitchhiker's Guide? I tried reading that once, but was never sure what edition was what, etc.
[03:42] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Lol, arguing with the game makes me think of Psycho Mantis
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[06:10] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[06:19] <grogbot_> [discord] <sev____> I heard it could be Hi-Res Adventure #5: Time Zone
[06:21] --> logix_ joined #scummvm.
[06:21] <grogbot_> [discord] <sev____> @mindfuzz666 but in general, you already violated 2 rules of this server. Please, re-read them. Any further violation will lead to a ban
[06:23] <-- sev left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep
[06:25] logix (logix@shell.franken.de) got netsplit.
[06:32] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> I really wasn't trying to promote or discuss warez, I was just saying there were way more than I thought because of an archive I found. I wasn't gonna link it or say what website it was on. I am sorry, though. What was the second one?
[06:35] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Was this a convo for a different channel? Ohhh, engine-scumm? Sorry, I thought that was for devs SVM devs
[06:35] <grogbot_> [discord] <mindfuzz666> Was this a convo for a different channel? Ohhh, engine-scumm? Sorry, I thought that was for SVM devs (edited)
[06:36] logix (logix@shell.franken.de) got lost in the net-split.
[07:32] --> borosky joined #scummvm.
[07:43] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> Hello, I haven't used ScummVM since 2003, and now my wife has bought an old and obscure Swedish game made in Macromedia Director. I dunno which version, but apparently it's from 2006. Needless to say, I was unable to get it running on her PC (2013 Vaio running w10) which is the only one we have with an optical drive. I've tried a few things but was unable to get it running without even the semblence of an error message or la
[07:59] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> what is the title?
[07:59] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> The title is "Dollar"
[07:59] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> it may be too recent for our director engine but director experts will know better than me
[08:00] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> yeah I'ts obscure enough to never be individually selected for compability, so the hope is that I will be able to run it in someway by playing around
[08:00] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> according to our Wiki it's Director MX version so it won't work I suppose
[08:00] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> so not obscure enough for our experts in game harvesting 😄
[08:01] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> 😄
[08:01] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> yeah I believe the title is modern enough to be made in MX, it's made for XP probably
[08:01] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> look here at the end of the table: https://archive.org/download/longest-journey-the-usa/Longest%20Journey%2C%20The%20%28USA%29%20%28Disc%204%29.zip
[08:02] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> and by judging at the list of the Xtras it used, we are really far from having it implemented
[08:03] --> ccawley2011 joined #scummvm.
[08:03] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat
[08:03] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> ok well I cant download the zip you linked since Im currently on my work PC but what I do see is that the link seems to have something to do with The longest journey, which is anoter great game 🙂
[08:03] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> you may try some Windows VM but you won't get support for that here
[08:03] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> ooops
[08:03] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> sorry
[08:04] <grogbot_> [discord] <lephilousophe> https://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php?title=Director/Games#Macromedia_Director_MX_2004_.282004.29
[08:04] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> oh yeah I did mess around with some VM but I have to play around in the BIOS as well but the Vaio laptop-bios isn't fun
[08:04] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> interesting that "Dollar" is even on any wiki at all 😄
[08:06] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> there's a Scooby-Doo game as well, which I managed to get runnin with some compability settings, so I was hoping I'd have the same luck with DOLLAR. Regarding Scooby, I spent around an hour and my kid has played it once.
[08:06] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> Im guessin it will be around the same with Dollar, I spend several hours and it get's 1h play-time 😄

[08:43] <grogbot_> [discord] <_lman_> https://www.mobygames.com/game/41823/ronja-rovardotter/
[08:46] <-- SylvainTV left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[08:48] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> haha yeah we got tons of those games from Astrid Lindgren
[08:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> I don't have Ronja but I own one of the many Pippi-games
[08:49] <grogbot_> [discord] <richard johansson> my kids love ronja and pippi

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[17:25] <grogbot_> [discord] <sev____> welcome @saad10817
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[20:09] <-- ScummBot left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[20:43] <Scummette> [scummvm] grisenti pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/anWzcl
[20:43] <Scummette> scummvm/master 08f81eb grisenti: HPL1: remove non-portable script bindings
[20:58] <-- ldevulder left irc: Quit: Leaving
[21:03] <Scummette> [scummvm] grisenti pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/PN5Fqd
[21:03] <Scummette> scummvm/master 79ae5e7 grisenti: HPL1: Remove unused function to silence warning
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[22:26] <grogbot_> [discord] <dreammaster> Beyond a Steel Sky is at 75% discount on GOG right now for their summer sale for those, like me, who hadn't gotten around to getting it yet 🙂
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[23:54] <Scummette> [scummvm] PushmePullyu opened pull request #5307: GUI: GridWidget: Fix loss of focus when typing in the search box (master...ui-gridview-fix-filter-focus) https://is.gd/84NR2O
[23:58] <Scummette> [scummvm] athrxx pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/X5es9j
[23:58] <Scummette> scummvm/master da22877 athrxx: SCUMM: remove unneeded virtual declaration
[23:58] <Scummette> scummvm/master b836774 athrxx: SCUMM: (HE) - fix minor tile drawing glitch
[00:00] --- Sat Sep 2 2023