"Status Update:", "subtitle" => "15 November 2015", "subject" => "[Data Loss @ 13/11/15]", // "text" => "The ~90 days worth of logs lost last week due to corruption (covering Aug 8 - Nov 14) have now been restored.
" . // "A very special thanks to both DrMcCoy and Strangerke for providing the missing files!"); $status = array( "title" => "IRC Logs", "subtitle" => "#ScummVM on Libera Chat", "subject" => "(irc.libera.chat)", "text" => "Logs from the ScummVM IRC channel on Libera Chat. As transcribed by the Evil Zombie Ghost Bot, LeChuck
" ); // Default Status Set. if (!isset($status) || !isset($status['title'])) { $status = array("text" => "", "title" => "", "date" => "", "subject" => ""); } // Parse request list($selMonth, $selYear, $dateSel) = parseRequest(); $files = loadLogs($logDir, $selMonth, $selYear); // Load log filenames require "page-header.html"; // Include header HTML (ugly) // Display items and links foreach ($files as $item) { $item = str_replace($logDir, "", $item); // Remove subdir ?> [text] [html] "; for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) { $shortMonth = gmdate("M", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, $selYear)); $dateSel .= ($i == $selMonth) ? "