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[00:24] <-- criezy_ left irc: Quit: /sbin/sleep 2>/dev/null 1>~/bedroom/bed
[00:46] <CIA-45> Kirben * r56186 /web/trunk/data/game_demos.xml: WEB: Add Windows updated game demo of Let's Explore the Farm with Buzzy.
[00:55] <-- Robin_Watts left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[01:02] <LordHoto> digitall: how about mentioning that in the NEWS?
[01:08] sirlemonhead (bduncan22@86-40-17-22-dynamic.b-ras2.prp.dublin.eircom.net) left #scummvm.
[01:09] Action: digitall hands LordHoto a unicorn on a stick
[01:09] <digitall> Sigh... Goes to look at committing a NEWS item.
[01:11] <CIA-45> D G Turner master * r8261b56 / NEWS : DOC: Add AGOS Cabinet bugfix to NEWS. - http://git.io/GEQ3vw
[01:14] <digitall> LordHoto: Happy? :-)
[01:14] <LordHoto> digitall: nope
[01:14] <clone2727> digitall: It's not in the branch :P
[01:14] <LordHoto> digitall: it should be in a 1.4.1 section ;-P
[01:15] <digitall> *grumble*
[01:19] <CIA-45> D G Turner branch-1-4 * r1dfe45b / NEWS : DOC: Add AGOS Cabinet bugfix to NEWS. - http://git.io/zgRc7Q
[01:26] <-- cyco left irc: Quit: cyco
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[01:36] <-- LordHoto left irc: Quit: night
[02:01] <-- Javacat left irc: Quit: Please, try the fish
[02:01] <[md5]> goodnight!
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[03:02] digitall (digitall@cpc2-hitc2-0-0-cust28.9-2.cable.virginmedia.com) left #scummvm ("Zzzz").
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[07:20] <-- Herrman left irc: Quit: Ich habe schwierigkeiten damit deinen Namen zu merken... Darf ich dich Arschloch nennen???...
[07:26] --> Strangerke joined #scummvm.
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[07:26] <Strangerke> hi guys
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[08:06] <-- Dominus left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[08:14] <fuzzie> picture engine doesn't look bad at all, at a glance.
[08:26] --> johndoe123 joined #scummvm.
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[08:27] <Strangerke> Haaa johndoe123 ! \o/
[08:29] <Strangerke> johndoe123: Congratulations for Picture, btw
[08:30] <wjp> oh yay, another name<->game mismatch :-(
[08:31] <wjp> or engine/game mismatch, or something like that
[08:31] <johndoe123> @Strangerke: thanks
[08:31] --> sirlemonhead joined #scummvm.
[08:32] <-- Deepy_ left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds
[08:32] <Strangerke> wjp: Why name mismatch?
[08:33] <wjp> if it's a single game engine, can't we just name it skulls or toltecs or something?
[08:33] <Strangerke> wjp: It's the picture engine... it's documented on the company's site, still in use for 3D games
[08:33] <Strangerke> no, there are several games using it, but only one in 2D
[08:34] <Strangerke> But I understand your remark, as at the end there'll be only 1 game supported in ScummVM
[08:34] <wjp> let's just say options like "./configure --enable-picture" don't make me very happy. But of course this isn't really important
[08:34] <Strangerke> wjp: so if you disable it, you have a text-only version of ScummVM, is that it? :)
[08:35] <wjp> :-)
[08:36] <johndoe123> well, it's the name of the engine, and yes, I agree that it is weird
[08:36] <johndoe123> if someone wants to rename it to "toltects" etc. I have nothing against it
[08:36] sirlemonhead (bduncan22@86-40-17-22-dynamic.b-ras2.prp.dublin.eircom.net) left #scummvm.
[08:36] <johndoe123> I mean "toltecs"
[08:37] --> _marc` joined #scummvm.
[08:37] <fuzzie> we seem to have standardised on using the original engine names as part of our "confuse users as much as possible" approach
[08:38] <fuzzie> so as long as you don't mind the angry mob of android users being directed your way when they turn up with pitchforks and fire
[08:39] <Strangerke> johndoe123: is there a chance that the engine will be used by Residual?
[08:41] --> Deepy joined #scummvm.
[08:41] <Strangerke> Some info about the different versions of Picture engine: http://www.revistronic.com/web-corp/product-technology/index.htm
[08:41] <fuzzie> johndoe123: was just saying before you came in that the picture engine code looks pretty good at a glance, so that's refreshingly nice work.
[08:47] <johndoe123> @Strangerke: no, afaik the 3d version is completely different
[08:48] <johndoe123> @fuzzie: thanks :)
[08:53] <fuzzie> also: are there no engines which fall back to speech in subtitles-only mode if there are no subtitles available for some bits (e.g. cutscenes)?
[08:54] <fuzzie> (just looking at LordHoto's commit which would mute the speech in such situations)
[08:55] <fuzzie> the only ones I can think of have the cutscenes as movies which wouldn't be outputting on the speech channel anyway, mind.
[08:57] <-- Harekiet left irc: Quit: Commander Keen rocks your world!!!!!
[09:03] --> Harekiet joined #scummvm.
[09:07] <_sev|w> johndoe123: yo
[09:14] --> Dominus joined #scummvm.
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[09:37] <wjp> _sev|w: any objections to closing the 1.3 branch and deleting the 1.3.0, 1.3.1 and 1.4.0 ones?
[09:37] <_sev|w> no, please do it
[09:37] <_sev|w> I'm yet to answer number of emails
[09:38] <wjp> k
[09:39] <wjp> done
[09:39] <CIA-45> CeRiAl closed/branch-1-3 * rdfe0c78 / backends/platform/wince/README-WinCE.txt : WINCE: Update port specific README (+73 more commits...) - http://git.io/qSQxWg
[09:40] <wjp> hm, interesting side effect
[09:47] --> SiENcE joined #scummvm.
[09:58] <CruX|> picture engine is under which directory ?
[09:59] <-- Sho_ left irc: Quit: Stop leaking memory like it's going out of fashion.
[10:01] <fuzzie> it isn't, yet.
[10:05] --> Sho_ joined #scummvm.
[10:06] <CruX|> and will be in the near future ?
[10:06] <CruX|> 3 sculls is my favourite
[10:06] <fuzzie> i guess so. see mailing list :)
[10:09] --> James|GlideM joined #scummvm.
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[10:34] <-- cyco left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
[10:37] <fuzzie> gui_lol.cpp seems to have an interesting idea of how save slots work
[10:37] --> cyco joined #scummvm.
[10:38] <fuzzie> i suppose fixing GUI_LoL::updateSavegameList()'s loop to use _saveSlots[i] instead of i would be the trick there
[10:39] <wjp> this code confuses me
[10:39] <fuzzie> it's maintaining a cache of the savegame entries, basically
[10:40] <fuzzie> indexed by _savegameList[_saveSlots[entry]]
[10:40] <-- Robin_Watts left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
[10:41] <fuzzie> except clearly also not indexed by that
[10:42] <fuzzie> presumably the intention is to have _savegameList be dense, and then when the save slots are actually needed for calling getSavegameFilename, _saveSlots can be used to work them out
[10:42] <fuzzie> except the code seems to have that entirely inverted.
[10:43] <wjp> so _saveSlots is a list of integers for save game filenames?
[10:44] <fuzzie> yes
[10:45] <fuzzie> they're calculated by looking at the last three chars of a filename, like .123
[10:45] <fuzzie> then e.g. getSavegameFilename does .%03d with it.
[10:45] --> D0SFreak joined #scummvm.
[10:47] <fuzzie> i wouldn't worry too much about it, was just curious what would cause such a bug with the slots, i'm sure it can be LordHoto's problem :P or i guess Florian's since 4eb077dc is presumably the cause.
[10:49] <wjp> it would've been nice if someone had actually commented all these levels of indirection
[10:49] <fuzzie> i added some mumblings to #3437647
[10:49] <fuzzie> bug #3437647
[10:50] <wjp> and what's wrong with an Array<String>? :-)
[10:51] <fuzzie> well, i guess they want to keep it sorted by slot number?
[10:51] <wjp> for char **_savegameList I mean
[10:51] <fuzzie> oh, well, I daren't ask :)
[10:52] <fuzzie> i guess convertISOToDOS is expecting a char*
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[13:03] <Strangerke> Just in case someone is interested: Strange Adventure in Infinite Space is now also free for MacOS X Lion: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/Our_Games/Free_Games.html
[13:04] <_sev|w> yay
[13:05] <fuzzie> isn't the code GPL anyway? nice to have an easy to install bundle i guess
[13:06] <-- cyco left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[13:07] <Strangerke> GPL? I don't think so... Maybe it changed
[13:07] <Strangerke> it was a commercial product not so long ago, no idea if they freed the sources too
[13:07] <fuzzie> oh right, yes, some of my friends got bored and got it to build on Linux in, gosh, 2005.
[13:08] <Strangerke> fuzzie: Did you notice it's an adventure game, using a mouse and 2D graphics?
[13:08] Action: Strangerke hides in shadows
[13:09] <fuzzie> yes, i am using my Strangerke's Simplified English Dictionary today, where adventure game is defined as anything with 'adventure' in the name
[13:09] <Strangerke> (or description)
[13:09] <fuzzie> or possibly mentioned on the same webpage as something which might be an adventure?
[13:10] <Strangerke> or if an advertising on the webpage mention adventure... It counts, too
[13:10] <Strangerke> ;)
[13:10] <fuzzie> so how's that RTL?
[13:10] <madmoose> As long as it's 2D and you point and you click... adventuring is what you make of it.
[13:11] <fuzzie> what if you type things and use arrow keys?
[13:11] <madmoose> clicking
[13:11] <fuzzie> what if it's rendered from 3D?
[13:11] <madmoose> I'll allow it.
[13:12] <fuzzie> ok, you can have the Arbiter Of Whether Things Are 2D Point-and-Click Adventures hat today.
[13:12] <fuzzie> here.
[13:12] <madmoose> I have to allow for BR when I finish it... sometime in the roaring 2020s.
[13:12] <madmoose> Ooh, spiffy.
[13:12] <fuzzie> just don't let Strangerke have it.
[13:12] <Strangerke> oh pleasepleaseplease gimme!
[13:13] <madmoose> No, sorry. Fuzzie says no. I don't know why but fuzzie said no, so I have to go with that.
[13:13] <Strangerke> :'(
[13:14] <fuzzie> The Germans are still accounting for a huge amount of our ScummVM installs.
[13:14] <fuzzie> I mean, on Android.
[13:14] <fuzzie> I suppose that makes sense given their adventure game market, but the Spanish at second place is a bit more surprising.
[13:15] <Strangerke> not really, spanish has some really nice active studios, ... They aer keeping interest in adventure games
[13:15] <fuzzie> Belgium, of course, is buried somewhere in the noise. :P
[13:15] <Strangerke> Belgium is too small
[13:16] <Strangerke> 7 times less inhabitants compared to Germany... How do you expect Belgium to compete...
[13:16] <Strangerke> Where is France in that list?
[13:17] <fuzzie> Well, Germany has ~33% of the installs, comparing to it is not so fair. :)
[13:17] <madmoose> More importantly, where is Denmark?
[13:17] <Strangerke> (it's already frustrating it's behind Spain)
[13:17] <fuzzie> France is 6th, with 3.2%!
[13:17] <wjp> NL? :-)
[13:17] <Strangerke> ok, that's a shame
[13:17] <fuzzie> Denmark is also lost in the noise. As is the Netherlands.
[13:17] <fuzzie> Germany, Spain, US, UK, Italy, France, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Russia.
[13:18] <CruX|> whare is that list ?
[13:18] <fuzzie> Although 1.4% of installs have their device language set to Dutch.
[13:18] <fuzzie> It's in the secret lair of Google's developer statistics.
[13:18] <CruX|> :(
[13:18] <Strangerke> fuzzie: Which means that 1.4% of the users are from South-Afrika....
[13:18] <Strangerke> O:^)
[13:18] <fuzzie> I could dump the stats overview page somewhere, I guess.
[13:19] <Strangerke> Well, those are really recent, but it's interesting
[13:19] <Strangerke> how many installs do you have currently?
[13:19] <CruX|> fuzzie: or make screenshot
[13:20] <fuzzie> hm, yes, all of this stuff is not really saveable as html
[13:21] <-- Kirben left irc:
[13:21] <Strangerke> Then the screenshot mentioned by CruX| is a good solution
[13:22] <fuzzie> http://pastebin.com/Tw57S2RS
[13:23] <fuzzie> (it only reports figures for 'active' installs, and lagged by some number of days)
[13:24] <Strangerke> 'some' days :o
[13:24] <fuzzie> well, it claims they're yesterday's figures, but then the numbers don't match the active install numbers, so..
[13:25] <fuzzie> the dev console still hasn't let me upload the last couple of plugins, so i am wary of it.
[13:25] <Strangerke> again pretending you upload too much?
[13:26] <fuzzie> yes, after having eaten some of my uploads without trace
[13:27] <Strangerke> Brrrr :(
[13:28] <fuzzie> lots of very nice reviews recently though
[13:28] <fuzzie> all of them in languages i can't read
[13:28] <fuzzie> but everyone loves you very much, scummvm team!
[13:29] <Strangerke> and loves you for managing the Android market account...
[13:29] <fuzzie> yes, we should make sure to make that an administration team issue next release
[13:35] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * r529cd5b / (5 files in 2 dirs): DREAMWEB: 'sortoutmap' ported to C++ - http://git.io/YXI-mg
[13:35] <fuzzie> ah, i found my cdtoons bug
[13:35] <fuzzie> dumb.
[13:38] <wjp> yup, we really appreciate all the work you put into the android release
[13:39] <DrMcCoy> Yeah, very much
[13:40] <DrMcCoy> fuzzie: Did you fix the gob issue yet?!?
[13:40] <DrMcCoy> :P
[13:40] <fuzzie> i should really commit that
[13:41] <DrMcCoy> :)
[13:42] <fuzzie> i have this one last artifact in an ffmpeg/libav cdtoons codec, where the zoombinis intro draws a transparent run which it doesn't want to be transparent
[13:43] <fuzzie> so obviously i am working on that which is useful to no-one rather than getting stuff done
[13:44] <fuzzie> although i do like the idea of using a sprite-based compression codec for sprite-based video
[13:45] <Mataniko> i had to look up what zoombinis are
[13:45] <Mataniko> and man i remember that boxart
[13:46] --> giucam joined #scummvm.
[13:47] <fuzzie> i have four different versions of the zoombinis intro video, 'logo025.mov', 'logo025c.mov', 'logo027.mov' and 'logo027c.mov', all from the same disc
[13:47] <fuzzie> i have yet to work out if they are different in any way
[13:48] <fuzzie> and all original binaries are hard-coded to only use one of them
[13:52] <fuzzie> although in fact if i open them in a hex editor they are weird.
[13:54] --> cyco joined #scummvm.
[14:00] <CIA-45> Willem Jan Palenstijn master * r052177d / (5 files in 3 dirs): COMMON: Remove some double-underscore defines (reserved) - http://git.io/gjUyDw
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[14:14] <LordHoto> clone2727!
[14:15] <clone2727> LordHoto!
[14:15] <fuzzie> oh look, you two
[14:18] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * r27bc4f3 / (5 files in 2 dirs): DREAWMEB: 'showcity' ported to C++ - http://git.io/a9B-9g
[14:18] <fuzzie> ok, now I sent clone2727 on a wild goose chase, perhaps LordHoto would like to fix bug #3437647
[14:19] <wjp> and for extra credit, add comments!
[14:19] --> LordHoto_ joined #scummvm.
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[14:19] <fuzzie> oh well that's a very convenient way to avoid that task :-P
[14:19] <wjp> oh, that scared him I guess
[14:19] <clone2727> He brought in backup
[14:19] <-- LordHoto left irc: Disconnected by services
[14:19] Nick change: LordHoto_ -> LordHoto
[14:20] <-- CruX| left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds
[14:20] <LordHoto> note to myself: don't upgrade network-manager when you want to use your net access meanwhile
[14:20] <fuzzie> i'm sure n-m would never be so badly designed as to be incapable of leaving a connection up when you upgrade, LordHoto.
[14:21] <LordHoto> well it shuts down its connections when the daemon is stopped
[14:21] <LordHoto> doesn't seem so unsensible to me
[14:21] <LordHoto> anyway I think that "bug" should be easy to fix
[14:22] --> CruX| joined #scummvm.
[14:23] <fuzzie> well it looks pretty trivial to fix that commit i mentioned. just i don't have LoL.
[14:23] <LordHoto> well the trivial solution would probably be to use the code of HoF which should have a similar menu
[14:29] <fuzzie> well i have no idea about it, just a bit horrified when i looked at the code :P
[14:29] <fuzzie> so i thought maybe we could transfer the horror onto you
[14:29] <LordHoto> you shouldn't look at code for real developers then!
[14:31] <wjp> is that the kind who never add comments?
[14:31] <LordHoto> indeed
[14:32] <LordHoto> I think I see why the lol code caches the savegame filenames
[14:32] <fuzzie> well, caching using the wrong slot ids and then even if that worked accessing them using the wrong indices seems to ruin the point in any case
[14:33] <LordHoto> it's probably REd from the original code
[14:33] <LordHoto> which always keept the save file slots continous
[14:33] <LordHoto> kept*
[14:33] <LordHoto> but we don't do that of course
[14:33] <fuzzie> but i assume by the commit message it's an expensive operation, since it's doing openSaveForReading
[14:34] <LordHoto> yeah but we do that in the other kyra games too in fact
[14:36] --> |Cable| joined #scummvm.
[14:36] <LordHoto> I think I finally made sense out of your comment too
[14:36] <LordHoto> after I fixed that msyself :-P
[14:38] <LordHoto> seems to work now
[14:39] <CIA-45> wjpalenstijn * r56187 /web/trunk/data/game_demos.xml: WEB: Update demo URLs
[14:40] <fuzzie> well mostly i just commented to provide the commit id
[14:41] <LordHoto> well the code isn't that big, so it's not really useful to read it in a diff view instead of the plain text view ;-)
[14:41] --> SiENcE joined #scummvm.
[14:41] <fuzzie> well, the diff shows how it got broken
[14:42] <LordHoto> yeah but it's easy to figure out why it's broken just by looking at the listing code
[14:42] <fuzzie> well if you know how it works :-p
[14:43] <wjp> which is completely non-obvious at first glance if you don't know about that weird _saveSlots indirection...
[14:43] <LordHoto> I don't doubt that
[14:44] <CIA-45> Johannes Schickel master * rf410480 / engines/kyra/gui_lol.cpp :
[14:44] <CIA-45> KYRA: Fix bug #3437647 "LOL: Unexpected missing save file".
[14:44] <CIA-45> Formerly the code was confused about what _saveSlots is doing, i.e. creating a
[14:44] <CIA-45> continous list of existing save slot ids. - http://git.io/5q2pKw
[14:44] <CIA-45> Johannes Schickel master * rbac23bd / engines/kyra/gui_lol.cpp : KYRA: Whitespace fixes. - http://git.io/ouTl3Q
[14:46] --> matan joined #scummvm.
[14:47] <wjp> LordHoto: does this make sense?
[14:47] <wjp> // The engine expects a contiguous list of savegame indices.
[14:47] <wjp> // Since ScummVM's savegame indices aren't, we re-index them.
[14:47] <wjp> // The integers stored in _saveSlots are ScummVM savegame indices.
[14:47] <LordHoto> I think so
[14:47] <wjp> or is that a list of contiguous savegame indices?
[14:47] Action: wjp looks at fuzzie
[14:48] <fuzzie> be bold!
[14:48] <wjp> as in, "just do something without thinking about grammar too much"? :-)
[14:49] <fuzzie> yes.
[14:50] <-- SiENcE left irc: Quit: @all: cya
[14:50] <wjp> oh alright
[14:50] <CIA-45> Willem Jan Palenstijn master * r59ed0ee / engines/kyra/gui.h : KYRA: Add comment hopefully explaining _saveSlots - http://git.io/IpL_Pw
[14:50] <-- ScummBot left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[14:51] <wjp> we overloaded buildbot?
[14:51] <fuzzie> also are we going to lose demos.scummvm.org? if so, a link to the demos directory might be nice
[14:51] --> cyco_ joined #scummvm.
[14:51] <LordHoto> wjp: the original needed a contiguous list of savegames yes
[14:52] <-- cyco left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[14:52] <LordHoto> wjp: i.e. it always assured that for all j for slot j is present follows all n with n < j are present too
[14:52] Nick change: cyco_ -> cyco
[14:54] <CIA-45> Johannes Schickel master * r4f7768e / (4 files): KYRA: Cleanup _saveSlots array sorting. - http://git.io/OEm0mw
[14:55] --> ScummBot joined #scummvm.
[14:56] <LordHoto> anyone wanting to cherry pick f410480?
[14:56] <wjp> does 1.4.1 seem likely?
[14:57] <LordHoto> I thought so!
[14:57] <LordHoto> fuzzie could fix the gob input issues on android for 1.4.1 for example!
[14:58] <fuzzie> i think a 1.4.1 is fairly likely
[14:58] <wjp> ok, will cherry-pick
[15:00] <CIA-45> Johannes Schickel branch-1-4 * r7bae4b9 / engines/kyra/gui_lol.cpp :
[15:00] <CIA-45> KYRA: Fix bug #3437647 "LOL: Unexpected missing save file".
[15:00] <CIA-45> Formerly the code was confused about what _saveSlots is doing, i.e. creating a
[15:00] <CIA-45> continous list of existing save slot ids.
[15:00] <CIA-45> (cherry picked from commit f410480cfd848636cce21d3f89c8a8b0ef068680) - http://git.io/Wfz0OQ
[15:00] <LordHoto> thanks
[15:02] <wjp> np
[15:02] <LordHoto> in theory I could use that caching for all kyra save dialogs
[15:03] <-- Robin_Watts left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[15:04] --> Robin_Watts joined #scummvm.
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[15:10] --> Javacat joined #scummvm.
[15:33] Action: LordHoto hates XMIDI
[15:33] --> SiENcE joined #scummvm.
[15:39] <James|GlideM> LordHoto, :)
[15:39] <LordHoto> and even more the various parsers people implemented...
[15:39] <fuzzie> :)
[15:40] <fuzzie> would you like some new parsers?
[15:40] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * rba29ff4 / (engines/dreamweb/sprite.cpp engines/dreamweb/stubs.h): DREAMWEB: Removal of the old 'showreelframe' - http://git.io/JWxfsg
[15:40] <fuzzie> i have some code to expand the parallaction one to do playback, too, if you'd like that applied now
[15:41] <LordHoto> I am rather looking into the original ITE OPL drivers
[15:41] <fuzzie> oh well that doesn't sound very hateful.
[15:42] <LordHoto> oh... you don't know!
[15:43] <fuzzie> exactly.
[15:46] <-- clone2727 left irc: Quit: woz
[15:46] <LordHoto> it's Miles drivers after all
[15:46] <LordHoto> then again indeed this looks one of the better drivers I've seen so far binary wise :-P
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[15:49] <-- cyco left irc: Quit: cyco
[15:59] --> droid2727 joined #scummvm.
[16:00] #scummvm: mode change '+o droid2727' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[16:09] --> cyco joined #scummvm.
[16:25] <James|GlideM> BASS Soundtrack enhancement 'nearly' completed :)
[16:25] <James|GlideM> Shhhhhhh
[16:26] <James|GlideM> :)
[16:26] <James|GlideM> Does anyone know if BASS has any support for external music yet?
[16:26] <droid2727> why would it? ;)
[16:26] <James|GlideM> In preperation for my music enhancement of course :)
[16:26] <fuzzie> it'll be a bit tricky to do i guess.
[16:27] <James|GlideM> fuzzie, now don't be the bearer of bad news :)
[16:27] <fuzzie> i mean in the sense that it'll be more than a couple of lines :P
[16:27] <James|GlideM> he he ok
[16:28] <James|GlideM> Anyone willing to give it a go?
[16:28] <James|GlideM> As I should have the ogg music finished within next few days
[16:28] <fuzzie> it's already split into GM/MT32/adlib classes and nothing calls anything more complex on it than just startMusic and musicIsPlaying, it seems
[16:29] <fuzzie> so should be easy as long as it can easily pick a music file by section and track, i guess?
[16:30] <fuzzie> i have no time to play with it right now but just keep prodding people.
[16:30] <James|GlideM> Would it therefore help if I can create a list of the sections and relavant tracks to the filenames of the external music/~
[16:31] <-- Strangerke left irc: Quit: Bbl
[16:32] <-- yell0 left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[16:32] <fuzzie> naming them like sky_<section>_<track>.ogg doesn't work? duplicates?
[16:32] --> yell0 joined #scummvm.
[16:32] <-- pugvader_ left irc: Quit: leaving
[16:33] <James|GlideM> No idea, you tell me :)
[16:35] <-- cyco left irc: Quit: cyco
[16:36] <wjp> I think at this point you're probably the expert on which music sky has :-)
[16:36] --> _athrxx joined #scummvm.
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[16:45] <James|GlideM> :)
[16:55] <-- LordHoto left irc: Quit: bbl
[17:07] --> ajax16384 joined #scummvm.
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[17:09] <-- SiENcE left irc: Quit: @all: cya
[17:10] <-- Sho_ left irc: Quit: Stop leaking memory like it's going out of fashion.
[17:11] --> _marc` joined #scummvm.
[17:23] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * rb3248de / (engines/dreamweb/module.mk engines/dreamweb/talk.cpp): DREAMWEB: talk.cpp to mirror talk.asm - http://git.io/XxRRvQ
[17:23] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * ra2a873b / (3 files): Internal: 'findsource' is pure C++ - http://git.io/Wdd3EQ
[17:24] --> ChickeNES-laptop joined #scummvm.
[17:24] <CIA-45> Strangerke master * rd2027b0 / (3 files):
[17:24] <CIA-45> CGE: Rename a structure member using double-underscore (reserved)
[17:24] <CIA-45> Also removed a useless comment - http://git.io/h4I-rw
[17:24] --> Strangerke joined #scummvm.
[17:25] #scummvm: mode change '+o Strangerke' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[17:30] Action: Strangerke kicks CIA-45
[17:30] <CIA-45> ow
[17:30] <Strangerke> Hum
[17:31] <CIA-45> Strangerke master * r1f405af / engines/cge/text.cpp : CGE: Add check in order to avoid the display of empty text-boxes - http://git.io/oY-ZzQ
[17:31] <-- ChickeNES-laptop left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[17:32] --> ChickeNES-laptop joined #scummvm.
[17:34] --> ChickeNE_ joined #scummvm.
[17:34] <CIA-45> Strangerke master * r1e607dc / (engines/tsage/sound.cpp engines/tsage/sound.h): TSAGE: Rename a variable using double-underscore (reserved) - http://git.io/WnIzgw
[17:34] <Strangerke> CIA-45 seems to miss some commits
[17:35] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * r8f263ab / (5 files in 2 dirs): DREAMWEB: 'showpersframe' and 'convicons' ported to C++ - http://git.io/WR4eeQ
[17:36] <-- ChickeNES-laptop left irc: Ping timeout: 256 seconds
[17:37] --> LunaVorax joined #scummvm.
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[17:45] <-- _sev|w left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[17:48] <fuzzie> + return (Frame *)segRef(data.word(kReel1)).ptr(0, 0);
[17:49] <fuzzie> ^- i'm not quite a function consisting mostly of this stuff is 'pure C++' in any sense of the term :P
[17:49] <fuzzie> but i guess in that context it means 'not wrapped with push/pop'?
[17:50] <fuzzie> Strangerke: where's my RTL fix?! :(
[17:50] <Strangerke> in the pipe, right behind my fonts
[17:51] <fuzzie> but here we have renaming and checks pushing their way to the front of your pipe
[17:51] <fuzzie> isn't that fairly uncomfortable?
[17:51] <James|GlideM> OK BASS music is completed... :)
[17:52] <James|GlideM> Who is willing to get the external music working within the game for ScummVM? :)
[17:52] <James|GlideM> Raise yours hands :)
[17:52] <fuzzie> do we get bribed with a pre-release copy? :P
[17:52] <James|GlideM> Yes
[17:52] Action: Strangerke waves his hands
[17:52] <wjp> but but but, we were supposed to have several days!
[17:52] <James|GlideM> Music wont be released to public until its working within ScummVM
[17:52] <wjp> (more seriously: congrats :-) )
[17:53] <James|GlideM> Strangerke, Seriously want the task? :)
[17:53] <fuzzie> it looked fairly trivial to do.
[17:54] <Strangerke> I'm seriously interested by your new music... but I won't be able to add them in a decent delay, sorry
[17:54] <fuzzie> but you will note that everyone in the channel is looking at their TODO lists and backing away
[17:54] <Strangerke> Else DrMcCoy will torture me with the mdyplayer
[17:54] <James|GlideM> :)
[17:55] <James|GlideM> Well maybe someone could you that email system you have as devs and ask around for me if you would :)
[17:55] --> SylvainTV joined #scummvm.
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[17:55] <James|GlideM> wjp, Thanks for congrats :)
[17:55] <fuzzie> which existing engines support external music like this?
[17:56] <Strangerke> James|GlideM: A good idea would be to prepare a download link, and tell on -devel where they are, and that it requires some dev love
[17:56] <-- cyco left irc: Ping timeout: 252 seconds
[17:56] <James|GlideM> fuzzie, StS, ITE and Discworld
[17:57] <James|GlideM> Strangerke, Sorry have no idea how to do that
[17:57] <fuzzie> ah
[17:57] <fuzzie> they're just using the audio CD thing
[17:57] <DrMcCoy> Strangerke: Right, MDYPlayer! Fix it! :P
[17:57] <fuzzie> well, i could just make it do that, i guess
[17:57] <Strangerke> Ha damn, I awoke him :/
[17:57] <James|GlideM> he he
[17:59] <-- LunaVorax left irc: Quit: Quitte
[17:59] <James|GlideM> The tracks are already marked for section and track
[18:00] <-- _sev|w left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
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[18:01] <fuzzie> well, i guess the audio cd code is going to expect them numbered in a single order
[18:01] <James|GlideM> track01, track02 etc?
[18:02] <fuzzie> i guess it doesn't matter, pick one
[18:02] <James|GlideM> Erm
[18:02] --> WooShell joined #scummvm.
[18:02] <James|GlideM> Pressure lol
[18:02] <James|GlideM> Ill stick with mine then I guess
[18:03] <fuzzie> ITE is just opening a stream (so section+track is easier), tinsel is using CD system (so track01 is presumably mandatory)
[18:03] <fuzzie> well, if you get a copy of the music to me then i guess i'll try it :P
[18:03] <James|GlideM> So music101.ogg = musicSECTIONTRACK.ogg
[18:03] <James|GlideM> fuzzie, Do you have Skype?
[18:03] <James|GlideM> or MSN
[18:04] <-- ny00123 left irc: Quit: Leaving
[18:05] <fuzzie> hm, i only really have a web browser and a mail client here. not very helpful. usually clone2727 sends stuff via sendbigfile.net which seems reliable.
[18:05] <James|GlideM> Check your PM fuzzie :)
[18:05] <James|GlideM> Or whatever they call it on IRC
[18:05] <fuzzie> in fact i should probably plug in some kind of speakers/headphones for this, heh.. :)
[18:05] <James|GlideM> It would probably help lol
[18:08] --> mamalujo joined #scummvm.
[18:11] --> cyco joined #scummvm.
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[18:11] <James|GlideM> fuzzie, if you need to contact me and I am not online - contact@jameswoodcock.co.uk
[18:12] <-- _sev|w left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds
[18:12] <WooShell> nabbend
[18:12] mamalujo (5d8f2296@gateway/web/freenode/ip. left #scummvm.
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[18:24] <-- giucam left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[18:25] <fuzzie> ah, much better music. :P
[18:26] --> Vampire0_ joined #scummvm.
[18:26] <James|GlideM> :P
[18:26] <James|GlideM> Well... that WAS the idea
[18:26] <wjp> random question: for the other games' music enhancements, how do you set those up in scummvm?
[18:27] <James|GlideM> From a coding or installation perspective?
[18:27] <fuzzie> wjp: well, i have just copied the SAGA code here, which just prefers those tracks if it finds them
[18:27] <wjp> specifically, which config options control it?
[18:27] <wjp> ah
[18:27] <-- _sev|w left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
[18:27] <wjp> James|GlideM: from a user perspective
[18:27] <James|GlideM> Varies, StS you copy the tracks to the same folder on your hard drive StS resides
[18:27] <James|GlideM> Instructions are on my site
[18:28] <James|GlideM> http://www.jameswoodcock.co.uk/content/scummvm-music-enhancement-project/
[18:28] <fuzzie> tinsel does the same for anything with GF_ENHANCED_AUDIO_SUPPORT enabled, tries playing audio CD then checks g_system->getAudioCDManager()->isPlaying() to see whether it should play midi or not
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[18:29] <-- Vampire0 left irc: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[18:29] <fuzzie> http://fuzzie.org/sky_digital_music.txt is what I just hacked up for BASS along similar lines.
[18:29] <fuzzie> got to go deal with apple pie dough now, bbiaf.
[18:29] <James|GlideM> ok :)
[18:29] <wjp> mmm
[18:31] <-- _sev|w left irc: Client Quit
[18:35] <fuzzie> this is just least-invasive manner of doing it.
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[18:41] <fuzzie> not sure what to do about looping though. maybe just hard-code which music loops.
[18:45] <-- James|GlideM left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[18:47] <-- cyco left irc: Ping timeout: 258 seconds
[18:55] <fuzzie> in fact
[18:55] <fuzzie> revolution of course already did this work for me.
[18:55] <-- Robin_Watts left irc: Ping timeout: 260 seconds
[19:01] <fuzzie> so patch updated with revolution's duplicates/looping checks.
[19:03] <-- johndoe123 left irc:
[19:03] <fuzzie> no subtitles in our sky code?
[19:08] <fuzzie> ah only the floppy one is using music here..
[19:08] <CIA-45> Bertrand Augereau master * r66c740c / (5 files in 2 dirs): DREAMWEB: 'showicon' ported to C++ - http://git.io/xngZ-A
[19:09] --> Robin_Watts joined #scummvm.
[19:09] #scummvm: mode change '+o Robin_Watts' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[19:15] <fuzzie> ah, but section 0 isn't converted anyway. well that simplifies things.
[19:15] <fuzzie> wjp: was the 'mmm' a thought?
[19:15] --> LordHoto joined #scummvm.
[19:15] #scummvm: mode change '+o LordHoto' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[19:23] <fuzzie> maybe LordHoto would like to provide the mockery instead
[19:28] Action: LordHoto mocks fuzzie
[19:28] <fuzzie> http://fuzzie.org/sky_digital_music.txt (to play .ogg tracks from James|GlideM instead of mifi)
[19:28] <fuzzie> midi
[19:28] <wjp> fuzzie: no, more of a "mmm, apple pie"
[19:29] Action: LordHoto mocks fuzzie
[19:30] <fuzzie> those are Official Revolution Software Ltd. if statements, although I removed a duplicate.
[19:31] <DrMcCoy> apple pie?
[19:32] <fuzzie> yes.
[19:32] <fuzzie> it is still in the oven.
[19:33] <DrMcCoy> :O
[19:34] Action: DrMcCoy steals fuzzie's oven
[19:34] <fuzzie> well, you're all very helpful.
[19:34] <DrMcCoy> always
[19:38] <LordHoto> fuzzie: why don't you remove the _mixer assignment in AdLibMusic?
[19:38] <fuzzie> because i'm old and confused, LordHoto.
[19:39] <fuzzie> (thanks)
[19:40] <fuzzie> sprintf(musicFile, "music_%03d", (section * 100) + song);
[19:41] <LordHoto> I also dislike that it now always prefers digital music over the other music types
[19:41] <fuzzie> ^- i suppose this code supports the iphone version by complete coincidence
[19:41] <fuzzie> LordHoto: well, yes, i am copying the implementation from the other engines there, as discussed
[19:41] <LordHoto> but then again we can't really handle that better with the current audio output type code
[19:41] <fuzzie> if you copy the replacement tracks into place then you maybe deserve what you get though.
[19:42] <LordHoto> maybe
[19:42] --> LunaVorax joined #scummvm.
[19:42] <LordHoto> but it would be worth a comment for the future, so we can "fix" that again
[19:45] <LordHoto> I don't know whether BASS does any custom MT-32 initialization, but that usually takes some time, thus it might be pretty annoying if you have the digital tracks in place and your default device as MT-32
[19:46] <LordHoto> otherwise I don't see much, except for the bad habit in all of ScummVM to make all kinds of members protected by default
[19:47] --> cyco joined #scummvm.
[19:48] <fuzzie> well at least they're not public :-p
[19:48] <LordHoto> that wouldn't be bad habit, but a bad idea!
[19:48] <fuzzie> anyway it's the team's problem now.
[19:49] <CIA-45> Alyssa Milburn master * r7a12796 / (9 files in 2 dirs):
[19:49] <CIA-45> SKY: Support external digital music tracks.
[19:49] <CIA-45> This allows replacement of the supplied MIDI music with tracks from
[19:49] <CIA-45> the Music Enhancement Project. - http://git.io/HW2OAg
[19:50] <fuzzie> LordHoto: btw re your muting-speech-if-subtitles-only commit: did you consider if there are cases where engines have no subtitles for cutscenes/etc and as such might play speech there due to lack of other option?
[19:50] <fuzzie> i couldn't think of any engines like that (since such cutscenes seem universally video). just wondering.
[19:52] <LordHoto> if the engine detects any case like this it can unmute the speech itself
[19:57] --> James|GlideM joined #scummvm.
[19:57] #scummvm: mode change '+v James|GlideM' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[19:58] <LordHoto> last but not least any engine can overwrite the default syncSoundSettings implementation
[19:58] <LordHoto> so if it causes any problem for such an engine, they can think of a better way to handle their specific problems
[20:02] --> salty-horse joined #scummvm.
[20:02] #scummvm: mode change '+o salty-horse' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.
[20:04] <-- Javacat left irc: Quit: Please, try the fish
[20:06] <-- |Cable| left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[20:14] <James|GlideM> :)
[20:14] <James|GlideM> Did I ever mention I love you guys! :)
[20:16] --> giucam joined #scummvm.
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[20:27] <CIA-45> Eugene Sandulenko master * rf51116b / (engines/cruise/cruise_main.cpp engines/cruise/volume.cpp): CRUISE: Remove unused variables - http://git.io/-gPElA
[20:27] <CIA-45> Eugene Sandulenko master * r981ca90 / (3 files): MADS: remove/comment unused variables - http://git.io/QM1abw
[20:27] <CIA-45> Eugene Sandulenko master * r290515d / engines/queen/talk.cpp : QUEEN: Comment unused variable - http://git.io/KZQsMQ
[20:27] <CIA-45> Eugene Sandulenko master * r0ecdf85 / graphics/pict.cpp : GRAPHICS: Comment unused variables - http://git.io/3x1JpQ
[20:27] <fuzzie> James|GlideM: btw the music_xyy naming scheme turns out to be the same as the iPhone version uses, which is convenient
[20:27] <James|GlideM> That's handy ;)
[20:28] <fuzzie> and i guess you knew which tracks are duplicates because they match the ones missing from your zip :)
[20:31] <James|GlideM> :)
[20:32] <-- ajax16384 left irc: Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/
[20:35] <-- |Cable| left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[20:37] --> |Cable| joined #scummvm.
[20:44] <CIA-45> Willem Jan Palenstijn master * rb53a299 / (4 files):
[20:44] <CIA-45> DREAMWEB: Unhardcode checkcoords tables
[20:44] <CIA-45> This patch makes __dispatch_call (even more) superfluous,
[20:44] <CIA-45> but does not yet remove it. (+6 more commits...) - http://git.io/9B5TLw
[20:44] Action: wjp waves bye-bye to indirect calls in dreamweb
[20:44] <fuzzie> have some pie, wjp.
[20:44] <wjp> yum
[20:45] Action: wjp heads over to the kitchen to replace the virtual pie with a real stroopwafel
[20:45] <fuzzie> well you are welcome for real pie but I guess it will be eaten before you'd get here :-P
[20:46] <wjp> that sounds somewhat likely :-)
[20:46] <wjp> 4 days is a lot for pie
[20:49] <wjp> oh, I see you already pushed the sky music patch while I was distracted; nice :-)
[20:51] <fuzzie> i'm not sure it's a great patch but it works and i'm hoping people will pick holes in it if needed
[20:51] Nick change: literal -> chiteral
[20:52] <wjp> last week I discovered my local supermarket has very-well-hidden Dutch shelf. With hagelslag! And stroopwafels! And krakelingen! And drop!
[20:52] <wjp> it ended up being a not-so-healthy week :-)
[20:53] <Strangerke> :)
[20:53] <fuzzie> chocolade kruidnoten? :p
[20:53] <wjp> those are on the regular shelves in huge quantities I think
[20:53] <fuzzie> ah, good.
[20:54] Nick change: chiteral -> literal
[20:56] <wjp> James|GlideM: could I ask for a music preview too? :-)
[20:57] <LordHoto> hagelslag sounds dangerous
[20:58] <-- |Cable| left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[20:58] <DrMcCoy> wjp: Gesundheit
[20:58] <Strangerke> yeah, haagendazs is safer
[20:59] <wjp> of those four things I would have expected people to jump on drop, really
[20:59] <fuzzie> i'm sure we can agree to drop the drop. it's icky anyway.
[20:59] <fuzzie> although the drop-fruit-duo things are acceptable.
[20:59] <DrMcCoy> wjp: You should probably remove the potato from your mouth before speaking :P
[20:59] <-- __maximus__ left irc: Quit: Leaving.
[21:00] <wjp> sorry, that was the last bite of stroopwafel, not a potato :-)
[21:00] <-- D0SFreak left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[21:00] <DrMcCoy> wjp: "drop" is perfectly normal. "stroopwafels", "hagelslag" and "krakelingen" sound like serious diseases, though :P
[21:01] <fuzzie> i never actually knew those things were called krakelingen.
[21:01] <DrMcCoy> wjp: Are they called "krakelingen" because they look like a 3-years old painted them with crayons?
[21:01] <-- LordHoto left irc: Quit: night
[21:03] <DrMcCoy> At least I assume "krakelingen" and the German "krakelig" (scrawly) have a common parent
[21:08] <wjp> hm, our dreamweb palette is far too bright
[21:08] <wjp> and we have a weird red dot in the opening screen?
[21:08] --> |Cable| joined #scummvm.
[21:09] <-- James|GlideM left irc: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[21:09] <fuzzie> oh ugh i forgot about this annoying window resizing :P
[21:10] <wjp> yeah, the movies...
[21:11] <fuzzie> on the tablet they're just all scaled, of course :)
[21:11] <fuzzie> oddly it isn't defaulting to 2x graphics either, i thought it did.
[21:11] <fuzzie> where's the red dot?
[21:11] <wjp> do you have a savegame?
[21:12] <fuzzie> oh, right, i don't have any on this machine.
[21:13] --> D0SFreak joined #scummvm.
[21:14] <fuzzie> i still don't think i see a red dot though :)
[21:16] <wjp> hmm
[21:17] <-- |Cable| left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[21:17] <wjp> I never noticed it before
[21:18] <wjp> and I didn't break it recently it seems
[21:18] <fuzzie> well, i am using master
[21:18] <wjp> wonder what happened. Maybe I broke some datafiles or something...
[21:18] <fuzzie> and now you have me staring at my screen
[21:18] <fuzzie> it's not a dead pixel on yours? :P
[21:18] <wjp> no, it's a 5x5 blob
[21:18] <wjp> bright red
[21:18] <fuzzie> huh.
[21:18] <wjp> very noticable :-)
[21:18] <fuzzie> on the exit/new/load screen?
[21:18] <wjp> yes
[21:19] <fuzzie> that's interesting. european english CD?
[21:20] <wjp> hm
[21:20] <wjp> floppy, actually
[21:21] <wjp> it's not in the CD version
[21:21] <wjp> I should have checked that earlier :-)
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[21:24] <fuzzie> well, have fun.
[21:24] --> D0SFreak joined #scummvm.
[21:26] <-- DOSFreak left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
[21:28] <fuzzie> what's with the Gabriel Knight games suddenly being the top 3 on the gog bestsellers list? did I miss a promo?
[21:28] <-- bgKa left irc: Ping timeout: 240 seconds
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[21:30] <DrMcCoy> fuzzie: They were part of the Halloween pack
[21:30] <fuzzie> ah right.
[21:30] <DrMcCoy> http://www.gog.com/en/news/halloween_weekend_50_off_spooky_games
[21:32] <fuzzie> i forgot about that in the deluge of other cheap stuff at halloween.
[21:33] <-- ny00123 left irc: Ping timeout: 244 seconds
[21:33] <fuzzie> silly of me.
[21:34] <DrMcCoy> :P
[21:39] <-- sacredchao left irc:
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[21:54] <CIA-45> Alyssa Milburn master * re21764b / engines/tinsel/music.cpp : TINSEL: Don't leak _curChunk on exit. - http://git.io/0yeLCw
[21:55] <fuzzie> that commit brought to you by an old forgotten stash dating back to June.
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[22:00] <fuzzie> droid2727: where's the LBv3 support?
[22:01] <droid2727> fuzzie: waiting for you! :p
[22:02] <fuzzie> well i don't have anything in my tree, unlike a certain droid.
[22:02] <fuzzie> am i stuck committing it by osmosis? :P
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[22:20] <droid2727> fuzzie: committing by osmosis sounds cool :P
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[22:39] <Strangerke> Hum... Soltys freeware version are ready :)
[22:41] <droid2727> Strangerke: \o/
[22:41] <-- ny00123_ left irc: Quit: Leaving
[22:42] <droid2727> Strangerke: should have handled this before bf so the race would have been fairer :P
[22:42] <Strangerke> Well, not really
[22:42] <Strangerke> I modified the font file to add accentuated characters for a French, Spanish, Italian and German translation
[22:43] <Strangerke> It's not more or less playable than a month ago :P
[22:45] <CIA-45> Strangerke master * rf028edb / engines/cge/detection.cpp : CGE: Add detection for our Freeware versions of Soltys - http://git.io/npDfQA
[22:46] <Strangerke> (and you would have lost the race anyway)
[22:47] <wjp> oh, that reminds me that that GUIO_NONE needs to be cleaned up
[22:48] <Strangerke> I wonder which accentuated characters are used in portuguese
[22:49] <Strangerke> wjp: Ha indeed, there's something missing... weird
[22:49] <[md5]> fuzzie: well done adding support for the enhanced audio tracks in Sky :) Could you please update the NEWS file for this change, too?
[22:51] <wjp> Strangerke: do you already have vowels with tildes?
[22:52] <wjp> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_alphabet
[22:52] <fuzzie> [md5]: i think best not until the enhanced audio tracks are actually available
[22:53] <Strangerke> No, I don't have those, and it's problematic
[22:53] <Strangerke> the tilde is really hard to add... I did my best with n+tilde... but it sucks
[22:54] <wjp> aesthetically?
[22:54] <Strangerke> yes
[22:56] <criezy> It looks like a 70' rock-styled h
[22:56] <Strangerke> Well, in the context, it's readable
[22:57] <droid2727> Strangerke: I know. I'm just trying to come up with excuses :P
[22:57] <criezy> The intro in french is nice!
[22:57] <Strangerke> droid2727: ok, it's fair ;)
[22:57] <Strangerke> criezy: Oh, you already tested it? Nice
[22:58] <criezy> I looking at it right now.
[22:58] <criezy> * I am
[22:58] <-- |Cable| left irc: Remote host closed the connection
[22:59] <Strangerke> Hum, I guess the French version will come before the Spanish one :)
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[23:46] <Strangerke> if someone is interested: https://sourceforge.net/projects/scummvm/files/extras/
[23:48] <Strangerke> I'll add the links later
[23:55] sirlemonhead (bduncan22@86-40-17-22-dynamic.b-ras2.prp.dublin.eircom.net) left #scummvm.
[00:00] --- Tue Nov 15 2011