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[00:00] <Scummette> [scummvm] mduggan pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/DyLO3k
[00:00] <Scummette> scummvm/master 24ab85c mduggan: ULTIMA8: Clear mover process pointer before reset
[00:34] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 4 new commits to master: https://is.gd/vLVvON
[00:34] <Scummette> scummvm/master 81eeb05 sev-: VIDEO: QTVR: Use HotSpotType as uint32
[00:34] <Scummette> scummvm/master ca15008 sev-: COMMON: FORMATS: Get rid of HotSpotType in QTVR
[00:34] <Scummette> scummvm/master c7a9f7a sev-: VIDEO: QTVR: Remove redundant casts
[01:50] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/yeU1Tu
[01:50] <Scummette> scummvm/master 9f38773 dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Fixes for room 303 cutscenes, mode/should renames
[02:28] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/TmbDQj
[02:28] <Scummette> scummvm/master e6ea75c dreammaster: GOT: Properly don't draw shovel maze in part 2
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[04:24] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/NlB6Sa
[04:24] <Scummette> scummvm/master 7dcd796 dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Talk animation fixes in room 304
[06:11] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/sIL63r
[06:11] <Scummette> scummvm/master f623443 dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Room 304 mei talk fixes
[06:24] <Scummette> [scummvm] dreammaster pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/cZ2xl6
[06:24] <Scummette> scummvm/master 6534bfe dreammaster: M4: RIDDLE: Room 304 Feng Li talk fix
[06:57] <-- TMM left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.
[06:57] --> TMM joined #scummvm.
[07:14] --> ldevulder joined #scummvm.
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[07:20] Nick change: DominusExult -> Dominus
[08:26] <Scummette> [scummvm] AndywinXp pushed 1 new commits to branch-2-9: https://is.gd/Tat48g
[08:26] <Scummette> scummvm/branch-2-9 debbc70 AndywinXp: SCUMM: MOONBASE: Fix multiplayer crash
[08:51] <-- grib left irc: Quit: WeeChat 3.8
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[09:24] <-- grib left irc: Changing host
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[09:28] <-- ldevulder left irc: Quit: Leaving
[09:34] <Scummette> [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/A8hDyD
[09:34] <Scummette> scummvm/master f0bb3d5 Strangerke: M4: Simplify memory allocation code, remove useless memory functions, remove unused file and access modes
[09:54] --> ldevulder joined #scummvm.
[10:28] <Scummette> [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/7UpCj3
[10:28] <Scummette> scummvm/master 8155bbc Strangerke: M4: RIDDLE: Room 303 - fix logic to return to room 304
[10:28] <Scummette> scummvm/master 62da6d6 Strangerke: GOT: Revert accidental change in f0bb3d51fad47c82a3fd24fe5f36b9778d8664c5
[10:49] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/YoH1df
[10:49] <Scummette> scummvm/master 6510f08 : I18N: Update translation (Hungarian)
[11:45] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/IYyuR3
[11:45] <Scummette> scummvm/master 4b070fa sev-: DIRECTOR: XTRAS: Do not crash on invalid QTVR movies
[11:46] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/RKtNtV
[11:46] <Scummette> scummvm/master 00dc758 sev-: JANITORIAL: Fix typo in a comment
[11:46] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/ZUnJbn
[11:46] <Scummette> scummvm/master 9fcb00e weblate: I18N: Update translations templates
[11:49] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/Lxmb1J
[11:49] <Scummette> scummvm/master 0a82b9d weblate: I18N: Update translation files
[11:59] <Scummette> [scummvm] bluegr closed pull request #6419: DISTS: Add Bash tab completions script for ScummVM (master...bash-completions) https://is.gd/KOx06V
[11:59] <Scummette> [scummvm] bluegr pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/vqGLhT
[11:59] <Scummette> scummvm/master f90ebc3 eriktorbjorn: DISTS: Add Bash tab completions script for ScummVM
[12:44] --> ny00123 joined #scummvm.
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[16:08] <Scummette> [scummvm] ScummVM-Translations pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/ODPkg4
[16:08] <Scummette> scummvm/master c38a808 : I18N: Update translation (Hungarian)
[16:15] --> ccawley2011 joined #scummvm.
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[18:13] <-- TMM left irc: Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.
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[18:34] --> nightstrike joined #scummvm.
[18:35] <-- logix left irc: Ping timeout: 245 seconds
[18:42] <Scummette> [scummvm] eriktorbjorn pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/vaN0Yf
[18:42] <Scummette> scummvm/master e96f022 : SCUMM: Fix audio pops at the end of Sega CD MI1 (bug #15369)
[18:43] --> logix joined #scummvm.
[19:00] <Scummette> [scummvm] eriktorbjorn pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/SofdmB
[19:00] <Scummette> scummvm/master e82ea39 : NEWS: Add some SCUMM items
[19:32] <Scummette> [scummvm] eriktorbjorn opened pull request #6446: SCUMM: "Fix" the bright graphics in the Sega CD version of MI1 (master...mi1-sega-cd-shadow) https://is.gd/9vgq7e
[20:03] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 0 new commits to hodj: https://is.gd/k3drFh
[20:05] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 0 new commits to hodj: https://is.gd/Ph1dig
[20:49] --> ccawley2011_ joined #scummvm.
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[22:48] <Scummette> [scummvm] sev- pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/HdXueX
[22:48] <Scummette> scummvm/master 3613b95 sev-: DIRECTOR: XTRAS: Implement basic methods of DirectSound Xtra
[22:49] <Scummette> [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/UIMtoI
[22:49] <Scummette> scummvm/master 25a0e90 Strangerke: M4: RIDDLE: Room 303 - Remove default parameter values for SenWSMEssage B0000 to E0000, fix 2 crashes related to torso tomato, some doc added to flags
[23:10] <Scummette> [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 2 new commits to master: https://is.gd/SSuUFf
[23:10] <Scummette> scummvm/master ae2d849 Strangerke: M4: RIDDLE: Room 303 - some cleanup : use boolean values where they should be used, add some const
[23:10] <Scummette> scummvm/master e7c31f2 Strangerke: M4: RIDDLE: Room 305: Fix a crash when looking at the shark
[23:32] <Scummette> [scummvm] Strangerke pushed 1 new commits to master: https://is.gd/NnlkkM
[23:32] <Scummette> scummvm/master ccc28b6 Strangerke: M4: RIDDLE: Room 303: Remove some more default values, fix crash when going to room 304 in explorer suit
[00:00] --- Fri Feb 21 2025