[00:06] Endy (ender@2402:8000:3:10e:dead:beef:0:1) left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [00:07] SylvainTV (~SylvainTV@ALille-653-1-385-118.w92-147.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [00:07] gus (~quassel@2401:1801:7800:101:be76:4eff:fe18:1911) left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [00:08] Endy (ender@2402:8000:3:10e:dead:beef:0:1) joined #scummvm. [00:08] gus (~quassel@2401:1801:7800:101:be76:4eff:fe18:1911) joined #scummvm. [00:11] m_kiewitz (~m_kiewitz@scummvm/undead/m-kiewitz) left irc: Quit: technology isn't intrinsically good or evil. It's how it's used. Like the Death Ray. [00:16] Paaris (paaris@soju.fi) left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds [00:16] Paaris (paaris@soju.fi) joined #scummvm. [00:20] deitarion (~ssokolow@moinmoin/fan/deitarion) joined #scummvm. [00:21] dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [00:22] t0by (~t0by@host140-227-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [00:22] I think I just found a site bug. I've got "Backyard Soccer" and ScummVM recognizes it as "Backyard Soccer (English)" but the compatibility list on the site only lists various versions of Backyard Baseball and Backyard Football. [00:24] dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher) joined #scummvm. [00:24] Kirben (Kirben@c110-22-44-46.brasd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) joined #scummvm. [00:24] #scummvm: mode change '+o Kirben' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [00:25] deitarion: http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Humongous_Entertainment/Games [00:26] I meant that it's missing from http://www.scummvm.org/compatibility/ [00:26] So is Backyard Hockey [00:27] Yes, but I have no idea whether my ScummVM would recognize and accept Backyard Hockey because I don't own it. [00:27] No clue about the details there though, point is that you are right [00:27] What is the game target used by ScummVM for Backyard Soccer? [00:27] "soccer" [00:28] Probably an oversight, or it simply hasn't been tested [00:28] Backyard Soccer isn't supported IIRC [00:28] I think that's the game which crashes when you shoot a goal [00:29] Shouldn't it be listed in the compatibility list as "Bugged" then? [00:29] not really, games on the compatibility page are only the games we officially support [00:29] Then shouldn't ScummVM refuse to add it with an error message as with SCI 2.1 games? [00:30] p1r473 (~p1r473@ left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [00:30] p1r473 (~p1r473@ joined #scummvm. [00:31] well, in theory that would be a good idea [00:31] but we just don'T do that so far because SCUMM games predate any of that support and detection works differently there [00:31] http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/Backyard_Soccer [00:31] lists it as not supported [00:32] https://sourceforge.net/p/scummvm/bugs/6985/ that's the crash I talked about [00:33] And I remember running into outdated Wiki pages that list completable games as not supported. I've learned not to trust the individual game cards on the Wiki for anything that ScummVM recognizes. [00:34] Anyway, my point is simply that users, not having any reason to know better, are likely to assume that the extraction of "Backyard Soccer (English)" and "soccer", given only a path, is evidence that the developers have added it to some sort of internal detection mapping list for supported games and, as such, that the omission on the compatibility list is the mistake. [00:35] Heck, I assumed that those short names were ALWAYS manually assigned. [00:35] (If for no other reason than to ensure collisions were impossible) [00:38] well, if someone works on it, they need ScummVM to detect it too [00:38] thus you also have entries for unsupported games [00:39] IIRC we also had completable but unsupported games in the past for various reasons [00:39] so, just because it's completable doesn't necessarily mean it's supported [00:39] Sword 2.5 was completable for a long time, but some save game code issues prevented it from being supported [00:41] True, but this doesn't even have a warning popup like the "recently supported... may be buggy" one used for games like Eye of the Beholder 1 and 2. [00:42] in fact EoB has that by accident ;-) [00:42] it was forgotten to be removed... [00:44] Speaking of recently supported things, was Virtual Stupidity completed in time for 1.8.0? While checking it out, I got the impression that it was supposed to have save/load keybinds but ScummVM was ignoring them. [00:45] it's officially supported [00:45] whether all original keybindings are working is a good question [00:45] if not, you should open a bug report [00:45] In fact, given that I couldn't find ANY means to save, I'll probably do my first play-through on my old P133 nostalgia machine so I can be sure that, if I can't figure out how to save, it's a PEBKAC and not a bug. [00:47] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [00:47] Poe__ (~Poe@ joined #scummvm. [00:48] Ctrl+F5 doesn't work? [00:48] I have no idea about that game though [00:50] I wasn't aware of Ctrl+F5. I was operating on the mistaken assumption that, if F5 took you directly to Save, it meant that menu wasn't supported on that backend. [00:50] _Poe_ (Poe@ left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [00:50] ...and Virtual Stupidity, unlike any of my other games, has F5 as a no-op while also having no visible in-game UI for saving. [00:51] GitHub17 (~GitHub17@ joined #scummvm. [00:51] [scummvm] lordhoto closed pull request #208: MOHAWK: Ambient sound fading for Riven and some changes to the video-handling (master...mohawk_video_sound) https://git.io/vaaEv [00:51] GitHub17 (GitHub17@ left #scummvm. [00:51] well, our generic menu is Ctrl+F5 [00:51] ocks (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [00:52] so it's always worth giving a shot to see if you can save or load from it [00:52] *nod* Definitely something I'll remember now. I think the misunderstanding came from learning the keybinds way back in the mists of time when ScummVM really was just for SCUMM and then never updating my knowledge. [00:53] well, F5 is they menu key for most SCUMM games ;-) [00:55] *nod* I vaguely remember updating to 0.7.0 and possibly 0.6.0, so it's definitely been a long time since I checked the keybinds and, given how long ago that was, I probably did a sloppy, impatient job of learning them in the first place. [01:16] _Poe_ (Poe@ joined #scummvm. [01:19] Poe__ (~Poe@ left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [01:21] _Poe_ (Poe@ left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [01:23] Strangerke_ (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [01:25] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [01:25] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke [01:54] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764C01F67822CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [02:00] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764C01F67822CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [02:04] DominusExult (~dominus@unaffiliated/dominus) joined #scummvm. [02:05] jammm (~jam@ joined #scummvm. [02:08] Dominus (~dominus@unaffiliated/dominus) left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [02:08] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus [02:09] jamm (~jam@unaffiliated/jamm) left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [02:13] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764C15207122CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [02:14] Vampire0 (~Vampire@jEdit/Vampire) joined #scummvm. [02:14] poe_ (Poe@ joined #scummvm. [02:18] Vampire0_ (~Vampire@jEdit/Vampire) left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds [02:19] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764C15207122CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) got netsplit. [02:19] [vEX] (~vex@h95n22-spaa-a12.ias.bredband.telia.com) got netsplit. [02:19] jan__ (uid151964@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mwtcpvezflarkvxc) got netsplit. [02:19] SHODAN (~shozan@fsf/member/shodan) got netsplit. [02:19] balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) got netsplit. [02:19] rrebello (~Rodrigo@ got netsplit. [02:20] balrog (~balrog@unaffiliated/balrog) returned to #scummvm. [02:25] [vEX] (~vex@h95n22-spaa-a12.ias.bredband.telia.com) returned to #scummvm. [02:25] jan__ (uid151964@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-mwtcpvezflarkvxc) returned to #scummvm. [02:25] SHODAN (~shozan@fsf/member/shodan) returned to #scummvm. [02:25] rrebello (~Rodrigo@ returned to #scummvm. [02:25] #scummvm: mode change '+o [vEX] ' by orwell.freenode.net [02:25] SHODAN (~shozan@fsf/member/shodan) left irc: Max SendQ exceeded [02:26] SHODAN (~shozan@fsf/member/shodan) joined #scummvm. [02:30] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764C15207122CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) got lost in the net-split. [02:33] Lightkey (~jonas@p200300764C1EE44622CF30FFFE083718.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [03:00] GitHub177 (~GitHub177@ joined #scummvm. [03:00] [scummvm] lichenbo closed pull request #709: I18N: Chinese Pinyin GUI Translation added, support ISO-8859-1 (master...master) https://git.io/vaRPS [03:00] GitHub177 (GitHub177@ left #scummvm. [03:00] GitHub93 (~GitHub93@ joined #scummvm. [03:00] [scummvm] lichenbo opened pull request #712: I18N: Chinese Pinyin GUI Translation added, support ISO-8859-1 (master...Chinese_pinyin) https://git.io/vaay8 [03:00] GitHub93 (GitHub93@ left #scummvm. [03:01] GitHub31 (~GitHub31@ joined #scummvm. [03:01] [scummvm] csnover pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vaayR [03:01] scummvm/master 33cac79 Colin Snover: SCI32: Work around bad Styler script in KQ7 2.0b... [03:01] GitHub31 (GitHub31@ left #scummvm. [03:08] Strangerke_ (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [03:10] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [03:10] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke [03:26] Littleboy (~littleboy@c-24-91-129-251.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) left irc: Quit: Ętre dans le vent, une ambition de feuille morte. [03:27] snover (~Adium@unaffiliated/snover) left irc: Quit: Leaving. [03:28] LordHoto_ (~loom@unaffiliated/lordhoto) joined #scummvm. [03:28] #scummvm: mode change '+o LordHoto_' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [03:28] LordHoto (~loom@unaffiliated/lordhoto) left irc: Disconnected by services [03:28] Nick change: LordHoto_ -> LordHoto [03:29] parwana_ (uid31235@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bitmttbpuxyavcur) joined #scummvm. [03:45] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) left irc: [03:45] poe_ (Poe@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [03:46] poe_ (~Poe@ joined #scummvm. [03:50] Port build status changed with ffd99345: Failure: stable-amigaos4 [03:57] LordHoto (~loom@unaffiliated/lordhoto) left irc: Quit: ... [04:06] Kirben (Kirben@c110-22-44-46.brasd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) left irc: Quit: System Meltdown [04:10] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) left irc: Ping timeout: 248 seconds [04:15] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) joined #scummvm. [04:42] Port build status changed with 33cac793: Failure: master-amigaos4 [04:48] Schnabeltierchen (~Schnabelt@xdsl-87-79-189-9.netcologne.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [04:49] Schnabeltierchen (~Schnabelt@xdsl-78-34-201-199.netcologne.de) joined #scummvm. [05:01] Poly-C (~Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C) joined #scummvm. [05:04] Polynomial-C (~Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C) left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [05:42] Port build status changed with 33cac793: Failure: master-osx_intel [05:57] waltervn (~waltervn@82-171-142-149.ip.telfort.nl) joined #scummvm. [05:57] #scummvm: mode change '+o waltervn' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [06:00] Morning! [06:00] parwana_ (uid31235@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-bitmttbpuxyavcur) left irc: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity [06:02] morning [06:05] borosky (~broosky@095160152011.dynamic-ww-9.vectranet.pl) left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [06:31] broosky (~broosky@095160152011.dynamic-ww-9.vectranet.pl) joined #scummvm. 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[07:22] blitter (~blitter@ left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [07:23] blitter (~blitter@ joined #scummvm. [07:36] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [07:39] ignalina (~pettersjo@c83-249-0-140.bredband.comhem.se) joined #scummvm. [07:47] ocks (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [07:47] parwana_ (uid31235@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eyzmsaduahdjlzls) joined #scummvm. [07:49] t0by (~t0by@ joined #scummvm. [07:49] #scummvm: mode change '+v t0by' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [08:00] #scummvm: mode change '+o Endy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [08:23] m_kiewitz (~m_kiewitz@scummvm/undead/m-kiewitz) joined #scummvm. [08:23] #scummvm: mode change '+o m_kiewitz' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [08:26] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [08:28] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [08:34] blorente (~blorente@ joined #scummvm. [08:50] t0by (~t0by@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [08:52] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) left irc: Quit: Ex-Chat [08:55] blorente (~blorente@ left irc: Quit: Bye [09:07] _Poe_ (Poe@ joined #scummvm. [09:11] poe_ (~Poe@ left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds [09:11] spookypeanut (~spookypea@scummvm/undead/spookypeanut) joined #scummvm. [09:11] #scummvm: mode change '+o spookypeanut' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [09:22] Strangerke|work (5bb7582b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [09:22] hi guys [09:23] Henke37 (~Henrik@81-227-16-59-no133.bredband.skanova.com) joined #scummvm. [09:46] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) joined #scummvm. [10:10] Nick change: _Poe_ -> poe_ [10:16] _sev|work (~sev@scummvm/undead/sev) joined #scummvm. [10:16] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev|work' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [10:17] GitHub74 (~GitHub74@ joined #scummvm. [10:17] [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vaV0C [10:17] scummvm/master 44cdee0 Eugene Sandulenko: WAGE: Added several alternate versions of the games [10:17] GitHub74 (GitHub74@ left #scummvm. [10:19] morning Strangerke|work [10:29] zoorg (~zoorg@ joined #scummvm. [10:30] Hi all. [10:31] Port build status changed with 44cdee07: Success: master-amigaos4, master-osx_intel [10:31] I was here a week ago asking about GSoC audio configuration rework task and I'm here again with some questions and suggestions. [10:31] Is there anybody out there ready to talk on topic? [10:32] <_sev|work> zoorg: shoot [10:37] So, I read everything I was able to find on this tasks on wiki. Big thanks to whoever wrote this. [10:39] I think it's absolutely plausible (and I think it would be desirable) to finish both issues: output selection and midi configuration. [10:40] I've solved kind of similar problems with configuration management on my previous job (I'm a 1st year master degree student now, have some professional expirience). [10:42] yes, it would be ideal to have them both done together [10:43] <_sev|work> zoorg: that sounds good [10:44] it's a lot more API-design-heavy than our usual tasks, so experience in this kind of thing would also help a lot :) [10:44] *Was looking for some statement in task description* [10:44] http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/OpenTasks/Audio/Audio_Output_Selection [10:45] On the link above, there is a statement "To further complicate things, the current "AdLib" music device is actually an MIDI emulation device (useful on low end system which don't properly support MIDI output on their own), but on the other hand says it's an AdLib type device, causing several engines which only use MIDI for audio output, and which don't contain any AdLib data, to still specify the MDT_ADLIB [10:45] audio flag." [10:45] I seem to recall that a bit. it made me currious on how midi is done on windows. the answer is the multimedia api. that old one, no younger than 95 [10:45] Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions :-) [10:46] fuzzie, how about direct music, how old is that? [10:46] much newer. DX5? [10:46] DX6.1, says wikipedia, in 99. [10:47] but it's useless as an API. [10:47] why that? [10:48] because it's deprecated and all the driver APIs got dropped [10:48] (as far as I know) [10:48] and the ancient one isn't? [10:48] nope :-) [10:49] well, one way or another, here I have %windir%\system32\drivers\gm.dls and I presume it's being used to play back music in scumm games [10:49] Can you give deeper explanation on this one (about AdLib)? Like, if application do not contain any "AdLib data" and it still specify the flag, then there is a possibility it will get some kind of AdLib driver... and what? How will it work with it? It can act like GM/MT32/GS device? [10:49] if you pick the microsoft synth as output, yes [10:49] <_sev|work> scumm games and Windows? no. Look at DOS [10:50] zoorg: it acts as a GM device with fixed instrument mappings, yes [10:50] see audio/adlib.cpp [10:50] wysiwtf (arvenius@whatyouseeis.wtf) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [10:51] wysiwtf (arvenius@whatyouseeis.wtf) joined #scummvm. [10:53] historically there was some general code which a lot of games used for MIDI->adlib, mostly customising only the instruments, I think from Creative Labs? [10:53] but on the other hand, some games customised it heavily, so some engines have custom versions (e.g. I wrote engines/parallaction/adlib.cpp) [10:54] Aha. Probably will ask more questions on this one soon. Don't know much about midi yet. :c [10:54] I know a bit about midi commandes [10:54] AdLib output is quite popular for nostalgia reasons.. [10:54] writing a midi file parser makes you learn things [10:55] Does anyone have any approved article on midi for the dummies around? [10:55] if you haven't read the dls specification, I recommend it, it's a great insight on how sample based synths work [10:57] reading through the MIDI 1.0 Specification (or something like http://www.somascape.org/midi/tech/spec.html ) might be a place to start [10:58] a lot of the tricky parts implementation-wise are because you have to deal with the possibility of real hardware, I guess [11:00] there is also this https://www.midi.org/specifications/item/table-1-summary-of-midi-message [11:01] Ive got some totally not leaked docs on unrelated music file formats if you want to broaded your view on sequenced music [11:10] parwana_ (uid31235@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-eyzmsaduahdjlzls) left irc: Quit: Connection closed for inactivity [11:11] spookypeanut (~spookypea@scummvm/undead/spookypeanut) left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [11:29] zoorg (~zoorg@ left irc: Quit: WeeChat 1.4 [11:35] qbz (~cLavelle@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [11:38] zoorg (~zoorg@ joined #scummvm. [12:02] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) left irc: Quit: Ex-Chat [12:03] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) joined #scummvm. [12:08] snover (~Adium@unaffiliated/snover) joined #scummvm. [12:08] #scummvm: mode change '+o snover' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [12:20] Hey, can some one tell me where I can download Hugo game? I need it to check the engine and I can't found it [12:21] ComaF: https://archive.org/details/HugosHouseOfHorrors [12:22] although I don't know if the shareware version of Hugo 1 is actually supported. It probably should be [12:22] :) [12:22] thank you! [12:25] Well, I'm not sure how deep my understanding of MIDI have to be, I'd return to it a little bit later. I grasp the basics though. [12:28] In the end of this page ( http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/OpenTasks/Audio/Audio_Output_Selection ) there is a feature marked as optional which says "extend all engines to supply a list of supported audio devices" which I think should be mandatory. [12:30] I'd say that if we do not do this, then, well, UI would be crappy anyway, as user would have the ability to mess everything up. [12:33] m_kiewitz: hey, do you happen to know of any sci2.1mid games that use plane transitions other than fade? [12:34] (or 2.1late) [12:44] megha (6f5df525@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [12:44] megha (6f5df525@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Client Quit [12:45] meg (6f5df525@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [12:45] Nick change: meg -> Guest51020 [12:45] Also, are GM and MT32 devices are "kind of" interchangeable? [12:47] gm specifies which "programs" are supposed to exist and at which ids [12:47] I don't know much about this, but as I understand it, generally not [12:48] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [12:48] piano at 0, organ a little higher, sfx somewhere above 100 iirc [12:49] you have games which limit themselves to some GM subset and will configure an MT32 to use the subset.. [12:49] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_MIDI#Parameter_interpretations [12:49] Well, I see instrument (?) mappings in mididrv.cpp. _mt32ToGm and _gmToMt32. [12:50] yeah, that's for use by the game engines for games which do this remapping [12:50] it's not used by mididrv itself, it's just a convenient place to put the tables [12:51] see e.g. engins/kyra/sound_midi.cpp around line 260 [12:51] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [12:51] engines/kyra/sound_midi.cpp even. [12:51] Also, what about GS? It is a superset of GM, so, I suggest, it could (should?) be backward-compatible with GM. [12:51] right. [12:56] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [12:56] #scummvm: mode change '+v Raziel^' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [12:56] Are there any games that use GS fully? I grepped sources and found 3 occurances of MT_GS. Does it mean it's used *only* as a GM device? [13:00] zoorg: by far not complete (i guess) [13:00] http://www.vogonswiki.com/index.php/List_of_games_by_MIDI_standard [13:00] Eco, King and Laura are supported by ScummVM [13:02] Raziel^: thx. [13:02] zoorg: there's an enable_gs setting which I think is only used by the SCUMM engine [13:03] (which enables using the GS as a sort-of MT32) [13:04] as the MIDI Device Configuration task notes, it would be nice to get rid of these game-specific settings [13:15] salty-horse (~salty-hor@unaffiliated/salty-horse) joined #scummvm. [13:15] #scummvm: mode change '+o salty-horse' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [13:28] LordHoto (~loom@unaffiliated/lordhoto) joined #scummvm. [13:28] #scummvm: mode change '+o LordHoto' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [13:33] zoorg (~zoorg@ left irc: Quit: WeeChat 1.4 [13:41] ChrisKeys (ChrisKeys@ip25053d66.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [13:51] Guest51020 (6f5df525@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [14:03] ocks (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [14:16] broosky (~broosky@095160152011.dynamic-ww-9.vectranet.pl) joined #scummvm. [14:25] fuzzie: To be fair to people who put in the effort to support the quirks, I do actually use a real Yamaha PSR-E413 as my MIDI device because it ensures accurate timing without giving Timidity real-time priority on my Linux box. (I've yet to find a way to translate eawpatches into a soundfont and FluidSynth doesn't support GUS patchsets) [14:27] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [14:27] yeah, the game-specific settings, not the support :-) [14:30] Is someone messing with our OS X Intel toolchain on buildbot? [14:32] oh, it's a regression from criezy's commit [14:33] girafe (~girafe@AGrenoble-651-1-557-65.w90-42.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #scummvm. [14:34] GitHub189 (~GitHub189@ joined #scummvm. [14:34] [scummvm] lordhoto pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vawIw [14:34] scummvm/master f955286 Johannes Schickel: BUILD: Fix static linking for OS X.... [14:34] GitHub189 (GitHub189@ left #scummvm. [14:39] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 248 seconds [14:44] blorente (~blorente@ joined #scummvm. [14:44] Hi everybody :) [14:45] parwana_ (uid31235@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-nvdflepcywappknr) joined #scummvm. [14:45] would there be a benefit to switching the windows linking to use dynamic linking for the engines? [14:46] yeah, you won't be able to use MSVC anymore [14:46] why not? [14:46] because it doesn't work for it [14:46] how so? [14:47] you would need to check if you can manually configure MSVC's linker to support the linking style we require [14:48] what kind of linking? [14:48] it relies on symbols from the main executable, so you'll need to back link [14:49] I see [14:49] but doesn't windows link between dlls all the time? it's the same system for all pe files [14:50] exactly what kind of symbols anyway? [14:51] all symbols provided by the main executable [14:51] such as? [14:51] all the stuff in common/, gui/, audio/, etc. [14:52] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [14:52] that's a lot of classes. those don't need symbols. [14:53] they do [14:53] you can put all of the code in a scummvm.dll and just call the main from it, in your scummvm.exe [14:53] yeah, that's also working [14:53] then you would need to link all engines against that .dll [14:53] which is what gemrb does if for some crazy reason you want dynamic linking on Windows [14:54] for MinGW we just create an import library file from the main executable and link the engine plugins against that [14:54] but not sure how feasible that is with MSVC [14:54] ajax16384 (~User@ip138.net138.n37.ru) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [14:54] you can do it. [14:55] assuming you annotated all of your classes with dllimport/export correctly [14:55] for MinGW you can just tell it to export everything [14:55] :-P [14:55] and now I'm remembering why this is a terrible idea. [14:55] :-) [14:59] it's all a matter of what you do need to import [14:59] anything that's called using a vtable lookup is free [14:59] so, as long as proper dependency injection is done, you migth get away free [15:00] so only globals [15:00] yes, as long as you ignore the tens of thousands of non-virtual functions [15:00] so, why don't you just try it for yourself then? [15:00] too lazy [15:00] well, maybe it's a good time to be too lazy to reply to your questions then [15:01] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [15:02] blorente1 (~blorente@ joined #scummvm. [15:02] blorente (~blorente@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [15:02] #scummvm: mode change '+o fuzzie' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [15:03] :-) [15:06] blorente1 (~blorente@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [15:14] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [15:19] mattn (~mgerhardy@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [15:21] Problem (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [15:21] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [15:21] Nick change: Problem -> Raziel^ [15:21] #scummvm: mode change '+v Raziel^' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [15:23] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [15:26] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [15:27] Problem (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [15:32] t0by (~t0by@host244-65-dynamic.44-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) joined #scummvm. [15:32] #scummvm: mode change '+v t0by' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [15:36] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [15:40] RichieSams|work (4a519ab1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [15:43] GitHub157 (~GitHub157@ joined #scummvm. [15:43] [scummvm] csnover pushed 6 new commits to master: https://git.io/vaw4H [15:43] scummvm/master 7f4149d Colin Snover: SCI32: Enable redrawAllCount in palMorphFrameOut [15:43] scummvm/master 35fde1b Colin Snover: SCI32: Update unimplemented TODO to reflect the correct operation type [15:43] scummvm/master 8748fd7 Colin Snover: SCI32: Clarify game engine version comments for split-version games [15:43] GitHub157 (GitHub157@ left #scummvm. [15:44] ajax16384 (~User@ip33.net130.n37.ru) joined #scummvm. [15:44] #scummvm: mode change '+o ajax16384' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [15:51] Problem (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [15:52] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) joined #scummvm. [15:52] #scummvm: mode change '+v Raziel^' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [15:56] mattn (~mgerhardy@tmo-100-22.customers.d1-online.com) joined #scummvm. [15:58] blorente (~blorente@119.Red-81-34-193.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) joined #scummvm. [15:58] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [16:03] mattn (~mgerhardy@tmo-100-22.customers.d1-online.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 248 seconds [16:05] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) left irc: Quit: Ex-Chat [16:08] blorente: hi, I think it would be great if you could move your proposal for GSoC to Google Docs. That would us to give comments on that in a more-or-less central place. [16:08] *would allow us [16:08] LordHoto, Ok, I'll do it right now :) [16:09] blorente: thanks [16:10] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [16:15] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Read error: No route to host [16:17] LordHoto, I think it's done :9 [16:17] :)* [16:27] blorente: great, I just checked it out. Thank you. [16:27] np :) Thank you for taking interest in it [16:28] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [16:28] Strangerke_ (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [16:29] fzsombor_ (~fzsombor@fzsombor.sch.bme.hu) left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds [16:30] fzsombor (~fzsombor@fzsombor.sch.bme.hu) joined #scummvm. [16:30] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [16:30] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke [16:33] WinterGrascph (~WinterGra@winter.sch.bme.hu) joined #scummvm. [16:34] ComaF: hi, can you please allow us to make comments on your proposal for GSoC? Thank you. [16:34] broosky (~broosky@095160152011.dynamic-ww-9.vectranet.pl) left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds [16:38] Tkachov: hi, can you please move your GSoC proposal to Google Docs so we can make comments on it for discussion? [16:39] LordHoto: OK [16:40] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [16:44] Littleboy (~littleboy@c-24-91-129-251.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) joined #scummvm. [16:44] #scummvm: mode change '+o Littleboy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [16:46] blorente (~blorente@119.Red-81-34-193.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net) left irc: Quit: Probably just going to sleep. [16:49] ny00123 (~ny00123@ joined #scummvm. [16:52] Strangerke|work (5bb7582b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Quit: Bbl [16:53] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [16:54] _sev|work (~sev@scummvm/undead/sev) left irc: Ping timeout: 248 seconds [16:58] spookypeanut (~spookypea@scummvm/undead/spookypeanut) joined #scummvm. [16:58] #scummvm: mode change '+o spookypeanut' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [17:01] blorente (~blorente@ joined #scummvm. [17:01] Henke37 (~Henrik@81-227-16-59-no133.bredband.skanova.com) left irc: Quit: ERR_SHUTDOWN [17:06] broosky (~broosky@095160152011.dynamic-ww-9.vectranet.pl) joined #scummvm. [17:07] qbz (~cLavelle@ joined #scummvm. [17:10] Henke37 (~Henrik@81-227-16-59-no133.bredband.skanova.com) joined #scummvm. [17:17] ALourenco (~andre@ joined #scummvm. [17:23] spookypeanut (~spookypea@scummvm/undead/spookypeanut) left irc: Ping timeout: 246 seconds [17:31] Harekiet (~harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [17:32] snover (~Adium@unaffiliated/snover) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [17:32] snover (~Adium@unaffiliated/snover) joined #scummvm. [17:32] #scummvm: mode change '+o snover' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [17:32] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [17:35] Harekiet (~harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) joined #scummvm. [17:45] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [17:47] waltervn: have you decompiled win16 sierra/watcom executables before? im having some trouble with finding the actual engine code, it only seems to find some stub code. [17:48] I don't think so [17:48] alright, just thought id ask, thanks :) [17:51] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [17:51] snover: Have you tried using the tooling from OpenWatcom to strip the stub first? [17:51] BozMat (~BozM@szanto-d.koll.pte.hu) joined #scummvm. [17:51] deitarion: negative, i have not. [17:51] blorente (~blorente@ left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [17:52] wstrip.exe? [17:52] snover: Give me a sec to refresh my memory. Last time I played around with those was when I was building test stubs for some on-hold filetype detection code. [17:53] wbind -u [17:53] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [17:53] hello [17:54] deitarion: do you happen to know where i can grab the tools that contain wbind? [17:54] snover: Which platform? [17:54] (OpenWatcom takes an unorthodox approach to cross-compilation. You pick a host, it'll target anything.) [17:54] windows, linux, mac os are all fine [17:55] dos also fine [17:55] just dont give me os/2 executables [17:55] or amigaos ;) [17:55] mac os are fine? [17:55] are you out of your mind? :-P [17:56] maaaaybe. [17:57] Any OpenWatcom bundle should do the trick. It's just a bit tricky to identify the release you want at the moment. Give me a sec to check my notes. [17:58] WooShell (woo@ip1886aec7.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) joined #scummvm. [17:58] I found one and gave it a shot, it says the executable is Not a bound Open Watcom 32-bit Windows application [17:59] What syntax did you use? [18:00] wbind SIERRAW.EXE -u [18:00] meow =^.^= [18:00] and, i mean, it *is* a Win16 app, not Win32 [18:00] try the ws one which is actually a 32bit binary (Win32s) [18:01] I can disassemble the Win32s one without unbinding successfully [18:01] well [18:01] sorry [18:01] PQ4 doesnt come with a Win32s one [18:01] Does "file" say it's an "MS-DOS executable, NE for MS Windows 3.x"? [18:02] yes [18:02] Ok, that's one sanity check out of the way. (That's what you should get for both an ordinary Win16 executable and the Win386 stub.) [18:02] ALourenco (~andre@ left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [18:03] I'm getting the same error with the NE-format sierraw.exe from Freddy Pharkas (the only one I had lying around at the moment). I'll see if I can find something new to suggest. [18:04] thanks, i appreciate that [18:05] hm [18:05] While I was researching for my (again, on hold) executable type detector, I seem to remember that the non-stub portion of a Win386 executable is in a niche binary format. Let me see if I can dig up that documentation again. [18:05] REX? [18:06] Yes, but it actually had a name beyond the extension and mentioned that some DOS extender also used it. [18:06] ocks (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [18:06] I have some notes and I'm pretty sure a script here somewhere, but of course I can't find them [18:06] PharLap extender. That was it. [18:07] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [18:07] I do see "I'm left with a REX format binary which seems to only be documented by means of the binary dump code in the Watcom source tree" in #scummvm logs :P [18:07] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ joined #scummvm. [18:07] and indeed, hey, stuff with "pharlap" in the name [18:08] hm. not the right stuff. just test files. [18:08] Here's something which may have promise in the OpenWatcom linker's manual --> "For more information, see the chapter entitled "The Phar Lap Executable File Format" on page 211" [18:09] No, just linker documentation common to 386|DOS-Extender and Win386 output modes. [18:10] the wbind in my openwatcom install does not work [18:10] SylvainTV (~SylvainTV@ALille-653-1-385-118.w92-147.abo.wanadoo.fr) joined #scummvm. [18:10] #scummvm: mode change '+o SylvainTV' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [18:10] fuzzie: I remember having trouble getting it to work for binding. It's a bit picky. What are you trying? [18:10] just wbind -u [18:11] Aha! Phar Lap format docs! --> http://www.program-transformation.org/Transform/PcExeFormat [18:13] aaaaaahh! not another unsupported custom executable format [18:14] at times like these i do not miss the good old days [18:14] fun [18:14] I'd check to see whether the OpenWatcom debugging tools can disassemble it. [18:15] dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher) left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds [18:15] Failing that, I suppose you could check whether any abandonware sites have any relevant development tooling for Phar Lap's 386|DOS-Extender. [18:16] yeah, i am doing that now :) [18:16] If you've got a Vetusware account or you're willing to only download one per day, you could try these --> http://vetusware.com/manufacturer/Phar%20Lap/?author=1304 [18:16] kenneth_cyrus (~Kenneth@ left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [18:16] Harekiet (~harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [18:16] i mean [18:16] sorry [18:16] what i meant to say was i wouldnt do that [18:18] Harekiet (~harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) joined #scummvm. [18:19] dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher) joined #scummvm. [18:21] frankyboy_ (~franky@ppp109-252-17-131.pppoe.spdop.ru) joined #scummvm. [18:33] m_kiewitz: thanks for checking your kq7 :) i only have 2.0b [18:36] LordHoto: i'm not at home I'll donit when i arrive thanks [18:39] ottogin (~ottogin@ joined #scummvm. [18:39] Good evening =) [18:40] deitarion: no luck on the phar lap stuff. [18:41] Grr. [18:47] ocks (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [18:54] criezy_ (~criezy@host86-161-63-12.range86-161.btcentralplus.com) joined #scummvm. [18:54] #scummvm: mode change '+o criezy_' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [18:54] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [18:55] criezy (~criezy@host81-157-10-16.range81-157.btcentralplus.com) left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds [18:55] Nick change: criezy_ -> criezy [19:00] GitHub6 (~GitHub6@ joined #scummvm. [19:00] [scummvm] m-kiewitz pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/varmu [19:00] scummvm/master ef3f475 Martin Kiewitz: SCI32: Add kq7 1.51 English, fix kq7 1.51 German detection... [19:00] GitHub6 (GitHub6@ left #scummvm. [19:02] m_kiewitz: thanks again for fixing this stuff :) [19:02] GitHub167 (~GitHub167@ joined #scummvm. [19:02] [scummvm] csnover pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/varYe [19:02] scummvm/master f8cea91 Colin Snover: SCI32: Correct KQ7 version split... [19:02] GitHub167 (GitHub167@ left #scummvm. [19:04] i wonder about that VERSION 1.65c [19:05] #scummvm: mode change '+o Strangerke' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [19:07] kurtwr (~kurtwr@c-73-12-209-100.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) left irc: [19:11] blorente (~blorente@ joined #scummvm. [19:14] kurtwr (~kurtwr@c-73-12-209-100.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) joined #scummvm. [19:16] A note in case it's ever relevant: At least one release of King's Quest 7 cannot be read on Linux or FreeDOS because it uses spec-violating 512-byte sectors on its ISO9660 filesystem. [19:19] interesting. [19:20] According to one really old mailing list post I found, Linux lost the ability to read those during some of the code cleanups that were made in the lead-up to the 2.4.x series. [19:20] Only mention I was ever able to find of the issue. [19:21] Thankfully, I have three other copies (two King's Quest Collection, one GOG), so it's not a huge inconvenience. [19:21] Strangerke_ (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [19:23] deitarion: you don't know which one? [19:23] 1.51? 1.4? 2.0b? [19:24] I can pull the disc out and check. Where does it say the version? [19:24] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [19:24] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke [19:24] in a file called VERSION [19:24] dang it [19:24] King's Quest Collection might be 1.4 [19:24] think clone2727 had that one and he had 1.4 [19:25] Give me a sec to boot my XP nostalgia PC and I'll tell you what it says. [19:25] LordHoto: i own the king's quest collection too [19:25] i also own kq7 2.0b [19:25] I only own 1.51 and 2.00b [19:25] there are too many different kq collections [19:25] the kq collection i have comes with 2.00b [19:25] i miss 1.65c, but that's basically it [19:26] snover: Is that the 200x one? [19:26] well and maybe 1.4, no idea if its on some collection disc [19:26] There are at least two different King's Quest Collections. One sec. [19:26] collection series [19:26] http://kingsquest.wikia.com/wiki/King's_Quest_Collections [19:26] I only own a KQ Collection without KQ7 (strictly speaking it's containing a demo...) :-) [19:27] Yeah. Collection Series (1997) is the one I own too. [19:27] ah 1.4 seems to be on that cheap kq collection release [19:27] I own the 1994 one but it looks different [19:27] that site is just a useless resource it seems! [19:27] http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/SCI/Game_Collections#King.27s_Quest_Collector.27s_Edition [19:28] on our wiki, there are 3 kq collections [19:28] yeah, that's what I own [19:28] If I can find it, there's a fansite page which summed up the differences more nicely. [19:28] the one listed on the wikia page might be an US release [19:28] the one on our site is definitely an EU release [19:29] the one on kingsquest.wikia claims to contain the AGI release for KQ4?!? [19:29] oh no, just misread that [19:29] i doubt that [19:29] disregard that comment [19:30] blorente1 (~blorente@ joined #scummvm. [19:30] blorente (~blorente@ left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [19:30] http://wiki.scummvm.org/index.php/SCI/Game_Collections#King.27s_Quest_Collection this nicely states that has 1.4 :-) [19:30] yeah, i mentioned that already [19:31] ah 1.4 seems to be on that cheap kq collection release [19:31] yeah [19:31] sadly i don't buy those cheap collections [19:31] but i guess someone else must have told me [19:31] no idea who that was [19:31] My King's Quest Collection Series says 2.00b. Let me double-check my second copy of that to be safe [19:31] cheap collections for questionable quality games ;-) [19:31] well those are really budget releases, CDs in a sleeve and that's it. Manuals as PDF on disc etc. [19:32] Not the Collection Series. I've still got the printed manual for that. [19:32] Same with my manual for the Quest for Glory Collection Series. [19:34] so where does this mysterious 1.65c version come from i wonder [19:34] Yeah. Both King's Quest Collection Series discs are from the same master. 2.00b [19:35] did they release a patch? [19:36] This patch is for versions 1.4 and 1.51 of King's Quest VII [19:36] so i guess 1.65c is probably just 1.51 plus this patch [19:36] For the record, here's the error PCManFM gives when you try to insert the wonky CD --> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14610481/screenshot8.png [19:36] At the same time, dmesg gains a line saying "[5787759.821536] ISOFS: Logical zone size(512) < hardware blocksize(2048)" [19:42] Hmm. The wonky disc is also 2.00b and is apparently a 1994-copyrighted "For Promotional Use Only - Non Returnable, Not for Resale" disc --> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14610481/IMG_9189.JPG [19:43] I can't remember how it got into my collection, which means it was probably part of a geek hand-me-down lot. [19:46] syke (~syke@142-254-29-109.dsl.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) joined #scummvm. [19:46] (The sleeve in the photo is aftermarket. I transfer everything without any kind of printed matter to Tyvek sleeves to save precious space.) [19:53] m_kiewitz: did you say you have KQ7 1.4 DOS? if so would you mind looking at a thing for me? [19:54] i actually dont. [19:54] ah, ok. no worries. [19:56] I just wish I had several copies of King's Quest 5 instead. Maybe I could duplicate this hilarious bug where KQ5 for DOS mistakenly assumes that the data files on the KQ5 for Windows CD are drop-in replacements. --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqunFIEI1IY [19:56] see, I have various KQ5 copies, but I never even played that game :-P [20:10] It's just funny highlights without anything really spoilery, in case you were holding off on watching it. [20:13] syke (~syke@142-254-29-109.dsl.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com) left irc: Quit: Leaving. [20:14] ghostsolder (~kvirc@ joined #scummvm. [20:21] Raziel^ (~Raziel@p54B1FA95.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds [20:22] Poly-C (~Poly-C@gentoo/developer/Polynomial-C) left irc: Quit: GNU/Linux, because I'd rather own a free OS than steal one that's not worth paying for. [20:35] ocks_ (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [20:35] rootfather|afk (~rootfathe@p200300422D46B1E71C9194DD9DA9C46E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) left irc: Ping timeout: 250 seconds [20:36] ocks__ (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [20:37] ocks (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [20:38] ocks (~ocksumoro@ joined #scummvm. [20:39] ocks_ (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [20:41] ocks__ (~ocksumoro@ left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds [20:41] ghostsolder (~kvirc@ left irc: Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/ [20:44] ajax16384 (~User@ip33.net130.n37.ru) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [20:51] iskrich (d9c5081b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [20:55] iskrich (d9c5081b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Client Quit [20:58] spookypeanut (~spookypea@scummvm/undead/spookypeanut) joined #scummvm. [20:58] #scummvm: mode change '+o spookypeanut' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [21:07] Tomaz^ (~tompsson@h-236-221.a199.priv.bahnhof.se) left irc: [21:08] spookypeanut (~spookypea@scummvm/undead/spookypeanut) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [21:19] salty-horse (~salty-hor@unaffiliated/salty-horse) left irc: Quit: Leaving [21:38] AlexChen (32a8283f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. joined #scummvm. [21:41] girafe (~girafe@AGrenoble-651-1-557-65.w90-42.abo.wanadoo.fr) left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer [21:41] Good afternoon. I am interested in Dungeon Mater Engine porting project posted for GSoC. May I know more information about the project? [21:47] AlexChen: if you would like to ask some questions that are not covered on the task page the mailing list is a very good starting point and trying to idle in the chan. as well. It's quiet at the moment but people come on and off timezone permitting and also tend to read the logs. [21:48] Ok. Thank you for the information! [21:51] AlexChen: I also ecommend contacting with the technical contacts, it helped me a lot :) [21:53] AlexChen: and if you have a question, you can always post it here and people can reply later. The DM task is not one I know a great deal about but I can try and help. I have to be on a call in 10-15mins however. [21:56] I am looking on 2 projects, Dungeon Master and Dink Smallwood. I am looking for more information, so that I can know I can handle which one better. [22:01] What sort of information? They are both engine tasks. What is your background? [22:01] TMM (~hp@fsf/member/pdpc.professional.tmm) joined #scummvm. [22:07] Tomaz^ (~tompsson@h-236-221.a199.priv.bahnhof.se) joined #scummvm. [22:09] ny00123 (~ny00123@ left irc: Remote host closed the connection [22:15] I have 1.5 years of c++ experience and currently pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science in California. I am interested to know what language is the original DM engine. Besides, I would also like to know is there any specific IDE/game engine that will be using. [22:17] there is no "game engine" used. at best there is the sdl library [22:17] or is sdl a framework? I never checked. well, it hooks main, so framework it is! [22:17] Strangerke_ (~Strangerk@cable- joined #scummvm. [22:18] as for the IDE, none in particular is required. there is some special setup scrips for visual studio if you use that, but the choice is yours [22:20] Strangerke (~Strangerk@cable- left irc: Ping timeout: 264 seconds [22:20] Nick change: Strangerke_ -> Strangerke [22:26] frankyboy_ (~franky@ppp109-252-17-131.pppoe.spdop.ru) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [22:26] Ok. Is there any place I can download the original DM that we will be working on? I might want to have a look before drafting my proposal. [22:30] wjp: this can't be real. it just happened again. Local GIT repo corrupt. [22:30] dreammaster (~dreammast@c-73-167-118-204.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) joined #scummvm. [22:30] #scummvm: mode change '+o dreammaster' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [22:31] I just went into the AGI commits to look through them. That worked fine. Closed it. Opened it a few minutes later. [22:31] well, we can try this recipe from last time now [22:31] Now its "Could not get first commit." [22:31] libgit reports packed object ... is corrupt [22:31] i mean what the hell, this doesn't even make sense [22:31] have you considered a different git client? [22:31] AlexChen: Just a friendly warning in general, we do not support piracy in any way shape or form. [22:31] i was in that view just 10 minutes ago [22:32] is there another one with explorer integration? [22:32] That said, I have no clue about Dungeon Master's status, might be freeware for all I know [22:32] although why should the GUI client be responsible? It's just calling libgit [22:32] and why is it possible that I go to the commits, back out without doing anything, back in and its corrupt? [22:32] m_kiewitz: Check your disk [22:33] Sounds like something deeper down is corrupt to me [22:33] somaen: GIT is the only thing that is doing this. [22:33] AlexChen, at this moment the project of DM is not ready, the mentor Strangerke is working on it. [22:33] Doesn't git check checksums of a lot of stuff? [22:33] i use quite a lot of software, have all sorts of things running, nothing has these issues [22:33] and if there actually was all sorts of disc corruption, i guess my whole computer wouldn't work anymore already [22:33] somaen: well, a commit hash is a checksum of everything in there basically [22:33] Amiga v2.2 will be the version from DM [22:34] Just for fun, check that dmesg doesn't say something nasty [22:34] im on Windows [22:34] There's a similar log [22:34] In Administrative Tools [22:35] ComaF, thank you for the information. I will keep an eye on the website. [22:35] Also, isn't libgit an alternative implementation? [22:35] AlexChen: Please do contact Strangerke directly as well [22:35] He's probably more than happy to fill you in on the details [22:36] somaen: I wil do that now. Thank you once again. [22:36] somaen: system event log doesn't say anything about harddrive issues [22:36] m_kiewitz: Well, there's that idea then [22:38] There's no anti virus software or similar which could interfere? [22:38] no [22:38] Nothing which would just kill processes because of reasons(tm)? [22:39] and wouldn't the harddrive complain about CRC errors anyway in case there was corruption? [22:39] who would kill processes? [22:39] anti virus or similar stuff [22:39] monitoring software [22:39] stuff like that [22:39] i just went to the commit log and i was in there just 10 minutes ago. Nothing was changed inbetween. I worked a bit in the web browser [22:39] i don't use anti virus software [22:40] and I don't use software firewalls, i mean i have a firewall installed, but it's not software-based (as in checking software running on the computer) [22:40] m_kiewitz: maybe try the official github client? [22:40] does that one offer proper explorer integration? [22:40] i think so, though i dont really know what proper means :) [22:41] somaen: working as good as TortoiseGit, obviously ;-) [22:41] well as in actual explorer integration [22:41] err [22:41] *snover [22:41] still i really don't understand why the explorer integration part would be the problem. it's libgit complaining [22:41] so unless tortoisegit accesses files directly and changes them around, then why should it be responsible? [22:41] well, libgit isn't the official git implementation [22:42] o_O [22:42] git libraries allow low level access to the git repository internals, its up to the client program to use them correctly to not corrupt your stuff [22:42] why would they allow this [22:42] oh my who designed this [22:43] it would have to be some really weird issue. as i said - i went into the commit log directly. no changes at all inbetween. [22:43] well, either you can continue to suffer corruption problems, or you can try to fix it by trying another software, i dont see any other option [22:43] which means something has to change files even you aren't doing anything at all except looking at data [22:43] wishing it away does not seem to work so good :) [22:44] I mean it is a bit odd that you're the only of our developers who seems to run into this. [22:44] Not sure what git client our other Windows developers use. [22:45] But personally at this point I would just try *any* other client. [22:45] m_kiewitz: well, it is integrated in your explorer, so who knows what it could trigger :-P [22:45] WooShell (woo@ip1886aec7.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) left irc: Quit: Zu gotdy od mpy nrmy stpimf. Zu drvpmf zrsmd aogy jrt iq pt viy jrt yp yjr htpimf. [22:46] it seems there is git extensions only, at least i can't find anything else. and at least back then years ago git extensions was crap [22:46] https://desktop.github.com/ try this [22:46] will try it now, i guess [22:46] "Windows 7 or later" [22:47] ^ not git extensions but desktop.github.com [22:48] git command line works ok in windows xp, so that is another option for some day :) [22:50] RichieSams|work (4a519ab1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [22:55] Personally I still swear by SourceSafe [22:56] But the Windows client is crap compared to the OS X client as far as I've heard [22:57] blorente1 (~blorente@ left irc: Quit: Bye [23:17] ottogin (~ottogin@ left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds [23:20] Kirben (Kirben@c110-22-44-46.brasd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) joined #scummvm. [23:20] #scummvm: mode change '+o Kirben' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. [23:22] ChrisKeys (ChrisKeys@ip25053d66.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) joined #scummvm. [23:47] BozMat (~BozM@szanto-d.koll.pte.hu) left irc: Quit: Leaving [23:58] m_kiewitz (~m_kiewitz@scummvm/undead/m-kiewitz) left irc: Quit: technology isn't intrinsically good or evil. It's how it's used. Like the Death Ray. [00:00] --- Fri Mar 18 2016