[00:33] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [00:55] [scummvm] elasota opened pull request #6428: VIDEO: QTVR: Fix backwards hotspot X reverse projection and revert debug code (master...qtvr-math) https://is.gd/lBwgV3 [01:40] [discord] German, Spanish, French and Italian. All but Italian have the non-ASCII characters mapped to \x01 - \x04. Italian uses cp1252 encoding. [01:40] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1338686183986696253/strings_de.txt?ex=67abfc29&is=67aaaaa9&hm=9747847df39683960de1e5daedb8cdad07a5819a1915d3a4b780f7be2f562e24& [01:41] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1338686184423030824/strings_es.txt?ex=67abfc29&is=67aaaaa9&hm=76c9cce9672ef635f24ff28f18c4635396f9a2cd46fce1494206e0d9462345f6& [01:41] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1338686184737476630/strings_fr.txt?ex=67abfc2a&is=67aaaaaa&hm=f9f9ac9f1cda6458ffe9ce74b4ea6fd5983bab478d870a73625550c17f230aa8& [01:41] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581224061091446795/1338686185090056214/strings_it.txt?ex=67abfc2a&is=67aaaaaa&hm=99468cc08fe7ae61b6cdf7dc61d80b6f654a1df661ad958061f914d5f3cdcd78& [01:50] [discord] ``` [01:50] [discord] ERROR: CreateSprite: Sprite index out of range - max index: 15, requested index: 16! [01:50] [discord] ``` [01:50] [discord] That's interesting [01:52] [discord] 2nd room, walked to right, after doing the 2nd question [01:52] [discord] 2nd room, walked to right, after doing the 2nd question (Italian version) (edited) [01:52] [discord] That's been a frequent error. One of the most frequent functions is sendWSMessage_10000, which assigns a sprite "series" to a machine that's responsible for all the animation stuff. Two series, actually, and some of the other parameters represent frame ranges. The error occurs when we accidentally assign the wrong sprite set, or get the frame indexes wrong. [02:02] [discord] Ok, so Ripley uses HMI midis. Cool [02:03] [discord] If that means we can definitely play them with existing code, excellent. [02:05] [discord] https://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php?title=HMP [02:13] [scummvm] npjg pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/h3d1zu [02:13] scummvm/master c51aa97 einstein95: MEDIASTATION: Fix lionking 2.0GB copy-paste mistake [02:13] [scummvm] npjg closed pull request #6426: MEDIASTATION: Fix lionking 2.0GB copy-paste mistake (master...mediastation_det) https://is.gd/twOkvg [02:23] Harekiet (harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [02:23] Harekiet (harekiet@kittens.harekiet.com) joined #scummvm. [02:24] CompanionCube (samis@sortix/rw-citizenship/CompanionCube) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [02:25] CompanionCube (samis@sortix/rw-citizenship/CompanionCube) joined #scummvm. [02:43] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/mlMRBs [02:43] scummvm/master 08a23cf dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Added foreign inventory item names. Thanks to eientei [02:44] [discord] I've committed in all the names you provided. Thanks again for providing them all. [02:46] [discord] np [02:47] [discord] and I've ripped all the HMP files from the game thanks to the documentation in sys_file.cpp [02:51] [discord] Huh, the non-interactive burger demo also uses HMP [02:57] [discord] ``` [02:57] [discord] Game Version v0.0 - Septemba 30, 1995 [02:57] [discord] M4 Library Version v1.213 - September 8, 1995 [02:57] [discord] PRE-ALFA Copyright (c) 1995 by Sanctuary Woods Multimedia Corporation [02:57] [discord] ``` [03:28] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/2fHdEm [03:28] scummvm/master 7995764 dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Replace accented characters with hex encoding [04:03] TMM (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere. [04:04] TMM (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) joined #scummvm. [04:18] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/yK4q0p [04:18] scummvm/master 2542c92 dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Attempts at implementing music playback, console command [04:48] [discord] Bummer. I tried all three midi parsers (XMIDI, XMF, and even QT), but none of them handle the HMP MIDI. I've committed in code into platform/sound/midi.cpp that properly reads in the raw data, maybe it'll help if someone is willing to look into adding support for this type [05:20] [discord] Huh. [05:20] [discord] Riddle of Master Lu: HMPv1 [05:20] [discord] Orion Burger: HMPv1 (only for `999INTRO.HMP`) [05:20] [discord] Once Upon a Forest: HMI [05:21] [discord] OUaF coming out earlier so I expected it not to use the format that was made after [05:37] [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/hQGXPg [05:37] scummvm/master 5da9ba4 dreammaster: GOT: Add support for playing shareware version [07:22] DominusExult (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) joined #scummvm. [07:22] Dominus (~dominus@exult/developer/dominus) left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [07:23] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus [07:51] ldevulder (~ldevulder@ joined #scummvm. [07:56] borosky (~borosky@ joined #scummvm. [08:39] [discord] We don t have a parser for that format yet. Ill look into adding one later. [09:59] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [09:59] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [10:01] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Client Quit [10:22] gsish (2586f0ecab@user/gsish) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [10:27] Strengths (~Strengths@2001:4479:e003:5600:b0bb:6d1b:352d:c420) left irc: Quit: Strengths [10:35] Strengths (~Strengths@2001:4479:e003:5600:e7b1:a8ef:9629:1613) joined #scummvm. [10:57] sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [10:57] sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [10:57] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [10:57] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [11:32] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [11:32] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [11:35] gsish (2586f0ecab@user/gsish) joined #scummvm. [11:52] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Ping timeout: 272 seconds [11:54] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ joined #scummvm. [11:54] #scummvm: mode change '+o ccawley2011' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [12:03] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [12:18] JamminUnit (~JU@user/JamminUnit) left irc: Quit: leaving [12:20] JamminUnit (~JU@user/JamminUnit) joined #scummvm. [12:21] ccawley2011 (~ccawley20@ left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [12:23] sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-1c0b-63b3-64aa-dca.fixed6.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [12:23] sev (~sev@2a02-a457-5d44-1-1c0b-63b3-64aa-dca.fixed6.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [12:23] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [12:23] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [12:30] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [12:44] sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) joined #scummvm. [12:44] sev (~sev@81-205-47-249.fixed.kpn.net) left irc: Changing host [12:44] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [12:44] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [13:30] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [15:52] [scummvm] naatje80 opened pull request #6429: Add support to select shader from the command line (master...master) https://is.gd/JhsFvQ [16:19] [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/YFgc6D [16:19] scummvm/master 8f43f90 : I18N: Update translation (Hungarian) [16:51] ny00123 (~ny00123@ joined #scummvm. [16:55] [scummvm] mgerhardy pushed 5 new commits to master: https://is.gd/XqSGFb [16:55] scummvm/master ba70692 mgerhardy: TWINE: fixed invalid lastJoyFlag triggers in processBehaviourExecution [16:55] scummvm/master 43a41ed mgerhardy: TWINE: LBA1: flag the preview version [16:55] scummvm/master d8ec24f mgerhardy: TWINE: use constants [18:42] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [18:42] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [19:13] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [19:15] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [19:15] #scummvm: mode change '+o sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [19:19] _sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) joined #scummvm. [19:19] #scummvm: mode change '+o _sev' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.libera.chat [19:20] sev (~sev@scummvm/sev) left irc: Ping timeout: 268 seconds [19:22] [discord] I've pushed a few fixes to the repository - if you have the chance, please check with the latest nightly build that is going to be produced today. [19:37] [discord] In the bug ticket for the door bug you mention an option to "use enhancements". Is this option exposed in the ScummVM GUI? [19:39] [discord] no, it's not for twine yet [19:40] [discord] I've only merged the non-ui part of the scumm feature into the `Engine` class right now. I've no idea about getting the ui part from the scumm engine into a generic shape to be reusable for all other engines. [19:40] [discord] but this bug is not enabled by default - because it was classified as breaking [19:40] [discord] but this bug is now enabled by default - because it was classified as breaking (edited) [19:40] [discord] I also get a crash (segmentation fault) after the latest changes, that is a bit weird. It seems to be connected to the twine code, but not sure (and also not sure if it's something on my side). Maybe you could check on your side too? [19:41] [discord] do you have a stacktrace for me? [19:41] [discord] which version of lba? [19:41] [discord] I launch the game from the ScummVM launcher, then exit to launcher and click on "Game Options" [19:41] [discord] It's the GOG one. [19:42] [discord] but the crash happens outside the game. But only if I have launched this specific game [19:42] [discord] reproduced - thanks - will check it [19:42] [discord] it's imgui related [19:43] [discord] so it should have been there before those changes, too - no? [19:44] [discord] I don't think I tested this recently. I only tested today because I wanted to confirm that the Enable Enhancements option was not added to the GUI for the game [19:44] [discord] so it's possible [19:46] [scummvm] mgerhardy pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/iDyM4h [19:46] scummvm/master cfca64a mgerhardy: TWINE: renamed member to match original sources + added comments [19:46] scummvm/master c51da20 mgerhardy: TWINE: fixed segfault when restaring a game from the launcher a second time [19:46] [discord] should be fixed - thanks for the report [19:48] [scummvm] mgerhardy pushed 1 new commits to branch-2-9: https://is.gd/Zfj0ey [19:48] scummvm/branch-2-9 918c64d mgerhardy: TWINE: fixed segfault when restaring a game from the launcher a second time [20:03] [scummvm] mgerhardy pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/h57O3L [20:03] scummvm/master 4e5a85a mgerhardy: TWINE: link to the bug ticket for the enhancement [20:03] scummvm/master b7a00af mgerhardy: TWINE: Pressing Space in normal mode does not trigger use/talk action. [20:05] [discord] nice one, I'll check it out when I can! [20:15] TMM (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere. [20:15] TMM (hp@amanda.tmm.cx) joined #scummvm. [20:46] [scummvm] mgerhardy pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/XXxhC8 [20:46] scummvm/master f00f4e9 mgerhardy: TWINE: comments to mention the original source names [20:46] scummvm/master 3afb633 mgerhardy: TWINE: added pitchbend values to playSample (they are still unused) [20:48] [scummvm] mgerhardy pushed 1 new commits to branch-2-9: https://is.gd/OannoY [20:48] scummvm/branch-2-9 e94afe2 mgerhardy: TWINE: Pressing Space in normal mode does not trigger use/talk action. [20:55] [discord] Indeed it is. Thank you for the quick fix! [21:43] gsi (~gsi@user/gsi) left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds [21:45] gsi (~gsi@user/gsi) joined #scummvm. [21:49] BaneMind (~banemind@26-116-132-5.ftth.glasoperator.nl) left irc: Remote host closed the connection [21:57] BaneMind (~banemind@26-116-132-5.ftth.glasoperator.nl) joined #scummvm. [22:09] ny00123 (~ny00123@ left irc: Quit: Leaving [23:58] borosky (~borosky@ left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds [00:00] --- Wed Feb 12 2025